Cmo 22

Cmo 22

Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo. A. CMO No. 20B. CMO No. 21C. CMO No. 22D. CMO No. 23​

Daftar Isi

1. Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo. A. CMO No. 20B. CMO No. 21C. CMO No. 22D. CMO No. 23​


Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo.

Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo. A. CMO No. 20

Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo. A. CMO No. 20B. CMO No. 21

Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo. A. CMO No. 20B. CMO No. 21C. CMO No. 22

Ang kautusan na nagtatanggal sa Filipino at Panitikan bilang mga “core subjects” sa kolehiyo. A. CMO No. 20B. CMO No. 21C. CMO No. 22D. CMO No. 23

2. 1. write your personal observations about items that are common to CMO #74 and CMO #75. 2.write your personal comments about (choose 1) CMO #74 or CMO #75.​

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3. Differentiate System BIOS, Startup BIOS, CMOS BIOS or CMOS Setup?


The BIOS is the program that starts a computer up, and the CMOS is where the BIOS stores the date, time, and system configuration details it needs to start the computer . The BIOS is a small program that controls the computer from the time it powers on until the time the operating system takes over.

4. it provides BIOS or CMOS clock of the system​


BIOS, computing, stands for Basic Input/Output System. The BIOS is a computer program embedded on a chip on a computer's motherboard that recognizes and controls various devices that make up the computer. The purpose of the BIOS is to make sure all the things plugged into the computer can work properly.

complementary metal oxide semiconductor

Semiconductor device that serves as an "electronic eye"

The working principle of a CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) image sensor was conceived in the latter half of the 1960s, but the device was not commercialized until microfabrication technologies became advanced enough in the 1990s.



5. discuss CMO 79 series 2017? ​



It aims to qualify and certify prospective EPP/TLE Teachers from Grades 4-8 to ensure their competence in trade qualifications, and training and assessment methodologies.

Explanation:hope it helps pa brainliest :)

6. the CMOS battery is responsible for?​


CMOS stands for:“Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.” The CMOS battery powers the BIOS firmware in your laptop [2]. BIOS needs to remain operational even when your computer isn't plugged into a power source. That's where the battery comes in.



7. what is CMO No. 20, 2013.

Answer: CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 20, series of 2013 otherwise known as the “General Education Curriculum: Holistic Understandings, Intellectual and Civic Competencies” is the policy cover for the revised General Education Curriculum (GEC), which offers greater flexibility than the current curriculum.

Explanation: Pa Brainliest po Thx

8. BIOS and CMOS function​


The BIOS is the program that starts a computer up, and the CMOS is where the BIOS stores the date, time, and system configuration details it needs to start the computer. The BIOS is a small program that controls the computer from the time it powers on until the time the operating system takes over.


please mark as a brainliest answer

9. What is the use of the CMOS Battery?​

CMOS battery is also known as Real-time Clock (RTC). The estimated life of CMOS battery is about 3 years. It is used in computers to store BIOS information and settings. In case someone wants to reset all the BIOS settings even the password, then it has to be removed to achieve it. Moreover, this CMOS battery keeps the computer clock ticking whether it is turned on or off.

10. Screen menu in BIOS Setup Utility where boot device priority is configured. a. BIOS b. CMOS c. CMOS Battery d. POST​




#hope it helps

11. what is the function of cmos please answer​

The CMOS is a physical part of the motherboard: it is a memory chip that houses setting configurations and is powered by the onboard battery. The CMOS is reset and loses all custom settings in case the battery runs out of energy, Additionally, the system clock resets when the CMOS loses power.

I hope it's help

brainliest po

12. what is the different BIOS and CMOS​


BIOS - Basic Input Output System

It's the computer's program that the computer's microprocessor uses to initialize the computer system when powering on, like doing POST (Power-On Self Test)

CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

It is a type of memory technology that refers to the chip that stores variable data for startup.


heheh hope it helps

pic lang po masend ko

13. english of CMOS what is the meaning​

complementary mental-oxide semiconductor

14. what are the functions of CMOS?​


CMOS Battery gives 'backup power' to CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) of a computer to keep some parameter values, eg: RTC (Real Time Clock). These primary parameters shall be used when the system gets booted again. Many computers use CMOS memory to hold current time and date.

