Contis Robinsons Galleria

Contis Robinsons Galleria

in robinson galleria at lipa city, a dress marked php 450.00 was sold for 360.00. how many percent was discount?​

Daftar Isi

1. in robinson galleria at lipa city, a dress marked php 450.00 was sold for 360.00. how many percent was discount?​



Step-by-step explanation:

yan po ang answer sana po makatulong pa brainliest din po

2. reason for preservation of galleria taal?​


please answer my question in my profile



3. 1.  Bodie wants to go to Galleria which is 60m 30 degrees north west from his house. How far north and how far west is Galleria from his place? ​

How much he must go west and the vertical component how much he has to go north?

So for the western road length: 60*cos

(60) = 60*1/2=30 m (because if Galleria is 30 degrees northwest, it makes a 60 degree angle with the west = horizontal direction)

And to see how far he must go north:

60*sin (60) = 60*0.866 = approx. 51.96 m.



ang hirap lods


ikaw na lang sumagot nyan

4. pick two points of view to compare (those of sharon, rachel, or jackie robinson). explain one way in which their views on jackie's early months in the major leagues were similar.What are 2 things Jackie Robinson is known for?What is the significance of Jackie Robinson's relationship to Major League Baseball?What was Jackie Robinson's early life like?How do you think Jackie Robinson made a difference in baseball?Feedback


For the two points of view to compare, let's choose Jackie Robinson and Rachel.

Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in Major League Baseball, while Rachel was his wife and an advocate for civil rights and social justice.

One way in which their views on Jackie's early months in the major leagues were similar is that both recognized the importance of staying strong in the face of adversity. Jackie faced incredible racism and hostility from fans, players, and even his own teammates when he first entered the major leagues, but he persevered and continued to play at a high level despite the immense pressure. Rachel also faced discrimination and bigotry throughout her life, but she remained committed to fighting for equality and justice for all.

1. Two things Jackie Robinson is known for are breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball and his civil rights activism off the field.

2. The significance of Jackie Robinson's relationship to Major League Baseball is that he helped to break down the racial barriers that had existed in the sport for decades. By demonstrating that black athletes were just as talented and capable as their white counterparts, Jackie paved the way for future generations of black baseball players and helped to inspire social change across the country.

3. Jackie Robinson's early life was marked by poverty and discrimination. He grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood in California and faced racism from an early age. Despite this, he excelled in multiple sports and attended college at UCLA, where he continued to excel both academically and athletically.

4. Jackie Robinson made a difference in baseball by breaking down the color barrier and demonstrating that black athletes were just as talented and capable as their white counterparts. He also used his platform to advocate for civil rights and social justice, becoming a prominent figure in the fight for equality and justice in America. Robinson's legacy continues to inspire athletes and activists today, reminding us of the power of resilience, courage, and determination in the face of adversity.

5. sino Ang may ari Ng Robinson?​


Philip Robinson


if tama po pakibrainliest

6. History of robinson pulilan bulacan​


History of Robinsons Pulilan

Robinsons is one of the largest mall operators in the Philippines. In 2010, they decided to open a branch in Pulilan, Bulacan, referred to as Robinsons Supermarket. A few years later, Robinsons decided to change the name of the mall into Robinsons Townville Pulilan. This building can be found in Barangay Cutcot, Pulilan, Bulacan, just in front of the public market.


Before the construction of Robinsons Townville Pulilan, the land where the building currently is used to be a parking space for public jeepneys. During Christmas time, or when the Kneeling Carabao Festival is fast approaching, this giant plot of land becomes a carnival, visited by the children.

For more information about Central Luzon, please visit the link below:


7. 1. What makes up about 71% of the Earth's surface? Conti​

the ocean makes up 71% of the earths surface.

8. what sector is robinson supermarket is?


RRHI operates its supermarkets, department stores, consumer electronics and appliances stores, big box hardware stores, and community malls under the "Robinsons" brand name.


Company Information.

Sector Services

Subsector Retail

Corporate Life 0

Incorporation Date Feb 04, 2002

Number of Directors 9

9. The robinson family went to bed one frigid winter night and were found deceased the next day. a squirrel’s nest was found in their chimney. what happened to the robinsons?


The Robinson’s presumably had a fire going all night to keep warm from the cold night; asquirrel clogging their chimney did not allow for the smoke to travel out of the house leading up The Robinson Family Inhaling Carbon Monoxide while they were asleep and deceased. What resulted in this tragic event is that the carbon monoxide took place of the oxygen, latching onto.

10. Robinson's Place is a proper nuon, or common noun?​


Proper Noun



Common noun


11. the swiss family robinson beginning story the swiss family robinson middle storythe swiss family robinson ending storythe swiss family robinson plotthe swiss family robinson settingPAKI SAGOT PO PLEASE​

The Swiss Family Robinson is a classic adventure novel written by Johann David Wyss, first published in 1812. The novel follows the story of a Swiss family who is shipwrecked on a deserted island and their efforts to survive and build a new life there.


The story begins with the Swiss family, consisting of father William, mother Elizabeth, and their four sons Fritz, Ernest, Jack, and Franz, being shipwrecked on a deserted island during a storm. They manage to salvage supplies from the shipwreck and begin to build a new life on the island.

They face many challenges, such as building shelter, finding food and water, and defending themselves against wild animals. The family's resourcefulness, knowledge, and teamwork help them overcome these obstacles and create a comfortable home on the island.

Throughout their time on the island, the family discovers many new things and adventures, including exotic animals, hidden treasures, and even pirates. They also create a farm and cultivate crops and livestock to sustain themselves.

