What Effect Did Orpheus Music Have On People And Gods

What Effect Did Orpheus Music Have On People And Gods

What is the talent of Orpheus? What effect did Orpheus' music have on people and gods?​

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1. What is the talent of Orpheus? What effect did Orpheus' music have on people and gods?​


Orpheus is a figure from ancient Greek mythology, most famous for his virtuoso ability in playing the lyre or kithara. His music could charm the wild animals of the forest, and even streams would pause and trees bend a little closer to hear his sublime singing

He charmed all  people who hears his music and even the god of underworld, hades weep when he hear the music of orpheus and at the same time persephone, the cold wife of hades, move because all her life in the underworld, for the first time her hearts is melted



2. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods?

Orpheus' music cannot be resisted by anyone. It make the animate and inanimate objects follow him. It is the reason Eurydice fall in love with her and they got married. It is also the reason why  the Gods are his rivals because of  the irresistible powers of his music.Through his music which he endlessly plays, he was given the chance by the Gods to enter and redeem his wife from the underworld because of the power of his music.

3. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods?

he can make them stop in what they are doing just to listen to his music
and he can melt the steal heart of hades and persephone.:D

4. what is the effects did orpheus music on people and gods?

they will stop their doing and they will charm orpheus music affected them. thier heart melted

5. What effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods? Cite 2 examples of this.

From the Greek mythology, the effect of Orpheus' music is to charm people and gods (even creatures). Examples is when Orpheus used his lyre to  the Sirens with louder and beautiful music, drowning the Siren's bewitching songs. Another is when he used his music to sooth the heart of Hades and Persephone, who allowed Eurydice, his late wife, to return with him to the earth (only with the condition to never turn his back to look his dead wife). 

6. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods? cite for two example of this

1. Wild beast lay down as they gathered around him as if they were tame, entranced by his soothing notes.
2. Men and women forgot their cares when gathered around him to listen.

7. What effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods?cite to example of this

Opheus' music effect on people is he could make them forgot their cares upon listening his music and he's music can also charm and please Gods and Goddesses.

2 Examples:

-Men and Women gathered around him to listen.

-When Hades heard Orpheus song he began to weep.

8. What effect did Orpheus’ music have on people and gods? Cite two examples of this.​


The music played by Orpheus has a calming effect on those who hear it. Here are two examples of situations when his ...

Top answer · 23 votes

Answer:What effect did Orpheus’s music have on people and gods? Cite two examples of this. The music played by Orpheus has a calming effect on those ...

9. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods?

he can charmed all things in the world when he played his lyre 

10. What effect did orpheus music have on people and gods? cite twoexample of this

he can charmed all things on earth, men and women forgot their cares when gathered around him to listen.
When Hades heard Orpheus song, he began to weep and the cold Persephone was so moved that ,for the first time in all her months in the underworld, her heart melted.

11. What effect did Orpheus music have on people and gods?

They forget their cares when they hear the music of orpheus and even the gods of the underworld melt their heart when they hear the sad music that play of orpheus

12. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods​


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13. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods

i have biginner challegeorpheus charmed all the people who hears his music

14. What effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods? cite two example of this.

         Orpheus’s singing and playing were so beautiful that animals and even trees and rocks moved about him in dance. His singing and playing charmed people and gods. Some of these incidents are:

1.With his singing and playing he charmed the ferryman Charon and the dog Cerberus, guardians of the River Styx.
2.His music and grief so moved Hades king of the underworld that Orpheus was allowed to take Eurydice with him back to the world of life and light.

15. what effect did Orpheus music have on people and god?

His singing and playing were so beautiful that animals and even trees and rocks moved about him in dance. His singing and playing charmed people and gods

16. what effect dID orpheus 'music have on people and gods ? cite two examples of this.

he can melt the steal heart of hades and persephone
he can stop someone from what they are doing

17. what effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods? cite two example of this.

Orpheus' music cannot be resisted by anyone. It make the animate and inanimate objects follow him. It is the reason Eurydice fall in love with her and they got married. Only the Gods are his rivals with the power of his music.He was given the chance by the Gods to enter and redeem his wife from the underworld because of the power of his music.