15. dicuss howto enter the BIOS/CMOS setup. identify and describe three things that can be found in the CMOS setup dicuss the importance/ purpose of BIOS/CMOS in the computer operation​



Entering BIOS

In entering computer BIOS you need to know what key to press to enter the BIOS, usually it shows when you start the computer where it says F2 BIOS setup or F11. When you are entering the BIOS as soon as you press the power button make sure to press the key multiple times but not fast.

After pressing the key the BIOS setting will show up and it will show you the COMPUTER DETAILS such as how many ram, speed of the computer and others details. It will also show you settings such as BOOT SEQUENCE where you can arrange what device should load up first. And lastly it also show you the OVERCLOCKING SETTINGS which if you want to speed up your computer.

BIOS setup has many uses an example would be if you want to upgrade your hardware such as ram and cpu you can see the BIOS to see what type of motherboard or RAM is inserted without removing the peripheral. Another is when you are reformatting it and you want to load first your flash drive you can change it in BIOS and go to BOOT SEQUENCE. And lastly if you want to speed up your computer you can go to OVERCLOCKING SETTINGS (note: for advanced users only).

16. what is the function of the CMOS backup battery?

in a Computer it, serves as a Battery for date and Time.

17. CMO means on CHED guidelines​




18. 1. What is CMOS and what is it for? ​


Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (COMOS) is a type of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor fabrication process that uses complementary and symmetrical pairs of p-type and n-type MOSFETs for logic operations.

19. CMO No. 57, S. 2017​


5/7one dot is come company's works at you all that things56/one hup for 12 band you're nice q day of works

20. what are the 3 pillars of CMO​


The three components of CMO include civil-military relations, enabling operations, and information management.


Sana Makatulong

21. What does CMOS stands for?​


Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor


yan po ang nakalagay,hope it helps po:)

22. Reflection about CMOS


A CMOS signal driver with an ordinary of magnitude smaller dI/dt noise than the conventional design whithout incurring the penalty of signal delay is described in this paper. A signal reflection suprressing ability, which comes from configuration of driver circuit itself, is highlighted. The crosstalk noise of floating signal interconnection lines are analyzed and experimentally measured.

23. which of the following is a special chip in which the configuration data saved? a. CMOS battery b. CMOS c. CPU d. RAM ​



I think the answer is c. CPU


hope it's correct

24. Differentiate the CMOS to BIOS. ​


The main difference between BIOS and CMOS is that the BIOS is a firmware that performs hardware initialization when booting up the computer and provides runtime services for OS and other programs while the CMOS is a special memory chip that stores and retains the BIOS configuration settings.

25. What hazard is changing a CMOS battery? ​


Replacing the battery should not be an issue. Just make sure you get one with the same specs(voltage being the one you are after in this case. many are 3 volt lithium 2032 style batteries) and do not reverse the polarity(do not flip + and - on the battery). If the CMOS battery in your computer or laptop dies, the machine will be unable to remember its hardware settings when it is powered up. It is likely to cause problems with the day-to-day use of your system.


26. what is CMOS means?​


Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor


Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS), also known as complementary-symmetry metal–oxide–semiconductor (COS-MOS), is a type of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) fabrication process that uses complementary and symmetrical pairs of p-type and n-type MOSFETs for logic functions.


complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor

27. what is the CMO No.5 series of 2003 ​


this is my answer I hope it helps

CMO No. 05, Series of 2003 – Utilization of the National Service Training Program

28. what is the acronym of CHED and CMO


Commission on higher education

chief ministry officer



CHED- Commission on Higher Education

CMO- Chief Marketing Officer


29. What is inside the CMOS menu?



The CMOS menu contains the hardware customization options allowed by the motherboard, uses a simple graphical interface and is controlled by the keyboard. Customization features include memory handling, expansion port speed configuration, boot device order and power control.

30. what is CMOS?Thank you in advance​


-is a physical part of the motherboard: it is a memory chip that houses setting configurations and is powered by the onboard battery.

What is CMOS?

Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS), also known as complementary-symmetry metal–oxide–semiconductor (COS-MOS), is a type of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) fabrication process that uses complementary and symmetrical pairs of p-type and n-type MOSFETs for logic functions.

Hope It Helps!

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