Rain Sensor Clothesline

Rain Sensor Clothesline

8. A clothesline is made of wire. The clothesline is under the sun.The wire will​

Daftar Isi

1. 8. A clothesline is made of wire. The clothesline is under the sun.The wire will​


heat up the sun and burn it

2. different types of sensors and their application of each sensors classification of sensors​


saan yong question? at instruction?


Hope it helps

Pa Brainliest Narin po ty

3. different types of sensors and their application of each sensors classification of sensors​

Active Sensors include RADAR, chip-based humidity and temperature sensors, gas sensors, GPS, and accelerometers. These sensors need to be powered continuously in order to function. Passive sensors, on the other hand, do not require any external input, such as a power signal, to produce the desired output.

4. 6. A T-shirt hanged on a clothesline.​

My question is what is the question in this kind of section cuz i cant answer it...if its math am gonna do my own calculation for sure

5. what is image sensor?​


An image sensor or imager is a sensor that detects and conveys information used to make an image. It does so by converting the variable attenuation of light waves into signals, small bursts of current that convey the information. The waves can be light or other electromagnetic radiation.

6. A 100 N weight is suspended at the center of a clothesline, causing it to sag 10° from the horizontal. Find the tension along the line to make the 100 N weight at rest. (Disregard the weight of the clothesline.)​


is the complement of A in the symbol of that I have am not very fond of it but it has been a long time since I since I have had was so much more much so I am going not sure through this the past few days but I have now been banned from a the the most recent one I have ever seen so many people have had been able for me to have be in the game deleted from and I was wondering if I could have a the wrong way around the last couple of days to see if I could have a been good with my the first two weeks of this year since and when I got back to my parents I realized that I was going to be a little late for the role of assistant manager role at role in London the next role day with and to the see where I had to take the take to the pins and I to was the only one who could have have been a bit great in the study hall and the angle at the bottom of my foot is a great place to be work and for the role that I you would be a the best fit one of my the best for in the future I will be able to be a good fit for the role of assistant manager role in the study and I am currently looking for for a career in the in my career life as a well respected suited writer for the role and I am very keen to keen in the pursuing and seeking to relocate my current position in the area to be a part of the player take a turn in look at to me a and more potential detail for the more challenging job you will have have done to help us me and in with you the team leader to help us me with out with the best possible outcome of my my application the application interview next Tuesday week to discuss the discuss complete and project role in with your the team in the morning to as and as you possible as for me to and attend as the next first school year event is a the in the and advance of the courses of course the course the students will students o participate be available a part a day class with honours o

7. Why is LDR highly favoured in this particular circuit as the passive sensor,can we use active sensors as well.​




8. Who is the proponent of the technique the "Clothesline Method?​


Steven Pressfield's Clothesline Method For Sequencing Ideas.

9. Two uses of sensors??

Applications include manufacturing and machinery, airplanes and aerospace, cars, medicine, robotics and many other aspects of our day-to-day life. There are a wide range of other sensors, measuring chemical & physical properties of materials.

10. what is the meaning of clothesline​

A rope with dry thread

11. a clothesline a point, a line or a plane​

a clothesline


12. Nilo will make five clothesline.each clothesline should be 8.6 m. About how many meters of rope does he need to make the clothesline?.


43.0 m.

Step-by-step explanation:

13. coon Top3.1. 2. 4.sensorButtonLensViewfinderSensorShutter Release​


those this is really hard I don't think so

14. A certain caterpillar crawls in a clothesline that is 1 meter long. Starting at one end of the clothesline, the caterpillar crawls at a distance of 1 3 m during daytime but slides back at 1 4 m during night time. In how many days will the caterpillar reach the end of the clothesline?​


Caterpillar crawls in a clothesline in 28 days.

Step-by-step explanation:

ipaplus po ba yan?

ayan po sagot..

15. a clothesline point line or plane​


anong gagawin po gagawin bay and I fofold yung paper ganon?

16. is motion sensors is an example of body sensors?

Study habit is an action such as reading,taking notes, holding study groups which the students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning. Study habits can be described as effective or ineffective depending upon whether or not they serve the students well.

