Which Continents Were Neighbors Before

Which Continents Were Neighbors Before

which continents were neighbors before?

Daftar Isi

1. which continents were neighbors before?

              During the Early Permian, the northwestern coastline of the ancient continent Gondwana (a paleocontinent that would eventually fragment to become South America, India, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica) collided with and joined the southern part of Euramerica (a paleocontinent made up of North America and southern Europe).
             Therefore the neighboring continents before are the 7 major continents, South America, India, America and Southern Europe, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. The supercontinent began to break apart about 200 million years ago, during the Early Jurassic Period (201 million to 174 million years ago), eventually forming the modern continents and the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Pangea’s existence was first proposed in 1912 by German meteorologist Alfred Wegener as a part of his theory of continental drift. Its name is derived from the Greek pangaia, meaning “all the Earth.”  

2. Which continent were obviously neighbors before?


Answer: North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia


Around 225 million years ago, there was this supercontinent called Pangea, during this period every continents were neighbors. Continents like North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia.


3. which continents were obviously neighbors before?​

Q18: Which continents do you think were neighbors before? North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia.

Pa brainliest po

4. What continents were said to be neighbors before?


south america and africa.


simple just watch the two continents on a world map and you will see that the EDGE of the two fit together and also scientists found out that the rocks and rocks formation on the two continents are the same.

mark it as brainliest answer if it helps you

5. which continents were obviously neighbors before?


It's south America and africa. Their shape is likely to be a map


They were connected before the earlier years than today, if you're talking about the continents that we're once connected or neighbor

6. 3.Europ AsiaAmericavrhAT POPangaea mapQ2. Which continents do you think were neighbor before?​


Hmm i think pangaea map and asia

7. Which continents do you think were neighbors before

i think south america and africa cause of their shape they fit together like a puzzle

8. Which of the following continents were neighbors before? A. Australia- Europe C. South America- Africa B. Europe- Australia D. South America – Asia​


D.South America - Asia


I'm not really sure


Letter C. South America , Africa..

9. Which continents do you think we're neighbors before?


north america and brazil


10. which continents do you think were neighbors before?

Maybe it's  South America and Africa because as u can see in the map, pagpinagdikit mo ung 2 yun, parang magkadikit sila dati.

11. what continents do you think were neighbors before?

south america and africa :D

12. Which continents do you think were neighbors before?Why do you say so?Pa help plss need ko na toh​

Europe and Asia Because they Are Close together

13. which continent do you think were neighbors before

ano ang pinaka malaking kontinente?i think europe and asia

14. Which continents do you think were neighbors before

Europe and Asia, North America and South America  and Africa, Australia and Antarctica and India.

Hope makatulong.South america and Africa

15. which continents do you think were neighbors before?

Europe and Asia , South america and Africa

16. Question: Which continents do you think were neighbors before?​

Answer:i hope this help

Explanation:Which continent do you think were neighbors before. Gondwanaland was comprised of modern day Africa, South Asia, Antarctica, Australia, and South America. Around 65 million years ago, Laurasia and Gondwanaland split up again, forming some resemblance to modern-day North America,Eurasia, Africa, India, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).



17. Which continents do you think were neighbors before?

. North America, Europe and North Asia
. South America, South Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica

18. 06. Which continents were obviously neighbors before?​


Which continents do you think were neighbors before? North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia.


19. which continents do you think were neighbors before

America and Brazil and China and Philippines

20. Which continents do you think were neighbors before? Why do you say?​

The Scientific Theory of Continental Drift

The late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic ages saw the existence of the supercontinent Pangaea, also known as Pangea. About 335 million years ago, during the Carboniferous, it formed from the older continental groups of Gondwana, Euramerica, and Siberia. At the conclusion of the Triassic and the start of the Jurassic, about 200 million years ago, it started to disintegrate.

Further explanation

Pangaea's original breakup is thought to have occurred in the late Ladinian, with initial spreading occurring in the early middle Atlantic. Then the rifting spread to the northwest African (Afircan continent) coast, the High, Saharan, and Tunisian Atlas, as well as the eastern margin of North America (the American continent).

The Early-Middle Jurassic saw the start of a new phase when Pangaea started to rift from the Tethys Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. There were numerous unsuccessful rifts created by the rifting that occurred between North America and Africa. The North Atlantic Ocean was created by one rift.

Until Laurasia began to revolve in a clockwise direction and travel northward, with North America to the north and Eurasia to the south, the South Atlantic did not open. New rifts were emerging on the other side of Africa, along the edges of east Africa, Antarctica, and Madagascar, which would later result in the development of the southwest Indian Ocean, which would erupt in the Cretaceous.

when the Gondwanan landmass split into several continents (Africa, South America, India, Antarctica, and Australia). Africa, India, and Australia most likely moved north due to the subduction at Tethyan Trench, which led to the opening of the "South Indian Ocean."

Atlantica, which includes modern-day South America and Africa, and eastern Gondwana finally split apart in the Early Cretaceous (Antarctica, India and Australia). Then, as South America began to drift away from Africa in the Middle Cretaceous, Gondwana broke up, creating the South Atlantic Ocean. The South Atlantic rifted from south to north rather than evolving consistently.The Indian Ocean was also opened up at the same time as Madagascar and India started to detach from Antarctica and migrate northward.

In the early Cenozoic, Pangaea's breakup underwent its third and final significant phase (Paleocene to Oligocene). About 60–55 Ma, when Laurentia—North America and Greenland—broke away from Eurasia, the Norwegian Sea was created. The Tethys Ocean was sealed off when the Atlantic and Indian Oceans grew. Australia, meanwhile, broke away from Antarctica and migrated swiftly north, much like India did more than 40 million years before.

Learn more about continental drift theory



21. What are the continents that were neighbors in the past?



north america

south america





22. 2.Which continents were obviously neighbors before?​


Which continents do you think were neighbors before? North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia. On the other hand, Africa, South Asia, Antarctica, Australia and South America were once neighbors because they were the ones that made up the Gondwanaland.


Hope it helps sorry if it's wrong :)


North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia.

23. The apparent fit of the continents is one of the evidences provided by Alfred Wegener on his theory of Continental Drift. Which among the continents were neighbors before?


look at the picture


I think is right or maybe tell your mom, friends,classmate and teacher if the answer is correct or wrong.

24. Q6. Which continents were obviously neighbors before?​


North America, Europe, and North Asia were once neighbors because they made up the Laurasia.

25. what continents were neighbors before?


26. q6which continents were obviously neighbor before? ​


North America, Europe, and North Asia

27. which continents were neigbors before

All i know is that according to the "Continental Drift Theory" all continents was all in one super continent called "Pangea'... Its parts just slowly drifted away which led to the 7 continents now...india & eurasia or north america & south america

28. which continents do you think were neighbors before?

The continents that are neighbors before:
Asia and Europe
North America, South America and Africa &
Australia and Antarctica, with India


29. which continents do you think were neighbors before

africa and south merica

30. Which continents do you think were NOT neighbors before?a. Europe and Asiab. North and south Americac. Australia and Antarcticad. India and Africa​


it's "A"


I Think it's a hope it helps

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