Arithmetic Sequence Activity

Arithmetic Sequence Activity

arithmetic sequence activity 10

Daftar Isi

1. arithmetic sequence activity 10


1. 99

2. d= -7 ; a=31

3. 8, 31, 54, 77, 100

4. 6

5. 12

6. 15

7. 6

8. 14

9. 3

10. 5

2. ACTIVITY Instructions: Insert arithmetic mean/s in an arithmetic sequence. 1. Insert one arithmetic mean in a sequence 16,_,30. 2. Insert two arithmetic mean in a sequence 15,___,___30.​


1. 16,23,30


Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps <3

3. activity 2 arithmetic sequence and arithmetic meansarithmetic sequence arithmetic means1.2,__,__,__102.-5,__,__43.10,__,__,__,__254 -6,__,6​






Carry on learning(ʘᴗʘ✿)

4. activity 1: a. find the 15th term of the arithmetic sequence 16,20,24,28,32,... b. in the arithmetic sequence 16,12,18,24,30, ... , which term is 120? c. find the 18th term of the arithmetic sequence which first term is 11 and which seventh term is 59.




a. 16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68,74.

Step-by-step explanation:

hanggang dito lng ako

5. Activity :arithmetic or geometric!determine whether the sequence is geometric or arithmetic.1.12,15,18,21,2.10,5,0,-5,3.5,15,45,135,4.-24,12,-6,3,


1. arithmetic

2. arithmetic



1. Arithmetic
2. Arithmetic
3. Geometric
4. Geometric

6. ACTIVITY: ARITHMETIC OR GEOMETRIC! Determine whether the sequence is geometric or arithmetic.PLEASE ANSWER CORRECTLY ​


1. Arithmetic Sequence
2. Arithmetic Sequence
3. Geometric Sequence
4. Geometric Sequence

Hope you it help you, though my answer is base on my knowledge and understanding. A friendly reminder, don't rely too much please. Have a nice year^^

7. 3. How does geometric sequence differ from arithmetic sequence?4. Based on the activity, describe geometric sequence​


3. arithmetic sequence increases by a common difference while geometric sequence increases by a common ratio

4. geometric sequences are a sequence that increases by multiplying a common ratio to it


Goemetric Sequence MULTIPLYING a nonzero constant called the COMMON RATIO. Arithmetic Sequence ADDING a constant called COMMON DIFFERENCE

8. Activity 8. Make a comparison to show the difference betweenarithmetic and geometric sequencesARITHMETIC SEQUENCE123GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE123​



1 An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where each term after the first is obtained by adding the same constant.

2. using the operation addition and subtraction

3. the formula is an= a1 + (n-1) d


1. A geometric sequence is a sequence where each term after the first is obtained by multiplying the preceding term by thr same cosntant.

2. using tthe operation multiplication and division

3. the formula is an=a1r ^n-1

9. activity 5 Am I arithmetic or geometric tell whether the given sequence is geometric arithmetic or neither​




[tex] \text{down below}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Arithmetic Sequence:

- We use Addition or Subtraction to get the next term. The amount we add or subtract is always the same.

Geometric Sequence:

- We use Multiplication or Division to get the next term. The amount we multiply or divide by is the same.

I hope it helps! ^^

-silent :>

10. Directions: in your activity notebook or answer sheet,write yes if the sequence is an arithmetic sequence then find its common difference. write no if its not arithmetic sequence1. 3,7,11,15,19​


no. 1 is a sequence

finding the common difference is easy

19 - 15 = 4

15 - 11 = 4

11 - 7 = 4

7 - 3 = 4

common difference = 4

11. we're you able to accomplish the activity?in arithmetic sequence​


ʏᴇs..ɪs ᴛʀᴜᴇ...ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜɪs ʀʏᴛ..

12. Arithmetic and geometric sequences coloring activity Pasagot plsss


1. d=2

2. Neither

3. r=3

4. Neither

5. r=-2

6. d= -3

7. d= 1.2

8. Neither

9. Neither

10. d= -14

11. d= -9

12. Neither

13. r= 0.1

14. r= 5

15. Neither

16. Neither

17. r= -6

18. r= 1.4

19. d= 20

20. Neither

Step-by-step explanation:

Ikaw na po bahala sa coloring <3

sana makatulong <3

13. Activity No. 6Finding the next terms of arithmetic sequenceDirection: Determine the next three terms of the arithmetic sequence.1.22, 25, 28, __, ___, ___, ​


1.22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37


SANA makatulong

14. Activity 1. "Getting to Know"Determine whether the given sequence is arithmeti or not.if it is an arithmetic,findcommon difference, then give the next two terms.ARITHMETICSEQUENCEOR NOT1,3,9,27,81,...​



Step-by-step explanation:

3-1=2;27-9=18; 81-27=54

see the solution?

there's no common difference so the answer is not

15. Determine whether the given sequence is arithmetic or geometric. If the sequence is arithmetic, give the common difference and if geometric, give the common ratio. Activity 1 1, 2, 4, 8, …


arithmetic sequence

Step-by-step explanation:

16. The next activity will determine how much you have understand the sequence andarithmetic sequence.5. Apply the concept of Arithmetic sequence in real life situation.​


You can use it on your savings or what we call ipon in Filipino. For example, on week 1, you put Php10.00 on your savings. The next week, you added Php15.00, the next week, you added Php20.00 and so on. When you apply it on arithmetic sequence, we can see that the common difference is 5 since you just add Php5 the next week. Using arithmetic sequence, you can determine your savings for 48 weeks, and you can even solve for the sum of all your savings in the future. Hope this helps :))

17. Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with arithmetic means to be inserted between the given nonconsecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence.​


1. 12, 17, 22

2. 11,24

3. 14, 8, 2

4. 11, 19, 27, 38

5. 29, 26, 23

18. in your activity notebook or answer sheet write yes if the sequence is an arithmetic sequence then find its common difference .write no if it is not an arithmetic sequence.​


1. Yes


2. No

3. Yes

Difference= -½

4. Yes

Difference= ÷2

5. Yes

Difference= 2

6. Yes

Difference= ×2

7. Yes

Difference= 4

8. No

9. No

10. Yes

Difference= 9

19. 0 ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Complete the table. ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE Definition Example Commonality To obtain the next term General Rule 1. Explain how to determine whether a list of numbers is an arithmetic sequence and a geometric sequence. 2. What makes an arithmetic sequence different from a geometric sequence? 3. How will you find the next in an arithmetic sequence and a geometric sequence? 10​


20. Determine whether the given sequence is arithmetic or geometric. If the sequence is arithmetic, give the common difference and if geometric, give the common ratio. Activity 1 1, 2, 4, 8, …


arithmetic,,, common difference

Step-by-step explanation:

geometric,,,,, common ratio

21. Activity 1: Arithmetic Sequence5.____,4, 10, 16,____​


-2 , 4 , 10 , 16 , 22

just add or minus their common difference which is 6

How to get their common difference

just subtract the terms left to right



to get the next arithmetic sequence just add 6

16+6 = 22


28+6=34 and so on and so forth

to get the first arithmetic sequence just subtract 6


22. activity 11 arithmetic sequence answer​


Nasa picture

Step-by-step explanation:

kunin mo lang yung common difference ng mga sagot saka mo i-add sa previous term.

second term-first term= common difference

second term+common diferrence= third sequence

third sequence+cd= fourth sequence


23. ACTIVITY 1: ***Tell Me!" Direction: Determine whether the sequence appears to be an arithmetic sequence Write AS if the sequence is arithmetic sequence and NAS if the sequence is not an arithmetic sequence 1. 9,13,17,21,... 2. 10,8,5, 1,... 3. -4,-2,1,5,... 4. 4,1, -2,-5,... 5. 11,5,-1,-7,... ​



24. Activity 1:Complete the Arithmetic Sequence3,12,. 21,. 30,?​



sana makatulong salamat


Step-by-step explanation:

3 , 13 , 21 , 30 ,39 , 48

By 9

25. Activity 1:Identification: Write AS if it is an arithmetic sequence and NAS if it is not.​







Step-by-step explanation:

Sana makatulong

26. Activity 3: Finding the sum of the Terms of an Arithmetic SequenceDirection: Determine the sum of the following arithmetic sequence. 5, 2,-1,-4, -7​



Step-by-step explanation:


= 5+2+(-1)+(-4)+(-7)

= -5


Use the formula:


Sn= 5([tex]\frac{5-7}{2}[/tex])

    = 5( -2/2)

    = -5

27. how do you find doing the activity of arithmetic sequence and geometric sequence​


An arithmetic sequence is a sequence with the difference between two consecutive terms constant. The difference is called the common difference. A geometric sequence is a sequence with the ratio between two consecutive terms constant. This ratio is called the common ratio.

28. Activity l:Make up your own arithmetic sequence.01. list first the 15 terms of your arithmetic sequence.02. Then, show that you know the sequence is arithmetic.03. Next, find the equation for your arithmetic sequence.04. find the sum of your first 15 terms of your arithmetic sequence.05. make sure that all of it is connected with it.—pa help, needed now po


Tingin nalang po sa ibaba :)

Step-by-step explanation:

1. My arithmetic sequence:

3, 5 , 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31      

2. Sequence:

Just add 2 every number. For example: 3+2 = 5, 5+2= 7, 7+2=9 and so forth.

3. Equation:



a{1}= 5 (2nd term ) and so on...

4. Sum of the first 15 terms.

3 + 5+ 7 + 9 +11 + 13 +15 +17 +19+ 21 +23 +25 +27 +29+ 31 = 255

29. 1Activity 5. Determine whether the sequence is geometric or arithmetic.​

where is the questions to be determined

Step-by-step explanation:

where is the question po

30. activity how well do you know me Directions: Determine if the given set if numbers illustrates an arithmetic sequence or a geometric sequence. write A in the blank is the sequence is arithmetic and G if it is geometric​


San Yung sasagutan?

Step-by-step explanation:


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