Illustrations Of Activities Performed

Illustrations Of Activities Performed

Answer the following questions HONESTLY: 1. Did you perform the given illustrations? 2. Which illustration(s) were you able to perform? Why? 3. Which illustration(s) were you not able to perform? Why? 4. What did you feel upon performing the different illustrations? 5. If there were illustrations that you were not able to perform, what should you do to accomplish such activity? If you performed the illustrations with high performance, then it means you are truly motivated enough. If there are illustrations that you were not able to perform well then maybe you need to develop those activities. Those illustrations are just some of the activities present in HEALTH-RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS. Let us move forward and know more about Physical Assessment and Health- Related Physical Fitness.​

Daftar Isi

1. Answer the following questions HONESTLY: 1. Did you perform the given illustrations? 2. Which illustration(s) were you able to perform? Why? 3. Which illustration(s) were you not able to perform? Why? 4. What did you feel upon performing the different illustrations? 5. If there were illustrations that you were not able to perform, what should you do to accomplish such activity? If you performed the illustrations with high performance, then it means you are truly motivated enough. If there are illustrations that you were not able to perform well then maybe you need to develop those activities. Those illustrations are just some of the activities present in HEALTH-RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS. Let us move forward and know more about Physical Assessment and Health- Related Physical Fitness.​


You may be busy, but you still need physical activity to stay healthy.

Whatever your routine, your lifestyle or your health, there are physical activities that you can do.

You may choose planned exercise or whenever you can fit it in your day, or a mix of both.

Check out the solutions to common excuses for not being active.


2. activity(PERFORMANCE TASK 1) Illustrate the statement below and answer the following questions.​

Nasan po Yung answer

Step-by-step explanation:

wala po Yung question

3. Activity 3 PERFORMANCE TASK Illustrate and describe an image or a situation with challenging behavior.​


kindly complete and give n image if u want answer

4. What's MoreActivity 1.1 Working on FunctionsDirections: Perform the following tasks below.1. After transforming the ordered pairs in A into mapping diagram,A = {(3, 6),(4,7),(3,8),(4, 1)}, which is true about it?a. Set A illustrates a function.b. Set A does not illustrate a function.c. Set A illustrate a one-to-one correspondenced. Set A illustrates a many-to-one correspondence​


c. Set A illustrate a one-to-one correspondence

5. Day 4 ThursdayActivity 4PERFORMANCE TASKDirection: Write a paragraph about the illustration showing cause-and-effect relationship.pandemicjan 2021​


many people have a COVID 19 so many people die in COVID 19 some people recovered in the virus


we are now pandemic because of the covid-19



ito po sagot ko sorry kung mali

6. Mathematics 7 Module Week 3Activity 2: Illustrate Me! Perform the indicated operations. Illustrate the product and quotient of a numbersentence using chips.NUMBER SENTENCEILLUSTRATION1. 2x(-3) = ?2. -10 = 5 = ?3. 18 - -3 = ?4. -15- (-5) = ?5. -6x (-1) = ?​

Answer:2x(-3)= -6x-10=5= False 18- -3=21-15-(-5)=-10-6x (-1)=6

hope it helps

7. 1. What activity does the picture illustrate? 2. Why should an individual need to perform the activity illustrated with a group? 3. How do you benefit from participating in this kind of activity with the community?Nonsense=report/banned account ​


1. What activity does the picture illustrate?

People who are doing Zumba or dancing and doing exercise.

2. Why should an individual need to perform the activity illustrated with a group?

Engaging in any physical activity helps improve our muscle strength and boost our endurance.

3. How do you benefit from participating in this kind of activity with the community?

Aside from it'll help my body to be healthy, I would also enjoy doing it while spending time with others.

8. illustrate the probability of getting an even number or a number greater than 3 when you roll a die .if possible ,use an improvised die in performing activity​


a. S = { 2, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6 } n(S) = 6

b. A = { 2, 4, 6 }, n(A) = 3

B = { 4, 5, 6 }, n(B) = 3

c. A (union) B = { 2, 4, 5, 6 } , n(A (union) B) = 4

d. To solve for the ratio, we use the probability addition rule:

P(A union B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A intersection B)

4 and 5 exists in A and B therefore there are 2/6 chance that you'll get 4 or 5 in a die.

P(A union B) = 3/6 + 3/6 - 2/6

P(A union B) = 4/6

P(A union B) = 2/3

P(A union B) = 2:3

≈ 66.6666667%

≈ 67%

A simpler way is to find the number of terms in the union set and divide it to the 6. (since there are 6 faces in a die.)