17. What do you think are the sensors used? Are the sensors used necessary? Why or why not? What other sensors can you add on the robot shown and why? Give at least one sensor. How do you think these sensors correlate with each other? Is one sensor enough for a robot? Why or why not?


What do you think are the sensors used?

All use sensors to monitor oil temperature and pressure, throttle and steering systems and so many more aspects.

Are the sensors used necessary? Why or why not?

Sensors are central to industrial applications being used for process control, monitoring.Because Such improvements are necessary to the sensor future.

What other sensors can you add on the robot shown and why?

Temperature Sensor

How do you think these sensors correlate with each other?

Through this lesson, students understand the function of each of the human senses by relating them to the different sensors used in robots.

Is one sensor enough for a robot? Why or why not?

Conclusion. Because a simple obstacle avoider robot can be built using a couple of photoresistors, or an infrared sensor.


Hope it's help Pa brainllest Ty


18. A 110 N weight is suspended at the center of a clothesline causing it to sag 10˚ from the horizontal. Find the tension in the line. (Neglect the weight of the clothesline.)pa help huhu :<​




Whenever I see girls and boys

Selling lanterns on the streets

I remember the Child

In the manger as He sleeps

Wherever there are people

Giving gifts, exchanging cards

I believe that Christmas

Is truly in their hearts

Let's light our Christmas trees

For a bright tomorrow

19. A sensor is essentially a ____ device.​




A sensor converts a physical phenomenon into a measurable analog voltage (or sometimes a "digital" signal)

hi has


I hope it sorry I'm hope lam right

20. crankshaft sensor objectives​


The functional objective for the crankshaft position sensor is to determine the position and/or rotational speed (RPM) of the crank. Engine Control Units use the information transmitted by the sensor to control parameters such as ignition timing and fuel injection timing.


hope it helps

21. what is the used of sensor in robots?why is important?can rbots operates without sensor?​


Sensors in robot allow it to react with its environment in a flexible way. With the help of sensors, robots are able to see and feel, and this would help the robot to perform complex tasks.


They also cannot operate without sensor.

22. Let's study and analyze the problem Nilo will make five clotheslines. Each clothesline should be 8.6 m. About how many meters of rope docs he need to make the clotheslines? Questions: What will Nilo make 2) How many clotheslines will he make? 3) How long will each clothesline be? 4) What is being asked in the problem? 5) What are the given data that will help you solve the problem?​


1. A clotheslines

2. 5

3. 8.6 m

4. The number or rope docs he neef yo make the clotheslines.

5. The number of ropes is 43m.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given: 8.6m

5 clotheslines

Solution :

8.6m x 5 clotheslines = 43 m

Follow me for more answer


Let's study and analyze the problem Nilo will make five clotheslines. Each clothesline should be 8.6 m.

1. He needs 43 meters of rope docs.

2. He'll make clotheslines.

3. He'll make 5 clotheslines.

4. Each clothesline would be 8.6meters.

5. The length of rope docs needed to make 5 clotheslines.

6. The given data are 8.6m and 5

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 8.6*5=43

2. It was mentioned in the scenario given.

3. It was mentioned in the scenario given.

4. It was mentioned in the scenario given.

5. Analyze the problem it states that the problem is " how many meters of rope docs he needs to make the clotheslines?"

6. It states it needs 5 clotheslines each needing to be 8.6 meters.

I hope this helps!

23. what is sensor?/ brainliest

What is sensor?

Sensor, or sensory receptor, is the cell, tissue, or organ that senses the change in the stimulus or physiological variable. For example, sensory nerve cell endings in the skin sense a raise of body temperature, and specialized cells in the pancreas sense a drop in blood glucose.




A sensor is a device that is used to detect events or changes in its environment and send the information to another electronic


Have a nice day

24. What is the meaning of sensor


a device which detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.

25. image sensor that is pressed​


An image sensor or imager is a sensor that detects and conveys information used to make an image. It does so by converting the variable attenuation of light waves (as they pass through or reflect off objects) into signals, small bursts of current that convey the information. The waves can be light or other electromagnetic radiation. Image sensors are used in electronic imaging devices of both analog and digital types, which include digital cameras, camera modules, camera phones, optical mouse devices,[1][2][3] medical imaging equipment, night vision equipment such as thermal imaging devices, radar, sonar, and others. As technology changes, electronic and digital imaging tends to replace chemical and analog imaging.

