How To Help Street Children s Education

How To Help Street Children s Education

How would you help the street children

Daftar Isi

1. How would you help the street children

ill be help the poor children i will be gave them a some money and a bread,and i will be good person responsible to other people

2. A group of street children are being pushed around and hit in the head by a group of bigger street boys. How can you help the street children?


To protect them and say to the bigger street boy to not hurt children cause they might be go to jail because they hurt children so they can go to jail and accuse child abuse..


Hope it helps

3. As a young adult how could you be an effective member in our community by promoting education to the street children?​


by helping them and giving them

4. as a social worker how can you help the street children to be discipline?​


get the learn to be a discipline like an angel and to be good boys and girls

5. What can you do to help street children?​


Talk to them in a positive tone, and inquire about their well-being. ...If the child looks distressed then report to local Child Welfare Committee or police. ...Volunteer at a Centre for street children. ...Donate to charity and do fundraising for NGOs. ...Campaign for NGOs.

6. "As a learner, how can you or what can you contribute to help the government to solve these issues about street children?"​


10 Ways You Can Help Street Children Without Giving Money

Volunteer. There is no avoiding a child's eyes looking up at you, an amputee holding out an empty McDonald's cup. ...Give A Moment. ...Eat Together. ...Share Your World. ...Play With Pictures. ...Feel the Music. ...Create a Picture. ...Teach Each Other.

7. 2. How schools can help children with disabilities in their educational needs​


A child has special educational needs if they have a learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to learn than most children their age. They may have problems with schoolwork, communication or behaviour. Parents can get help and advice from specialists, teachers and voluntary organisations.


Tanongin mo yung school wag kami


Allow all students to work on the same assignments.

Rather than setting different projects, assign the same ones but allow the students with disabilities to work towards the goals in different ways. Use accommodations to help them feel like they are part of the class, rather than separate

Yan gurl

sana makatulong



help the students to bring foods to the street childrens

own answer


Sana makatulong

f0llow me if you have time thanks

don't copy in the internet

9. ACTIVITY 11. Who has plenty of toys and things at home?2. What did she see in the street?3. What do you think did she feel when she gave those things to them?How about the street children will they be happy?4. Why did she help the street children?5. If you are Maria, will you do the same? Why?6. How did Maria share her toys and things to the street children?pa help​


1.Maria of street childrens.

3.She felt confused

4.She felt pity on them

5.Yes,because they are kids,they deserve some toys too. We need to share our toys/things from them.

6..She was going home from school when she noticed the street childrens and gave some of her toys/things.


Yan lang po,hehe.


1. Maria

2. A Group of Street Children

3. Maria decided to give some toys and things to the children

4. She felt pity on them

5. Yes, I will do the same, Because i felt pity on them and they are kids, they deserve some toys too

6. She was going home from school when she noticed the street childrens and gave some of her toys/things.

10. For her birthday, Anna gave 42 street children a meal. The number of street children she treated was 20% of the total street children in her barangay. How many street children were in her barangay?

Answer:So to answer this wiestion you need to write this qiestion first:

1.what is ask?

2.what is the given number

3.what is the operation used?

4.What is the answer?

Step-by-step explanation:Pa brainliest po

11. mr.Suguitan donated Php8 754.75 to the street children. this donation was equally divided among 15 street children hOW MANY DID EACH CHILD RECEIVE


[tex]8 \: 754.75 \div 15 = 583.65[/tex]

583.65 Child receive

#Keep on learning


12. Street children How can the social issue of street children be solved in our country? ​

•Children who live on the streets should be placed in foster care until they can be adopted. If a country doesn't have a foster system they should set one up.

•Financial support should be given to struggling families so that they can afford to care for their children.

•A child welfare system should be set up if it doesn't exist and improved if it does in order to better protect children. Teachers should be trained to recognize and report signs of abuse and neglect.

•If possible recourses should be invested in mental health care and substance abuse treatment.

•Public campaigns should be conducted to encourage parents to not throw their children out of the home for cultural reasons.

13. As a young adult how could you be an effective member in our community by promoting education to the street children?​


By getting involved with community activities, teenagers can come into contact with like-minded peers and positive adult role models other than their parents. Interacting and cooperating with other adults and peers in community organisations encourages teenagers to see the world in different ways. It also helps them see how to put values or beliefs into action for the good of others.

