Language Choice

Language Choice

it implies good choice of words and language

Daftar Isi

1. it implies good choice of words and language



Step-by-step explanation:

ok ok ok

2. How important is the choice of language in effective communication?​


because language in japan usa philippines africh and more for help

3. discuss the language and the choices words used in the story

nasan po yung story


kase di po talaga yan masasagutan ng wala yung story

4. How did the authors choice of language help in developing the message of the poem?​


not only the choices of language of the author help developed the message of the poem but also the reader. by that, the readers can also gain or expand new languages and emotions. The choices of language helped the poem have its own emotions and characteristics.

hope nakatulong.

5. how did the author's choice of language help in developing the message of the poem


not only the choices of language of the author help developed the message of the poem but also the reader. By that, the readers can also gain or expand new languages and emotions. The choices of the language help the poem have its own emotion and characteristic.

6. is the language as well as word choice witted for the target audience identify first the intended audience and comment on the appropriate nos of the language use​



Step-by-step explanation:

7. Don't be careful on the choice of language and words sound. Is it true or false?​




We must be careful in choosing both the language and words sound.


Or you can add and message me on Facebook. Search Theo Canonoy.

8. The writer’s choices about the language can affect or aid his argument.


where is the question or picture

9. how important is the choice of language in effective communication?​


Language which is foreign and unfamiliar to the reader tends to emphasize the differences between writer and reader, and makes the message difficult to understand. By using language that is familiar to the reader, the message is likely to have more impact.

10. it is about understanding the meaning of words?choices:*oral language*Stance*Behavior​


oral language-it is about understanding the meaning of words



may poem po ba? paki comment po sa comment section

12. All the following choices are are components of the language of a culture except.a.symbols B.spoken words C.body language D.laughter​







Sana po matulungan :)

13. 2. Choices of language are also should be suited to the reader. is it true or false ?​

its its very bery true ril or fek?

14. how important is the choice of language in effective communication​


Language is a vital part of human connection. Although all species have their ways of communicating, humans are the only ones that have mastered cognitive language communication. Language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. It has the power to build societies.

15. Essay about why you are the best choice as a online english language teacher​


to share your knowledge to others


so that you can help others who doesn't speak English fluently.

16. Is Nihongo a better choice among other languages?​


Nihongo is a better choice among other languages in my opinion but not better than learning English,the global language and mandarin/Chinese . Japan has a large economy and 120 million people speak this language, it surely Benifits you more so it's a better choice.

17. The author’s choice of words and language is important in developing a literary piece true or false?​





not sure

18. a speaker's command of the language and the choice of words that should be clear and precise​


Constructing Clear And Vivid Messages


When asked to write a speech or a paper, many of us pull out the thesaurus (or call it up on our computer) when we want to replace a common word with one that we believe is more elevated or intellectual. There are certainly times when using a thesaurus is a good thing, but if you’re pulling that big book out to turn a simple idea into one that sounds more complex, put it back on the shelf. Good speakers use simple language for two primary reasons.


kuninnn konato ty。◕‿◕。

19. is nihongo a better choice among other languages?why?​


No or yes (your opinion)


If nihongo is better:

Yes, because it's a great language and you can talk with it

If no:

No, because you can learn more languagethan nihongo

20. These are the barriers to verbal communication except for _________. A. Opinions and beliefs B. Topic C. Language of space D. Language choice






B. Topic


hope this helps ☺️

21. 5. Is the language, as well as word choice, suited for the target audience?appropriateness of the language used.theIdentify firstaudienceandcommentonthe​


comment po seguro.

pero diko po alam sorry

22. How important is the choice of language in effective communication?

The choice of language is extremely important in effective communication. The wrong words can change the entire meaning of a message, or even lead to misunderstandings. choosing the right words can help you get your point across clearly and effectively. In order to communicate effectively, it is important to be aware of the power of language and use it wisely.

23. Why do you think Python is the programming language of choice in learning NLP?​


Simple and consistent. Python offers concise and readable code. While complex algorithms and versatile workflows stand behind machine learning and AI, Python'ssimplicity allows developers to write reliable systems. ... Many programmerssay that Python is more intuitive than otherprogramming languages.

24. how important is the choice of language in effective communication?​


Familiar Language


Language which is foreign and unfamiliar to the reader tends to emphasize the differences between writer and reader, and makes the message difficult to understand. By using language that is familiar to the reader, the message is likely to have more impact.

25. How important is the choice of language in effective communication?​


Here's My Answer

Familiar Language

Language which is foreign and unfamiliar to the reader tends to emphasize the differences between writer and reader, and makes the message difficult to understand. By using language that is familiar to the reader, the message is likely to have more impact

#Carry On Learning!


See to it.That the language you may used is understandable.


Hope it helps!

26. how important is the choice of language in effective communication? HELPPPPP​


okay lang yan kapatid


wala din sakin

27. Tone of voice body language and choice of clothing of the speaker do not convey a message

False, tone of voice body language and choice of clothing of the speaker can convey a message to audience.


How is tone of voice convey a message?

Tone used as a linguistic term describes voice pitch, but the same term used to describe public speaking deals with a complex analysis of the speaker's attitude and how the audience perceives the overall message. Tone of voice show how the character of your things comes through in your words, both written and spoken. It's not about what you say, but rather the way you say it, and the impression it makes on everyone in your audience who reads or hears you.