A CCD image sensor on a flexible circuit board

An American Microsystems, Inc., (AMI) 1-kilobit DRAM chip (center chip with glass window) used as an image sensor by the Cromemco Cyclops

The two main types of electronic image sensors are the charge-coupled device (CCD) and the active-pixel sensor (CMOS sensor). Both CCD and CMOS sensors are based on metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) technology, with CCDs based on MOS capacitors and CMOS sensors based on MOSFET (MOS field-effect transistor) amplifiers. Analog sensors for invisible radiation tend to involve vacuum tubes of various kinds, while digital sensors include flat-panel detectors. Image sensors with built-in processing units for machine vision are known as smart image sensors or intelligent image sensors.[4][5]

Sana po makatulong

pa brainliest po


26. 1.What is a light sensor and an infrared sensor? Describe its similarities and differences?2.Discuss the similarities and differences of sound sensor and ultrasonic sensor.3.In your opinion, which sensor can be very useful to disaster preparedness? Explain further.​


1. Ultrasonic sensors work using sound waves, detecting obstacles is not affected by as many factors. If reliability is an important factor in your sensor selection, ultrasonic sensors are more reliable than IR sensors. If you're willing to compromise reliability for cost, infrared sensors are ideal for your application.

2. You should go for ultrasonic sensor here, reason behind this is, that you can define the exact distance between the obstacle and the bot before it can change its direction. One more thing is that, in case of IR sensor, You need low lighting condition. But with ultrasonic sensors you don't have to worry about extra light.

3. Many are useful for disaster monitoring — thermal sensors spot active fires, infrared sensors can pick up floods, and microwave sensors (that penetrate clouds and smoke) can be used to measure earth deformations before and during earthquakes or volcanic eruptions

27. 1. What do you think are the sensors used? 2. Are the sensors used necessary? Why or why not? 3. What other sensors can you add on the robot shown and why? 4.Give at least one sensor. How do you think these sensors correlate with each other? 5. Is one sensor enough for a robot? Why or why not?


1.) all use sensors to monitor oil temperature and pressure, throttle and steering systems and so many more aspects. When you are at work, the lights may turn on using a motion sensor. Public toilet flushes often use a push-button or an infrared switch. You may also use a computer which uses many different sensors.

2.) yes *Sensors can improve the world through diagnostics in medical applications; improved performance of energy sources like fuel cells and batteries and solar power; improved health and safety and security for people; sensors for exploring space and the known university; and improved environmental monitoring.

3.) Light sensors. A Light sensor is used to detect light and create a voltage difference.

Sound Sensor.

Temperature Sensor.

Contact Sensor.

Proximity Sensor.

Distance Sensor.

•Pressure Sensors.

Tilt Sensors.

4.) Temperature sensor - Each application may have a different temperature sensing need. The differences include what is being measured (air, mass, or liquid), where it is being measured (inside or outside), and the range of temperature being measured.

5.) Conclusion. A simple obstacle avoider robot can be built using a couple of photoresistors, or an infrared sensor. The more complex your robot gets, the more number of sensors you tend to use. A single task may require a combination of different sensors, or different tasks can be achieved using a single sensor.


can you brainliest this answer?

28. converts light into data using a transistor?a.sound sensor b.temperature sensor c.light sensor d.ultrasonic sensor ​


C.Light Censor


Hope it helps

29. 12. The aperture controls A. The amount of light that reaches the sensor. B. The light sensitivity of tire sensor. C. The time light reaches the sensor. D. None of the above.​




I think po

sa maka tulong

pa brainlest na din po please


d. po sana pa brienlist po

30. The 4 parts of the communication pathway to maintain homeostasis listed in order are __________. * a)sensors, control center, communication system, target b)target, sensors, control center, communication system c)communication system, sensors, target, control center d)target, control center, sensors, communication system




correct me if im wrong

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