Credit Instruments

Credit Instruments

Identify the most important credit instrument.​

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1. Identify the most important credit instrument.​


you can search in gogle please use it

2. In your own opinion, what is the Importance of Credit Instrument.


There are two main advantages to the use of a credit instrument. First, the consumer does not have to carry a great deal of currency in order to make purchases. Second, the instrument can usually be replaced with relative ease when damage, loss, or theft of the instrument takes place


hope it helps

3. Why the credit man, credit Manager, credit investigation, credit work, credit policy, credit file and credit frauds important in the credit and collection of a company?​


Uri ng kawayan na karaniwang may mga tinik at ang tangkay nito ay umaabot ng hanggang 25 metro. Maaari rin itong kainin at ipanggamot

A.Kawayang Bulo

B.Kawayang Kiling

C.Kawayang Tinik

D.Giant Bamboo

4. Directions: Classify the typethe space provided for.Photo Credit DLP Health 9Photo Gerit conih govPhoto Credit Ananaw of3Photo Credit thedrwgclassroom.comPrata Credit DEP Health 9shoto Credit BP Health 9​


What's the question?


5. What is the difference between a credit period from credit term?​


The credit period does not apply to the amount of time it takes for the buyer to pay the invoice, but rather to the time it takes for the seller to pay the invoice while credit terms are the conditions for payment specified on an invoice. To increase the flow of inbound cash, it is popular for sellers to give early payment terms to their customers. For cash-strapped corporations, this is extremely common.

6. 1. What does give credit where credit is due mean? 2. Why is it important to give credit where credit is due? 3. How do you give credit where credit is due? 4. How do you usually give credit to your group mates or classmates? ​


1. used to justly ptaise someone for their atchivments or contribution or apriciat them thanks them scensrly

3.give them apriciation them and cheer up them


7. notes payable- Debit or credit?Accounts Receivable - Debit or CreditMary Smith, Capital - Debit or CreditSupplies - Debit or CreditSupplies Expense- Debit or CreditPrepaid Insurance - Debit or CreditService Revenue - Debit or CreditMary Smith, Drawing - Debit or CreditEquipment - Debit or Credit​


salamat posa tulong ninyo maraming salamat po

8. give a situation that emphasizes the give credit where the credit is due​


An expression that means that you should praise someone who deserves it, although you might dislike some things about them: I don't especially like the woman but, credit where credit's due, she's very efficient.


Credit is the ability to borrow money or access goods or services with the understanding that you'll pay later. ... To the extent that creditors consider you worthy of their trust, you are said to be creditworthy, or to have "good credit".

9. Creditors information needs involve makingall of the following decisions,except: Select one: a. Whether or not to sell goods and serviceson accountbasis b. Whether or not ask for advance payment from a customer c. Whether or not to invest in a credit instrument d. Whether or not renew an existing customer's credit line


Step-by-step explanation:

10. 1. In September when the company receives the $2,000 from the customer, which account should the company credit?a. Cash b. Accounts Receivable c. Service Revenue 2. To increase the balance in the following accounts, would you debit the account or would you credit the account?Accounts Payable Debit CreditCash Debit CreditLand Debit CreditNotes Payable Debit CreditAccounts Receivable Debit CreditMary Smith, Capital Debit CreditSupplies Debit CreditSupplies Expense Debit CreditPrepaid Insurance Debit CreditService Revenue Debit CreditMary Smith, Drawing Debit CreditEquipment Debit Credit​


1.The correct answer is to debit Cash, since cash was received. Accounts Receivable should be CREDITED, since this asset is reduced when the company collects on its accounts receivable.

2.If you credit the account you are increasing its balance. A DEBIT will decrease balance. Supplies is an asset account. Asset accounts normally have debit balances and a debit will increase asset balances.

Record on the right side of an account. Credits increase liability, equity, and revenue accounts. Credits decrease asset and expense accounts.

11. Why the credit man, credit Manager, credit investigation, credit work, credit policy, credit file and credit frauds important in the credit and collection of a company?​


It is critical to include a section in the policy that defines the precise tasks and responsibilities of the credit and collections employees.


This aids in streamlining operations, avoiding redundancy, and increasing efficiency. The credit and collection function is a critical component of every business's operations. The credit department can make a substantial contribution to sales and profit maximization by using creative strategies to organize transactions so that sales can be approved whenever necessary.

