Project Proposal Street Lights

Project Proposal Street Lights

Project proposal project proponent sample in planting trees

Daftar Isi

1. Project proposal project proponent sample in planting trees


1.the cat is drinking




proponent sample in planting trees

2. tiime frame about street lights project

ano po yan di ba project yan

dapat po kayo gagawa mag isa

3. the stree lights are 25 meters apart. if thereare 15 street lights, what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light? what is asked? what are given? what operation to be used? solve?​


375 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

what is asked?

- the distance from the first street light to the last street light

what are the given?

- 25 meters, 15 street lights

what operation to be used?

- multiplication


25x15=375 meters

4. CREATING A PROJECT PROPOSAL Direction: Create a project proposal that can help in maintaining cleanliness and safety in our school against COVID-19.I. Project Title: II. Project Proponents: III. Project Rationale: IV. Project Objective: V. Project Description: VI. Project Duration: VII. Target Beneficiaries: VIII. Propose Budget: IX. Monitoring and Evaluation:Pa-help po please​


how to learn english english

5. The following are the purpose of project proposal except __________. A. to serve as guide to the project B. to convince people to participate C. to get funding for the project D. to justify actions already done 5. What makes a good project proposal? A. The project proposal should be twenty pages long. B. The project proposal should contain the necessary information. C. The project proposal should be an informal document. D. The project proposal should have long sentences​

B.To convince people to participate.

5.B. The The project proposal should contain the necessary information.

6. CREATING A PROJECT PROPOSAL Direction: Create a project proposal that can help in maintaining cleanliness and safety in our school against COVID-19. I. Project Title: II. Project Proponents: III. Project Rationale: IV. Project Objective: V. Project Description: VI. Project Duration: VII. Target Beneficiaries: VIII. Propose Budget: IX. Monitoring and Evaluation: Pa-help po please​


I. Project Title: Cleanliness and Safety in our School Against COVID-19

II. Project Proponents: School Administration and Student Volunteers

III. Project Rationale: The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a major threat to public health and safety. It is important to ensure the cleanliness and safety of our school premises in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

IV. Project Objective: The main objective of this project is to maintain cleanliness and safety in our school premises against COVID-19 by implementing the necessary measures and protocols.

V. Project Description: The project will involve the school administration and student volunteers in implementing the necessary steps to ensure the cleanliness and safety of our school premises. This includes regular disinfection of the premises, implementing social distancing protocols, and providing the necessary protective equipment.

VI. Project Duration: The project will be implemented for a period of 12 months.

VII. Target Beneficiaries: The primary beneficiaries of this project are the students, faculty, and staff of the school.

VIII. Propose Budget: The proposed budget for this project is $10,000.

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation: The project will be monitored and


I hope its help


argumentative thesis



7. The street lights are 20 meters apart.if there are 10 street lights.what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light


180 m


20(10 -1) 20x9= 180 Meters

the distance from the first street light to the last street light is 180 meters.

8. Make a simple project proposal to fight COVID 19 in your barangay/community​


as for me just wear a mask and face shield and wash hands many times and do the social distancing and wash the groceries etc


if we do that we can avoid the covid 19

9. The street lights are 25 meters apart. If there are 15 street lights,what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light?​


375 meters apart from first street light to the last street light

10. the street lights are 25 meters apart.If there are 15 street lights, what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light?​


 350 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

14 street lights lang ang i solve mo kasi hindi na kasama yung last:

14 x 25 = 350

( Hindi naintindihan ni lodi ang solution) sige, ito nalang... yung mga I ay mga poste mo:

I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I     I  

  ↑    ↑    ↑   ↑    ↑    ↑    ↑    ↑   ↑    ↑   ↑    ↑    ↑   ↑

(Then bilangin mo ang mga space from 1 street light to another)  

11. 3. The street lights are 25 meters apart. If there are 15 street lights. what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light?​


375 meters yes kaoalallalallallalalallalallalallal

12. 3. The street lights are 25 meters apart. If there are 15 street lights,what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light?AJems nuoying​




because 25 meters apart right? so 1 street lights is equal to 25 light, there 15 street lights so the method you'll using in this situation is multiplication

13. 3. The street lights are 25 meters apart. If there are 15 street lights,what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light?​


375 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

Just simply multiply the distance and the total number of street lights


375 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

25m x 15 streetlights

14. the street lights are 10 meters apart. if there 15 street lights. What is the distance from the the first street light to the last street lights?


one hundred forty

14× 10 = 140

it turn to 14 because it is in between

15. Make a request to your purok chairperson convincing him have a street lights project in your area . ​


sana po makatulong :)))

16. The street lights are 20 meters apart. If there are 10 street lights, what is the distance from the first street to the last street light?​


20 x 10 = 200 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

tama po yan

17. what can you suggest to the proponents of the proposed project so that it can be given attention by the concerned government agency?​


the Government and the Project Proponent, assure close coordination between ... the project; provided, further, that in the case of Negotiated Contracts, such rate of return ... websites of the PPP Center and the concerned Agency/LGU, if available. ... proponent, and advise whether it accepts or rejects the proposal within one


