Claim Of Value About Social Media

Claim Of Value About Social Media

claim of value about social media​

Daftar Isi

1. claim of value about social media​


Certain values are embedded within social media: convenience, ease of communication, brevity, and perhaps a bit of egocentrism as well. But communication with others is often difficult, requiring effort and time.

2. claim of fact, claim of value, claim of policy about social media accesspatulong​


Claim of fact: Social media access has increased significantly in recent years, with a majority of people now having access to social media platforms through their smartphones.

Claim of value: Social media access is important for staying connected with friends and family, as well as for staying informed about current events and news.

Claim of policy: Government should invest in programs to increase access to social media in disadvantaged communities, as social media can play a vital role in connecting these communities to information and resources that can help improve their lives.


Di ko alam kung ganyan ba correct me if im wrong thanks!

3. Claim of Fact, Policy and Value about "Fake news or misinformation that is spread on social media"


You need to be careful especially on social medias many speculations are just speculation. don't believe right away



4. many claims fact,value, and policy are made on various social media what should be your attitude about these claims?​


It is important to approach claims made on social media with a critical eye. Many social media platforms are breeding grounds for misinformation, so it's important to verify any claims that you come across before accepting them as fact. It's also important to consider the source of the claim and the potential biases or motivations of the person or organization making the claim. Additionally, it's important to remember that not all claims can be verified, and some claims may be a matter of opinion or personal belief rather than fact. In cases like these, it's best to approach the claim with an open mind and consider it in the context of the other information that you have available.

5. A. Claim of FactB. Claim of ValueC. Claim of Policy1. Good hygiene must be practiced by everyone.2. Bags must be placed in front of the classroom to preventcheating.3. Learn to recycle your trash to help clean the environment.4. Drinking beverages with vitamin C can make you immunefrom any diseases.5. Longer hair makes someone more beautiful6. Television shows mostly influence the way the audience thinkabout social and political issues.7. Speaking to yourself loudly when reviewing is the best methodto get a passing score for an examination.8. Children who watch shows that promote violence manifestrebellious behaviours on their early adolescents.9. Social media has been the melting pot of information foreveryone nowadays.10. Reviewing after an examination is the best way to retaininformation from previous lessons.​


1. B.

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. B

6. Exercise 5: Claim to ConveyDirections: Try to write three claims (fact, value, and policy) about current issues in yourulkool, county in our counlıy.Example:Current Issue: Cyber bullyingFact Claim: Some students use social media to bully their classmates.Value Claim. It is wrong to use social media lu bully utlici preuplePolicy Claim: The bullied should report to authorities the bully for action.Current Issue:Fact Claim:Value Claim:Policy ClaimCurrent Issue:Fact ClaimValue Claim:Policy Claim:​


Current issue: Going outside without wearing face mask.

Fact claim: Some people are not wearing face mask when going outside just because they want to.

Value claim: It is wrong not to wear face mask when going outside.

Policy claim: The people who's not wearing face mask when going outside should be reported to the baranggay captain or police.


I hope this helps.

7. Write claims of fact , policy , and value about the topics below1.Teenage pregnancy among high school learners2.Equal rights between men and women3. Impact of social media among learners mental health​


1. claim of value

2. claim of fact

3. claim of value

8. Exercise 5: Claim to Conveyfact,Directions: Try to write three claims (fact, value, and policy) about current issues in yourschool, community or in our country.Example:Current Issue: CyberbullyingFact Claim: Some students use social media to bully their classmates.Value Claim: It is wrong to use social media to bully other people.Policy Claim: The bullied should report to authorities the bully for action.1. Current Issue:Fact Claim:Value Claim;Policy Claim:2. Current Issue:Fact Claim:Value Claim:Policy Claim:3. Current Issue:Fact Claim:Value Claim:Policy Claim:4. Current Issue:Fact Claim;Value Claim:​Need q na po please maayos na answer sana Thankyou​ pa help po please​


Current Issue: Poverty

Fact claim: The COVID-19 pandemic may have resulted in the national poverty rate increasing from 16.7% in 2018 to an estimated 21% in 2020.

Value Claim: I think poverty is an effect for overpopulation.

Policy Claim: Philippine government plans to eradicate extreme poverty by 2040. Furthermore, the government has implemented various programs and reforms to reduce poverty by targeting education, healthcare and the overall economy.

9. Directions:Try to write three claims(Fact,Value, and policy)About current issues in your school,community or in our country.Example:1.Current issues:CyberbullyingFact of claim:Some students use social media to bully their classmatesValue Claim:It is wrong to use the social media to bully other peoplePolicy Claim:The bullied should report to authorities the bully for an action​



FACT:  wear a facemask to protect oneself against covid 19.  