P(A union B) = 4/6

P(A union B) = 2/3

P(A union B) = 2:3

≈ 66.66666667%

≈ 67%

You can choose either two to put in your paper. Since their answers are the same. Hope this helps. ^^

9. What I can do? (Performance task) Directions: Write the complete steps that you need to follow to accomplish the activity below. A. Duplicating and arranging objects in adobe illustrator. B. Aligning objects in adobe illustrator.​


to arrange objects in adobe illustrator, to do this, click Window > Align (or press Shift + F7). Use the Align Objects tool to start aligning the objects as follows: Click Horizontal Align Left to align objects with the leftmost object. Click Horizontal Align Center to align objects to the center.

to duplicate objects by using the Layers panel:

Choose Duplicate “Layer name” from the Layers panel menu.

Drag the item in the Layers panel to the New Layer button at the bottom of the panel.

Start to drag the item to a new position in the Layers panel, and then hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS).

10. 00 CO Additional Activities Performance Task Suppose you are studying the topography of your community, ce drams of a narty mountain to illustrate the windward and leeward sides and dreas​


of different elevations. Your task is to create a map that accurately shows the topography of your community and highlights the windward and leeward sides of a nearby mountain.

Step 1: Gather Information

The first step in creating your map is to gather information about your community's topography. You can do this by using topographical maps, satellite imagery, and other resources. You should also visit the area you are mapping to get a better sense of the terrain.

Step 2: Create the Map

Once you have gathered all of the necessary information, you can begin to create your map. You may choose to do this by hand, using pen and paper, or by using a computer program such as GIS software.

Start by drawing the outline of your community on the map. Then, use contour lines to show changes in elevation. Be sure to label each contour line with its elevation in feet or meters.

Next, identify the windward and leeward sides of the mountain you are highlighting. Windward is the side of the mountain that faces into the wind and receives the most precipitation, while leeward is the side that is sheltered from the wind and is often much drier.

Use shading or different colors to highlight the windward and leeward sides, and label them on the map.

Step 3: Add Additional Details

To make your map even more informative, you may want to add additional details such as roads, rivers, and landmarks. You may also want to include information about the soil types in the area, vegetation, and any notable geological features.

Step 4: Analyze Your Map

Once you have completed your map, take some time to analyze it. Look for patterns and trends in the topography, and consider how the windward and leeward sides of the mountain affect the local climate.

You may also want to compare your map to existing maps to see how accurate it is and to identify any areas where you may need to make improvements.

Step 5: Present Your Map

Finally, present your map to your classmates and teacher. Explain the topography of your community, and what you have learned about the windward and leeward sides of the mountain.

You may also want to discuss how this information could be useful for activities such as agriculture, urban planning, and emergency response planning.

11. IV. Activity ProperACTIVITY 1: WHAT'S BENEATH THE EARTH?Objectives: After performing this activity, you should be able to:1. locate the layers of the Earth using an illustration; and2. determine the characteristics of the layers of the Earth.​




Earth's interior is made of several layers. The surface of the planet, where we live, is called the crust—it's actually a very thin layer, just 70 kilometres deep at its thickest point. The crust and the lithosphere below (the crust plus the upper mantle) is made of several 'tectonic plates'.

1. Starting at the center, Earth is composed of four distinct layers. They are, from deepest to shallowest, the inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust.

2. The inner core is solid, the outer core is liquid, and the mantle is solid/plastic. This is due to the relative melting points of the different layers (nickel–iron core, silicate crust and mantle) and the increase in temperature and pressure as depth increases.

12. the activities you just performed illustrate the changes brought about by force acting on certain bodies what changes have you noticed​


Do you notice that each of the actions can be grouped as a pull or a push or both? ... Also, if the direction or the magnitude of the applied force change


13. II. GUIDE QUESTIONS/ HOME ACTIVITYPerformance TaskIllustrate or draw the things you must do in case of earthquake /during anearthquake. (Use the vacant space below for your illustration, or use other paper.Makeit clear and understandable).​


It said draw...I found an easy picture to draw.


Hope it helps

14. What I Can Do? (Performance Task) Direction: Copy the illustration of the flower on your activity notebook. Color it using any coloring materials then label all its parts.​


May pic kaba niyan i pic mo yan

15. What's moreActivity 1: let us do it! Direction: below is the illustration/demonstration on how to perform the fundamental arms and feet positions. Write what position is shown in the picture.​

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. E
5. A

i already know that so that’s right

16. B. Activity 2: ILLUSTRATE ME (Performance Output 5)Directions: Illustrate the six principal views of an orthographie drawing. Label yourillustration. Use the space provided below.Score: /15​



17. Activity #8 (Performance task no.2) Directions: Make an illustration showing the different symbiotic relationship. A. Mutualism, B. Commensalism, C. Parasitism D. Competition, and E. Predation and Herbivory.​


Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit from the relationship. Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is not affected. Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed. Competition is a symbiotic relationship where both organisms are harmed. Predation is a symbiotic relationship where one organism kills and eats the other. Herbivory is a symbiotic relationship where one organism eats the other.

