Reflective Essay On High School Experience

Reflective Essay On High School Experience

Essay: Reflection on Your Study of Contemporary Philippine Art from the RegionsReflect on your study of Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions in Senior High School. What was your experience in studying it? How effective was your study of the said subject?​

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1. Essay: Reflection on Your Study of Contemporary Philippine Art from the RegionsReflect on your study of Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions in Senior High School. What was your experience in studying it? How effective was your study of the said subject?​


here hehe I hope my answer is worth it and helpful to you :)


Studying Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions in Senior High School has been an enriching experience for me. Before taking the subject, I only had a superficial understanding of Philippine art, particularly on its historical and cultural significance. However, the subject has allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation of the richness and diversity of Philippine art, particularly its contemporary expressions.

My experience in studying Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions has been positive overall. I was able to explore and discover various art forms and practices across different regions in the Philippines, and I learned about the different issues and concerns that artists in these regions tackle in their works. Moreover, the subject allowed me to appreciate the different contexts and experiences that shape the creation of art, and how art can reflect and respond to social, political, and cultural realities.

The subject was effective in teaching me about different art forms and techniques, and the different ways in which artists use them to convey meaning and evoke emotions. The lectures, discussions, and activities helped me understand the underlying concepts and theories that inform contemporary Philippine art, and how these concepts and theories are translated into actual artworks. Moreover, the subject provided me with opportunities to engage with artworks and to critically analyze them, which further deepened my understanding and appreciation of art.

However, there were also challenges in studying Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions. One of the challenges was the limited exposure to actual artworks, as most of the lectures and discussions were conducted online due to the pandemic. This made it difficult to fully appreciate and understand the artworks, as the online platform does not provide the same experience as viewing the artworks in person. Another challenge was the limited time to explore and discuss all the different art forms and practices across the different regions in the Philippines, which left me wanting to learn more.

In conclusion, studying Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions has been an enriching experience for me, and it has allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation of the richness and diversity of Philippine art. The subject was effective in teaching me about different art forms and techniques, and how these are used to convey meaning and evoke emotions. Despite the challenges, I am grateful for the opportunity to study this subject, and I look forward to continuing to explore and learn about Philippine art.

2. Direction: Reflect on your Junior and Senior High School education of Physical Education. Whatwas your experience in studying it? How effective was your study of the said subject? Place youressay on the blank spaces provided below.​


wala lang


waladin kahit anona.bsta wala wala



It's allow us to determine our limitation and helps to know especially for a student athlete how to be healthy. Physical education is have different  aspects which can help a lot of students that someday they will use it.

3. briefly describe your writing experience (phrases, sentences, paragraphs, essays, reflections,movie or book reports, concept paper, etc.) from your early high school years to the present in terms of the ff:what writing experience you remember what you do not want others to know and how you want others to help you improve as a writer​


My writing experience was not bad at all because I still managed to have good knowledge about writing. I still remember when we are given only 10 minutes to write an essay/paragraph that consist 200 words. What I did is that I avoid using apostrophe on my words and I write things again and again in a way that my teacher wouldn't really notice because of the amount of time she had given. I wanted to learn more about writing, to enhance my knowledge about writing because to be honest I have already forgotten some of the lessons we had when I was in highschool. So I'm hoping to learn more and to have more knowledge about writing.

PS: I'm only Highschool!

4. As a grade 7 student new to high school, you have been going through a lot lately, especially since the fourth quarter is about to start. As a solution, you thought of interviewing someone older than you - a person who is already done with junior high school. They might have words of wisdom to give you. What have you realized throughout the interview? Write your 3-paragraph reflection essay here. Nonsense/Incorrect Answer = One Star and Report The questions and answers of the interview: 1. What is expected of me in 7th grade? You are expected to be more independent and responsible and participate more often in class. 2. How is junior high school different from elementary school? In junior high school, students are exposed to a greater variety of subjects, which can be exciting and daunting. It is a time of increased academic and social challenges. 3. What advice would you give to someone starting high school? Get involved in extracurricular activities and befriend people with similar interests. Focus on your academics, develop good study habits, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. 4. What are the most important things I need to know about junior high school? It is a time when students like you begin to develop more independent thinking and explore their own interests. They start refining their study skills and taking on more difficult work. 5. How do you manage the workload efficiently? Create a study schedule and stick to it. 6. What are some things I can do to get involved in school and make the most of my junior high school experience? Join extracurricular activities, get to know your classmates and teachers, and partake in the class. 7. What did you find most challenging about junior high school? Making the transition from the carefree days of elementary school to the more challenging and competitive environment of high school. 8. What challenges will I face, and how can I overcome them? The main challenge is expanding your knowledge and mastering new skills in all core academic areas. You can overcome these challenges by staying focused and organized and seeking help from your teachers. 9. What should I do if I'm feeling homesick or overwhelmed? Socialize, keep in touch with old friends and family as much as possible, and ask for assistance if necessary. 10. What would you have done differently if you could go back? I would have worked harder in school and not procrastinated as much.


Starting 7th grade is an exciting time full of new experiences and challenges. As a student, you will be expected to take on more responsibility and become more independent. In addition to participating more often in class, you will be exposed to a greater variety of subjects and will need to manage a more challenging workload.

One of the most significant differences between junior high school and elementary school is the increased academic and social challenges. It is a time when you will begin to develop more independent thinking and explore your own interests. You will need to refine your study skills and take on more difficult work. Therefore, my advice to someone starting high school would be to get involved in extracurricular activities, make friends with people who share similar interests, focus on your academics, develop good study habits, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.

To manage the workload efficiently, creating a study schedule and sticking to it is crucial. It is essential to prioritize and allocate time for each subject and assignment, and avoid procrastination. In addition to focusing on academics, getting involved in extracurricular activities and building relationships with classmates and teachers can enhance the junior high school experience.

The most challenging aspect of junior high school is making the transition from the carefree days of elementary school to the more competitive and demanding environment of high school. You will face the challenge of expanding your knowledge and mastering new skills in all core academic areas. However, staying focused, organized, and seeking help from your teachers can help you overcome these challenges.

It is normal to feel homesick or overwhelmed during this time of transition. In such situations, it is important to socialize, keep in touch with old friends and family as much as possible, and seek assistance if necessary.

Looking back, if I could go back, I would have worked harder in school and avoided procrastination. I would have also been more proactive in seeking help when needed and participated more in extracurricular activities. It is important to take advantage of all the opportunities available in junior high school to learn and grow as a person

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