12. As a credit officer, how would you help the customer in granting credit?​

by helping them what they need and what they want and if they don't have money to give you just iunderstand them and let it because the really helpful people don't ask for anything in return.

hope it helps

intindihin nyo nalang po I'm not good at English po hehe

13. it is a credit card voucher against a guest credit card​

it is a credit card voucher against a guest credit card?

SOP or Settlement of guest account at Checkout is a credit card voucher against a guest credit card.


14. Bank issue two kinds of credit: secured credit and unsecured credit, define and give example of each.​


A secured credit card is a credit card that is backed by a cash deposit, which serves as collateral should the cardholder default on payments.


Credit Repair Credit Cards

Debt Relief Personal Loans

Unsecured credit cards are the most common type of credit cards. They are not secured by collateral. That means that unlike secured loans, such as mortgages or auto loans, unsecured credit cards are not directly connected to property that a lender can seize of the cardholder fails to pay.


Credit cards, student loans, and personal loans are examples of unsecured loans.


hope it helps


The credit contract creates the right of the creditor to collect from the debtor. The credit contract is based on trust. Furthermore, the present of futurity and risk makes it border on uncertainties. Therefore, it is important that faith on the borrower's ability and willingness to pay exists.

16. 1. Explain why credit policies are integral part of credit evaluation?​


When your customers don't make payments on time, it increases your carrying cost and strains your cash flow. A strong credit policy is one of the many tools that construction companies use to speed up payment, maintain a positive bank balance, and even take on bigger projects.

17. It helps business owners in monitoring their credit sales.A. Credit BookC. Credit SalesB. Debtor BookD. Creditpatulong po please​


D po

hope it's help

18. Give credit where credit is due true of false​




no need explanation




I hope this helps..

19. What accounting transaction applicable for sale for cash?A. Credit the cash | Debit the revenueB. Debit the cash | Credit the revenueC. Debit the Revenue | Credit the cashD. Debit the cash | Credit the receivable​


A. po ng sagot sana makatulong

20. interview a credit analyst or an employee involved in credit transaction and ask if the 4C's if credit has been applied or considered in granting a credit/loan?​


Hope it's help



21. IDENTIFY each word if it is FINANCIAL MARKET, INSTRUMENT or INSTITUTION.•Capital•Credit Unions•Bank Deposit•Cash•Stocks•Bonds•Rial State•Bond Market•Insurance•Central Bank​


1.F. Instrument

2. F. Institution

3. F. Institution

4. F. Instrument

5. F. Instrument

6. F. Instrument

7. F. Instrument

8. F. Market

9. F. Institution

10. F. Institution


Grade 12 ABM ka ba?

22. how can you say that your credits is a good credit?​


depends on what you did for the person or the community

23. Why the credit man, credit Manager, credit investigation, credit work, credit policy, credit file and credit frauds important in the credit and collection of a company?​


ndi q po alam kubg ano sabi niyo fhil ang dami ng word na credit. :/

24. how do you give credit where credit is due?​


An expression that means that you should praise someone who deserves it, although you might dislike some things about them: I don't especially like the woman but, credit where credit's due, she's very efficient.



25. It is the risk of a possible future change in one or more of a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variable, provided in the case of a non-financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract. a. insurance risk c. financial risk b. operating risk d. credit risk

It is the risk of a possible future change in one or more of a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variable, provided in the case of a non-financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract.

C. Financial risk


26. 1. What are the functions of credit?2. Select three classification of credit.​


what subject po ito please

27. 9. If you purchase equipment on credit, you record the transaction by a debit toequipment and credit to10. If you collect cash from customers' credit, you record a debit to cash and credit​


9. Accounts payable

10. Accounts receivable


that's the right answer.

28. Posting a credit of p720 to accounts payable as a credit of p720 to accounts receivable.


Posting a credit of p720 to accounts payable as a credit of p720 to accounts receivable.


No expanation

29. Suppose you have two credit cards. The first has a balance of 415.00 and a credit limit of 1000.00.Tbe second has a balance of 215.00 and a credit limit of 750.00. What is your overall credit utilization?

Answer is 36%

 415 + 215
--------------- =
1000 + 750

Overall credit utilization measures how much card limits that are used. It is the ratio of credit card balances to card limits. 

30. 1. What does give credit where credit is due mean?​


To acknowledge someone's work or contribution to something.


Not sure but based of my observation.

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