How is body language convey a message?

Body language is a range of nonverbal signals that you can use to communicate your feelings and intentions. These include your posture, facial expressions, and hand gestures. Body language plays a crucial role in public speaking. Good body language instantly builds a connection with your audience or peers. No matter how good the content of your speech is, if you present it without expression or poise, the audience is bound to get disinterested.

How is choice of clothing convey a message?

Clothing conveys nonverbal clues about a speaker's personality, background and financial status. Your clothing style can demonstrate your culture, mood, level of confidence, interests, age, authority, values and sexual identity. Dressing correctly helps you create the first impression among your audience.

Learn More About :

Was the speaker effective in conveying the message?


28. how will you describe the word choices sentence structure and the language of the author​

Explanation: In order to analyze a piece of writing, go through this list to evaluate how an author is using these styles elements. Then, choose which ones are most dominate in a particular piece that will help you to interpret the meaning of the piece, which is ultimately the entire point of doing a close evaluation of a piece of writing.

Vocabulary/word choice: Are the words simple or fancy? Long/short, simple/complex, many modifiers/few modifiers? Are they technical, flowery, colloquial, formal, cerebral, lively, exciting, vivid, etc? Use of dialect, standard, non-standard English? Does the text or this passage make use of shocking, taboo language? Does the author pile on the details? Does author use slang or jargon specific to the topic?  For example, does the writer utilize sports jargon to describe non-sports things, people, events, or places? Or military jargon to describe non-military things, people and/or places? How does the author’s word choice contribute to the message?

Point of view: Who is telling the story? Is the novel or this passage written in first person (I, we, us) or second person (you, your), or third person point of view? If it’s third person point of view, is it limited or omniscient? Is the narrator reliable? Does the point of view alternate to impact the way the text is read?

Is there dialogue, monologue, or reported speech? Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. It is essential to fiction writing, and some types of nonfiction.

Sentence Structure: What is distinctive about the sentences in this passage of writing? Are the sentences long or short? Do they contain many subordinate clauses or are they often fragments? Are there any digressions or interruptions? Is the word-order straightforward or unusual? Are the sentences short and punchy?

Figures of speech: Are there any metaphors, similes, analogies, hyperbole, understatement, personification and/or symbols? Any other use of figurative language? Use of sensory details through imagery?

Flashbacks: Does the author use flashbacks? A flashback is an interruption to the narrative that presents an earlier episode. Flashbacks move a story back in time giving readers insights about characters they don’t know well. Used effectively, flashbacks enhance the emotional movement of a story, deepen the story’s imagery, and organize a story by weaving information into the narrative at critical times.

Structure: What’s interesting about how the author constructs the literary work? Are there flashbacks (see above), flash forwards, literary montage, vignettes, journals? Is the work chronological? What specific form is used in structuring the narrative? How does this form impact the way one reads the work? Does it contribute to the overall meaning or message of the work? Definition for montage: “a literary, musical, or artistic composite of juxtaposed more or less heterogeneous elements.”  

Characters: A character is what he does. How does the author characterize the people in his novel? Characterization is the presentation of character, whether by direct description, by showing the character in action, or by the presentation of other characters that help define each other.

Allusions: How often and how does the author refer to other texts, myths, symbols, famous figures, historical events, quotations, and so on?  

Sound devices: Use of alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, rhyme, and/or repetition?

Does the writer use any of the following: Puns, euphemisms, archaic language, affixation, ambiguity, idiom, clichés, stream of consciousness, phonological features, foreign words, nonsense words, anecdotes, didactic, satire, vernacular, sarcasm, disclaimers, footnotes...?

Paragraph structure: Are the paragraphs very short, or are there enormous blocks running across many pages? Are the paragraphs indented or flush left?

Irony: Is there a use of irony? In situational irony, expectations aroused by a situation are reversed; in cosmic irony or the irony of fate, misfortune is the result of fate, chance, or God; in dramatic irony, the audience knows more than the characters in the play/film, so that words and action have additional meaning for the audience.  

Rhetorical strategies: Has the rhetor appealed to pathos and/or logos? In what way has the rhetor established his or her ethos? Is there a rhetorical use of humor? An appeal to an authority? The use of a logical fallacy?

Tone (the writer’s implied relationship to the reader and the subject matter): What is the author’s attitude? Does the author seem sarcastic?

29. word choices , sentence structure, dialogue figurative language used in the story​


Figurative language is to a writer what a paintbrush is to an artist. That is, you can use it to take something simple or flat and transform it into something multidimensional. Figurative language has the ability to be more impactful than literal writing; it can expand readers' interpretations and broaden their imaginings. Learn what figurative language is and get definitions of the different types of figurative language.

teenage girl writing figurative language

30. 2. How did the author's choice of language help in developing the message of thepoem?​


Examining an author's choices can lead to a much deeper understanding of a text. For example, the physical description of a character could contain subtle clues about that character's personality traits or motivations that might play a larger role later in the story.

Writers use language to establish tone, the 'mood' of a piece of writing. ... It is an example of figurative language - language that helps to build up an image for the reader, moving beyond the meaning of the actual words.

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