14. How has education helped children interact with other members of society?


well education help children to learn


678.Education leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace. One of the most important effects education has on society is giving the people who live in a society the skills they need to compete in the global marketplace, and the skills they need to produce technological goods that can be sold on the open market.


That's all i know

Hope it helps

15. Who was the first Filipino to educate street children through a cart classroom?​



Filipino Efren Peñaflorida is not your average teacher. He doesn't not teach inside schools, but rather he brings schools to children all over the nation. It's no surprise that Efren Peñaflorida became a sensation when his "pushcart classrooms" became viral, which earned him the Hero Of The Year award from CNN in 2009.





Efren Penaflorida !


hope this helpss

16. How can children cross the street safely?


Children can cross the street safely in stopping at the curb or edge of the road before crossing, and to never run into the street,look and listen for traffic to the left, then to the right and then to the left againc,ross at the street corner and walk in crosswalks,obey the traffic signals and signs.

17. how are you going to help these street children to have their dignity back as a human being?


1.Talk to them in a positive tone, and inquire about their well-being.

2.If the child looks distressed then report to local Child Welfare Committee or police.

3.Volunteer at a Centre for street children.

4.Donate to charity and do fundraising for NGOs.

5.Campaign for NGOs

Explanation: Well I Hope it helps

Answer:1. VolunteerThere is no avoiding a child’s eyes looking up at you, an amputee holding out an empty McDonald’s cup.Even if you’re not part of the Peace Corps or United Planet Quest, does not mean that you can’t reach out.Aside from volunteer vacation programs such as Global Volunteers, you can do your part, even for just a day, with a legitimate agency. There are several directories of international outreach opportunities online, such as, and Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree forum on volunteerism.If you are interested in a more direct method, then head over to the local church, mosque, temple and ask if they need any help or know any local programs or schools where you can take part.You can also peruse the internet and search for community organizations such as Hands on Manila in the Philippines

Explanation: hope it helps! :D

18. Pa help poHow do you feel about street children? explain ​


Every time I see street children, my heart breaks and feel bad for their parents who gave birth to them but did not take care of them. Also, when they gave birth, they should know the responsibility they will play as a parent.

19. Your organization wants to help the street children in your comment​


I will tell them to help them by providing enough food to fill their tummy.



20. The street children how can I give opinion to respect this children​


We should respect this children because they are also humans, all of us deserved to be respected.


Tell him that he will not play in street because its danger for children


opinyon ko lang

21. how do you respect to the street children​


help them, give food, drinks, shelter if possible



22. activities that will help street children ​


feeding programoperation teaching programdeveloping their skills


Yan Po

pa brainliest Po

thank you

23. How do parents help teachers educate their children?


Parents educate their children in there house first so that they will behave well in school and teachers will no longer be tired in behaving them.


hope it helpss

correct me if I'm wrong


for me, I think the parents will give permission to the teachers to educate them properly, if ever they do bad things. since they said that teacher's are our second mother when we're at school.

24. how did education help children interact with other members of society?​




Education help children interact with other members of society through the learnings they've learned in it. As an educated children, they can talk to them fluently, they'll understand each other, they can share their learnings and also possible that they can make friends with them. They'll have an outstanding interaction and can socialize with other members of society really well.

25. how will you show your respect in street children


Simply just don't judge them, dont make fun of them or bully them.

Give them a simple smile to show kindness.

26. anong catchy na title po about sa pagtulong or education ng street children​

Education: A life changing aspect for street children

The importance of education in different ethnicity and status

27. How helping people in need for Street children essay​


Mag answer ka sa module mo

28. On their family budget, Manalo family allotted 45% for the education of their children. If the family has a monthly income of P13, 540.00. how much is allotted for the education of their children please help me ​

The Answer is:

1.) 6,093

The 45% of P 13,540 is

P 6,093

29. as a future adult of the community how can you help the street children​

iam gonna do a charity or fun rasing for those kids who live in streets and lack of education and food.. iam gonna provide each one of them a shelter,food and even education.

30. how can we defend the street children and beggars​


stand up for them by giving them food and water and commerate not to bully homeless men

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