VALUE: "there is nothing that gives more assurance than a mask"

POLICY: wearing a facemask in a public place should be done to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in our society.

10. write three claims (fact, policy, and value) about the issues on social media as a sources of news


Current Issue: Cyberbullying

Fact Claim : Some students use social media to bully their classmates.

Value Claim: It is wrong to use social media to bully other people.

Policy Claim: The bullied should report to authorities the bully for action.


Pa Mark po brainliest

11. ACTIVITY 2: LET'S READ AND WRITE Directions: Write a more specific version of the general sentence. Write your answer on the space provided for Example: Mary Ann drives her car to her school. Answer: Mary Ann drives her Toyota to her school. 1. General sentence: The people go to church every Sunday. More Specific Sentence. 2. General sentence: They categorize the paper based on the lesson learned. More Specific Sentence: 3. General sentence: She bought good furniture for her new condo. More Specific Sentence: 4. General sentence: Studying abroad is expensive for ordinary people. More Specific Sentence: 5. General sentence: He worked hard for buying the cellphone. More Specific Sentence:​ ADD ANSWER +5 PTS Log in to add comment hea13 is waiting for your help. Add your answer and earn points. New questions in English Please paki answer po! Need kona po ty Make a slogan regarding the importance of nationalism. Write 5 causes and 5 effects of nationalism. OUTPUT #1 Direction: read or silently sing this song entitled "bahay" by gary granada. make your criticism by completing the graphic organizer and the…next page. write your answer in your notebook. SOCIOLOGICAL- STRUCTURALISM- READER-RESPONSE- ​ Three paragraph about survival kit (in your own word pwede din po kayo mag hanap sa g0ogle basta three paragraph essay ty) shala [tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex] ​ 1. An 11-year-old child was bashed in social media because of her alleged ungrateful reactions on the birthday surprise prepared by the relatives. Acc…ording to one of the relatives, the child only announced before for no more birthday surprise, instead wishing the child's parents to come home on the special day. How do you react on the bashers claim against the child? value judgement; sound analysis;​ Give the technical and operational definition of each of the following terms and concepts. 1. Pandemic * Technical Definition * Operational Definition…2. Social Distancing * Technical Definition * Operational Definition 3. Quarantine * Technical Definition * Operational Definition 4. Home Schooling * Technical Definition * Operational Definition 5.Coronavirus *Technical Definition *Operation Definition​​ How to create a sinusoidal model from a graph? directions: write a ten-sentence paragraph that will support the general statement below. use grammatical signals to show coherence within and among y…our composition. "The Municipality of Pigcayan is the top tourist destination in PPALMA area." No nonesense please or your ganna reported​ 1. Why is it important not to believe in any article or material right away? 2. What are the 6 tips to consider in spotting factual or truthful inform…ation?​ If you will give someone a direction on how to go to your place , how will you state it?​ Previous Next​


[tex] \color{black}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\small  \\ \colorbox{red}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999999pt}}}\colorbox{orange}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999995pt}}}\colorbox{yellow}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999999pt}}}\colorbox{green}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999995pt}}}\colorbox{blue}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999999pt}}}\colorbox{magenta}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999995pt}}}\colorbox{purple}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{999999pt}}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}  [/tex]

12. write three claims (fact, value, and policy) about the issues on social media as a source of news.​

3 Claims (Fact, Values and Policy) about the Issues on Social Media as a source of news.

Fact: Social media has become a major source of news for many people around the world.

Value: Relying solely on social media as a source of news can be problematic as it may result in a lack of diverse perspectives and a potential for misinformation.

Policy: It is important for individuals to critically evaluate the sources and credibility of news on social media, and for social media platforms to take responsibility in regulating and verifying news content to ensure accuracy and prevent the spread of false information.

When someone bullies another person using electronic or remote media, this is known as cyberbullying. This typically occurs as a result of intimidating or threatening texts. Cyberbullying should be taken seriously at all times, particularly by educators. Educators can help reduce cyberbullying by teaching their pupils to be kind and compassionate, as well as monitoring how students communicate to see if there are any signs of bullying. They will also be a listening ear for students who are being bullied online who need assistance.
•Every day, more children than we realize are cyberbullied.
•Cyberbullying affects almost half of
LGBTQ+ pupils.
•Cyberbullying is considered unethical by the majority of young people.
• Bullies are using social media to harass others by cyberbullying.
• Parents can effectively avoid cyberbullying for their children by keeping a close eye on how much time they spend on the internet and seeing who they are talking with while they are having an online discussion.
• Alwavs reach out to someone vou meet who has been the victim of cyberbullying.

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