Pa brainliests po thank you

18. PERFORMANCE TASKACTIVITY 2. IllustrationDirection: Illustrate the given problem using a tree diagram.1. How many possible outcomes when a coin is tossed 4 times?ANSWER:Illustration:​


16 possible outcomes

Suppose we flip a coin four times. Since each flip can come up heads or tails, there are 16 possible outcomes, tabulated below, grouped by the number of heads in the four flips. Number of Ways summarises how many different ways the results of the four flips could end up with a given number of heads

19. II. PERFORMANCE TASK a Create a Hugot line on illustrating and verifying a relation and a function. Below is a rubric which will guide you on how your output will be graded in this activity.pasagot po please​


Answer:1 .he is helpful and kind 2.verry helpful eldest sister mother have a point she wants to be a better life for the future 4.eating fruits

20. Draw me up! direction: draw the identified illustration on each circles on the other side. use long bond paper in performing the activity.plss look at the picture​

You should draw the picture of what it is pointing at

you can see pictures at the side.


The picture is blurry hun. It’s to difficult for me to answer.

21. II. PERFORMANCE TASK a Create a Hugot line on illustrating and verifying a relation and a function. Below is a rubric which will guide you on how your output will be graded in this activity. pasagot po please​

Answer: ang buwan ay para sa gabi at ang araw ay para sa umaga pero bakit ikaw sa puso ko ay palaging gumagambala

Step-by-step explanation:

22. did you enjoy performing the activity the activity illustrates the circulation patterns known as convection current what is convection current how does convection current works what is the affection of convection current​


yes because it's very helpful for the student


When a heated fluid expands, it loses density, forming convection currents. Cooler fluid is drawn down to replace it as it rises. This fluid, in turn, heats up, rises, and drags cool fluid down with it. This cycle creates a circular circulation that only ceases when all of the heat has been spread evenly throughout the fluid.


23. Performance Task Activity 3: My Inspiration Directions: Paint or sketch an illustration showing the ideas or characteristics of Neoclassical or Romantic painting. Observe the usage and application of the elements and principles of art.​


gagawa lang po kayo ng painting na nag iilustrate ng idea

24. Learning Activity 3: Draw / illustrate each nail shape and label themaccurately. Use a separate sheet of paper for your illustration. The following rubric will be used to rate your performance​


We need the photo to answer the question po


Sana makatulong sa inyo thank you

25. ACTIVITY IV: PERFORMANCE TEST Directions: List down and illustrate the following ingredients used in making Palitaw (one of the farnous Philippine Snacks). Write your answer on the space provided.​

1.)2cups of glutinous rice flour

2.)½cup granulated sugar

3.)1cup water

4.)½cup sesame seed roasted

5.)1cup granted


sorry di ko Alam yung sa baba ehhh

26. if there were illustrations that you were not able to perform, what should you do to accomplish such activity​


You may be busy, but you still need physical activity to stay healthy.

Whatever your routine, your lifestyle or your health, there are physical activities that you can do.

You may choose planned exercise or whenever you can fit it in your day, or a mix of both.

Check out the solutions to common excuses for not being active.


Correct me if I'm wrong

27. choose 5 yoga positions tat you wish to try write them in your activity notebook mermorize the position and perform and perform them without lookigat the illustrations ​


Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Kursiasana (Chair Pose)

28. ASSESSING SITE FOR PLANTING FRUIT TREESDirection: Identify the soil type in your area by following the procedure provided inthe module. Then, illustrate and describe what would happen while performing theactivity​


i hope it helps!


hey are given during or closely following an instructional activity or unit. ... In this chapter, we illustrate the types of assessment tasks that can be used in the ... than other types of internal assessments commonly used to guide instruction ... as part of the way science is done, as well as part of their own learning process

29. The activities you have just performed illustrate the changesbrought about by forces acting on certain bodies. What changes haveyou noticed?​



This topic gives an overview of;

Force - A Push or a Pull

Forces due to an Interaction

Exploring Forces

Change in State of Motion

Change in Shape of an Object

Contact Forces

Non-contact Forces



30. Activity 4. Performance Task Directions: Map out/illustrate the best site suited for planting the vegetable in the box below. Your work will be evaluated by your teacher using the following criteria:

nakita q lang po ito. hope it helps

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