18. what effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods?

He has the ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music. His music is also said to have been so enticing that they could charm the very birds from the trees, soothe Cerberus and bring the Furies to tears (Metamorphoses, X.48)

19. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods​


The effect of Orpheus music to Gods and people is that he can move them or sway their emotions. Orpheus is the son of Apollo, the God of Music, and Calliope, Apollo's muse.

20. what effect did orpheus music have people on gods

Man and woman forget their cares and listen to his music being played. Wild beast lay down as if they were tame. Even the rocks and trees followed him, and the river changed their direction. Cerberus, the fierced three-headed dog who guarded the gates, heard the sweet music and lay still to let him pass. The ghost cried when they heard his sad music. Sisyphus who condemned to rock uphill forever, stopped his fruitless work to listen. Tantalus, who stand in a pool of receding water, stop trying to quench his thirst. Ixion who was tied in a wheel stopped turning. The King and Queen of underworld, Hades and Persephone melted their heart when they hear Orpheus began to play his gentle song.

21. what effect did Orpheus music have on people and gods​


just check the picture!


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22. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods /citr two example of this

The effect of his music is anyone can stop to whatever they're doing ang listening to his music unconsciously.
to the god/goddesses -they're touch to his music.they can feel the agony of orpheus

23. two examples what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods?


Orpheus' music had the ability to charm all living things, including people and gods. It had a powerful effect on all people. When Orpheus traveled to the underworld to retrieve his wife, his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone.

24. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods?cite examples of this




Orpheus' music had the ability to charm all living things, including people and gods. It had a powerful effect on all people. When Orpheus traveled to the underworld to retrieve his wife, his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone.


The music played by Orpheus has a calming effect on those who hear it

here are two exampls of situations when his music positevely affected the listeber in his favor:

1.when he was able to put Crebesus to sleep.

2.The time when he convinced the God of the underwold Hades and his wife Persephone to realese the soul of his wife


with musical poetic talents on to him by his parents the god Apollo and the muse Calliope,Orpheus's soothing music has a disarming effect on all whl hear it.Hes plays his music with an instrument that was handed to him by his father called a Lyre which looks similar to a harp.it has been said that animals would calm down and listeb whenever they hear Orpheus playing his music and that trees and rocks would start moving as if they wanted to dance.

25. what effect did orpheus music have on people and gods cte two example of this

His singing and playing were so beautiful that animals and even trees and rocks moved about him in dance. His singing and playing charmed people and gods

1. With his lyre he charmed the Cerebus - guardian of the River Styx.
2. His music and grief made Hades and Persephone allowed Orpheus to take Eurydice.

26. what effect did orpheus music have an people and gods

Through his music he can charm everyone who listens.

27. what effect did orpheus` music have on people and gods? cite two examples of this


orpheus music is able to move or charm who ever may hear it

28. what effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods ? cite two examples of this

Orpheus' music cannot be resisted by anyone. It make the animate and inanimate objects follow him. It is the reason Eurydice fall in love with her and they got married. Only the Gods are his rivals with the power of his music.He was given the chance by the Gods to enter and redeem his wife from the underworld because of the power of his music.

29. What effect did orpheus' music have on people and gods?cite to example of this

He make the couple make peace and listen to his music and he make Hercules pleased

30. what did effect orpheu's music have on people and gods?


The effect of Orpheus music to Gods and people is that he can move them or sway their emotions. Orpheus is the son of Apollo, the God of Music, and Calliope, Apollo's muse. Apollo had given his son a golden lyre, and as expected, Orpheus is an exceedingly skilled musician who can also use his music to emotionally affect all living things including beasts and Gods.

Here are two examples of the effect of Orpheus' music on people and on Gods:

He was able to stop the divine punishment of Tantalus, Ixion, the daughters of Danaus, and Sisyphus momentarily.

He was able to convince Persephone and Hades to bring Eurydice back to the land of the living.

If you want to know the situations where the Gods are willing to h


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