18. The street lights are 25 meters apart, if there are 15 street lights, what is the distance from the first street light last street light?.



di ko po sure but hope it helps you po

19. The street lights are 20 meters apart.if there are 10 street lights.what is the distance from the first street light to the last street light


the street lights stretch until 200meters


20 × 10 = 200


Each 20 meters there are 10 street lights, Multiply the meters of street light distances and the capacity of the street lights. So the answer is 200




20. the street lights are 25 meters apart. if there are 15 street lights, what is the distance from the first street light to the last street lights

Arithmetic Sequence    

In arithmetic sequence, a term is obtained by adding a constant number to the preceding term. Sequence whose succeeding terms are obtained by adding a constant. Constant is called the common difference. Formula is a_n = a₁ + d(n - 1). The common difference is obtained by subtracting the first term from the second term.


375 meters


Let: a₁ = 25

       n = 15

       d = 25

Solve for a_n.

a_n = a₁ + d(n - 1)

a_n = 25 + 25(15 - 1)

a_n = 25 + 25(14)

a_n = 25 + 350

a_n = 375

Therefore, the distance from the first street light to the last street light is 375 meters.

What is arithmetic sequence:


21. the street lights are 25 meters apart if there are 15 street lights what is the first street light to the last street light​

Step-by-step explanation:

Therefore the answer is 375.

22. The street lights are 25 meters apart if there are to street lights what is the distance from the first to the street light?



Step-by-step explanation:

25+25 sabi mo 2 street lights

23. A. Project Proponent: (Name of Pupil)R Proiect Title​







24. The street light are 25 meters apart.if there are 15 street lights,what is the distance from first street light to the last light


375 meters thank me later

25. What are the benefits of writing a project proposal?2. What are the steps in writing a project proposal? *3.What should be consider in writing a project proposal in the production of a product? *4. How do you begin a project proposal? *​


1.)Submitting a great project proposal marks you as a professional. Moreover, doing prior research about your client and their needs, backgrounds, and other pertinent details shows them that you understand what they need and are serious about doing business with them.

2.*Define the problem.

*Present your solution.

*Define your deliverables and success criteria.

*State your plan or approach.

*Outline your project schedule and budget.

*Tie it all together.

*Edit/proofread your proposal.

3.)When building your project proposal, you should contain a cover letter, table of contents, executive summary, description of the project (including background and objective), the project plan, who is involved and in what capacity, where the project will take place, how it will be monitored, the budget proposal and then


Define your audience.Determine the problem being solved by your proposal.Conduct research on the current state of the issue and potential solutions.Proactively determine the effect that this project will have on company success.

26. the street lights are 10 meters apart. if there 15 street lights. What is the distance from the the first street light to the last street lights?


15-1 = 14 minus 1 because we're talking in BETWEEN of 15 lights

14× 10 = 140

27. what can you suggest to the proponents of the proposed project so that it can be given attention by the concerned government agency?​


what can you suggest to the proponents of the proposed project so that it can be given . attention by concerned government agency

28. the street lights are 25 meter apart if there are 10 street what is the distance from the first Street light to the last street light​


Arithmetic Sequence    

In arithmetic sequence, a term is obtained by adding a constant number to the preceding term. Sequence whose succeeding terms are obtained by adding a constant. Constant is called the common difference. Formula is a_n = a₁ + d(n - 1). The common difference is obtained by subtracting the first term from the second term.


375 meters


Let: a₁ = 25

      n = 15

      d = 25

Solve for a_n.

a_n = a₁ + d(n - 1)

a_n = 25 + 25(15 - 1)

a_n = 25 + 25(14)

a_n = 25 + 350

a_n = 375

Therefore, the distance from the first street light to the last street light is 375 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

29. Think of a particular problem in your community/barangay and create a project proposal by means of filling out the given part of a project proposalA. PROJECT TITLE:B. PROJECT PROPONENTS:C. PROJECT OBJECTIVES:D. TARGET BENEFICIARIES:E. PROPOSE BUDGET:F. MONITORING AND EVALUATION:​


A. PROJECT TITLE: A Project Towards A Cleaner Community

B. PROJECT PROPONENTS: (Names of your groupmates)

C: PROJECT OBJECTIVES: The general purpose of the project is to maintain the cleanliness of the community and keep the solidarity of the people within. Towards this end the following objectives are set:

1. To maintain the cleanliness in the barangay.

2. To educate the people in the barangay the importance of proper waste disposal.

3. To decrease the scattered waste in the barangay.

4. To hone the citizens their sense of responsibility and have the awareness in the community’s problem.

D. TARGET BENEFICIARIES: Parents, teachers, youth, all the people in the barangay.


Transportation 300

Clean and Green Program (note 1) 5,550

Recycling Program (note 2) 1,170

Wall Painting (note 3) 1,620

Snacks (note 4) 1,050

Total 9,690


(It is a document that helps to track and assess the results of the interventions throughout the life of a program.)


30. street without traffic light and street with traffic light​

[tex] \blue{hiii \: god \: morning} [/tex]

No Traffic signals, No speed breakers, No navigations lead to traffic jams, Accidents, and deaths.

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