Eventually, the family is rescued by a passing ship, and they return to their homeland in Switzerland, bringing with them many memories and valuable experiences from their time on the island.


The Swiss Family Robinson is set on a deserted island in an unknown location. The island is described as being rich in natural resources, including fertile land, fresh water, and abundant wildlife. The island also contains many hidden secrets and treasures that the family discovers throughout their time there.

Beginning Story:

The story begins with the family being shipwrecked on the island and their initial struggles to survive and find shelter.

Middle Story:

In the middle of the story, the family becomes more accustomed to life on the island and begins to build a new home, cultivate crops, and explore their surroundings.

Ending Story:

The story concludes with the family being rescued by a passing ship and returning home to Switzerland, bringing with them many valuable lessons and experiences from their time on the island.

12. why was the robinson-patman act passed?​


The Robinson-Patman Act is a federal law passed in 1936 to outlaw price discrimination. The Robinson-Patman Act is an amendment to the 1914 Clayton Antitrust Act and is supposed to prevent "unfair" competition.

13. Conti factoring for 2x² -15x +18​


the answer is ah: 7 done ty

14. bkt red ang red ribbon ?A.GoldilocksB.FortuneC Contis​




pa brainliest

15. Richard Cory Edwin Arlington-robinson


Richard Cory


Whenever Richard Cory went down town,

We people on the pavement looked at him:

He was a gentleman from sole to crown,

Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,

And he was always human when he talked;

But still he fluttered pulses when he said,

"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—

And admirably schooled in every grace:

In fine, we thought that he was everything

To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,

And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;

And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,

Went home and put a bullet through his head.

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Edward Arlington Robinson was born on December 22, 1869 in Head Tide, Maine. Although he was one of the most prolific American poets of the early 20th century—and his Collected Poems (1921) won the first Pulitzer Prize ever awarded to poetry—he is remembered now for a few short poems. Robinson was devoted to his art and led a solitary, often make-shift existence; he published virtually nothing during his long career except poetry. Amy Lowell, a contemporary of Robinson, declared in the New York Times Book Review, “Edwin Arlington Robinson is poetry. I can think of no other living writer who has so consistently dedicated his life to his work.” In books such as The Torrent and the Night Before (1896; reprinted 1996), Captain Craig (1902; 1915), The Man Against the Sky (1916), King Jasper (1935), and particularly through the well-known Tilbury Town cycle, Robinson established a recognizable set of thematic and technical concerns: “themes of personal failure, artistic endeavor, materialism, and the inevitability of change,” characterize much of his work, according to scholar Robert Gilbert. Robinson’s use of laconic, everyday speech while also adhering to traditional forms at a time when most poets were experimenting with the genre also made his poetry unique. “All his life Robinson strenuously objected to free verse,” Gilbert remarked, “replying once when asked if he wrote it, ‘No, I write badly enough as it is.’”


Can you brainles po pls

16. Why does SM and Robinsons are competitors?


Because they've got different owners.


That's why!

Hope it helps :)

17. This commercial building is thought to be an evolved form of the palengke ormarket.a. Ethnic housec. Government buildingsb. Movie housed. Mall/galleria​


D Mall/galleria


Because it was always near in the market andthe was a supermarket inside the mall

18. What is the setting of the story "Robinson Crusoe"?


Crusoe begins his journey in September 1659 and travels to Africa, Brazil, and a lost island in the Atlantic. He moves primarily through and around the Atlantic Ocean. In this sense, the setting of the novel is a transatlantic one.


By on my research

19. Robinsons supermarket marketing strategies


Robinsons Supermarket is the Philippines' first mainstream supermarket anchored on health and wellness that prioritizes locally sourced produce and nutrition-oriented campaigns.

Most of its offerings follow the Food and Nutrition Research Institute's color-coded certification system for healthy products. It empowers customers with health selections at accessible price points and locations.

In June 2020, Robinsons Supermarket also debuted in digital retail under GoRobinsons.PH - RRHI's very own group-wide e-commerce platform

20. Why is atticus urged not to defend tom robinson?


Atticus defends Tom Robinson (Chapter 9, page 99) Atticus feels that he has to do what's right to be able to hold his head up or even have any authority over his children. He also is willing to stand up against the odds—he knows he's “licked” before he even begins.


pa brainliest









sana makatulong

21. the earth is robinson 2011​


saan po yung question?


tanong ko lang po

22. Zumba session in Robinsons


Ikaw po ang ang magzuzumba at pwede mo kasama ang mga kaibigan mo magzumba

23. services of robinson​

Serve the costumers and sell things

24. Who build the Robinson's Business in USA?





25. Contis tion of plastic How to prevent ​


There are many small ways you can have a big impact.

Wean yourself off disposable plastics. ...

Stop buying water. ...

Boycott microbeads. ...

Cook more. ...

Purchase items secondhand. ...

Recycle (duh). ...

Support a bag tax or ban. ...

Buy in bulk.


I hope it helps

26. It is the situation of the land where it is conti nuously farmed.​


I think its Illegal Logging


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• ఌ︎☾︎__ kim__☽︎ ఌ︎ •


«« ❥︎ ----- StaySafe »»


Illegal Logging


Brainliest me pls



1.Notice Change

2.Trial and Error

3.Event Viewer

4.Check Cable

5.Make Notes


hope it's help<3

28. Derections weety where he rarral.comAYYou USConti​


Nasan po yung question?

29. .. Robinsons Bank Corporation​






Robinson bank vigan branch

30. Mount Asog in Iriga City is part of the continental crust.The conti TRUE OR FALSE​




Hope this helps :)

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