Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime

Give atleast 5 crime that are considered as cyber-crime and provides basic facts why is it considered as cyber-crime​

1. Give atleast 5 crime that are considered as cyber-crime and provides basic facts why is it considered as cyber-crime​


1. Online Scams

2. Online Libel

3. Online Threats

4. Identity Theft

5. Photo and Video Voyeurism


The term cybercrime can refer to any criminal activity that involves a computer, either as the tool of the crime or as its target. According to the Department of Justice, all cybercrime can be organized into three categories – crimes that use computers as a weapon (e.g. hacker attacks), crimes that target a computer or another device (e.g. to gain access to a network), and crimes where a computer is neither the main tool nor the main object but still plays an important part (e.g. storing of illegally downloaded files).

2. give at least 5 crimes that are considered as cyber crime and provide basic facts why its is considered as cyber crime?​


1. Online Impersonation.

2. Social Network Fraud

3. Cyberbullying

4. Identity Theft

5. Creating or Possessing Child Pornography


because cybercrime is also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends. Cybercrime, especially through the Internet, has grown in importance as the computer has become central to commerce, entertainment, and government.

3. Differentiate what is cyber crime and net crime ?​



Cybercrime, also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. Cybercrime, especially through the Internet, has grown in importance as the computer has become central to commerce, entertainment, and government.

4. how adware uses in cyber-crime?​


Adware is any software that displays advertising banners or pop-up windows while it is running. ... Spyware is sometimes included in adware, but true adware does not collect any information about you, although it can slow down your computer and use up your Internet resources.

5. what is the punishment for cyber crime in the philippines?​


9775, if committed through a computer system. Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(3) shall be punished with imprisonment of arresto mayor or a fine of at least Fifty thousand pesos (PhP50,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred fifty thousand pesos (PhP250,000.00) or both.



6. how does cyber-crimes commited?​


cybercriminals may infect computers with viruses and malware to damage devices or stop them working. they may also use more to delete or steal data. cyber crime that uses computers to commit other crimes may involve using computers or networks to spead malware, illegal information or illegal images.

Sana brainliest Po pl

7. cyber crime is simply any crime committed in cyberspace. true or false​



Cyber Crime:

Cyber crimes are criminal offenses committed via the Internet or otherwise aided by various forms of computer technology, such as the use of online social networks to bully others or sending sexually explicit digital photos with a smart phone.


#carry on learning

8. essay about cyber crime


Cybercrime is a dangerous crime involving computers or digital devices, in which a computer can be either a target of the crime, a tool of the crime or contain evidence of the crime. ... There are many examples such as fraud, malware such as viruses, identity theft and cyber stalking.


cyber crime is a crime on social media ... you can be charged with cyber crime if you are not careful with what you say on social media ..

we have what is called cyber libel ... this is an example of cyber crime ... we also have cyberbullying ... cyberbullying is bullying through social media ...

so if you don't want to be imprisoned ... let's be careful with our refined post on social media sorry if i have a lot of wrong gramars

9. what is global trend of cyber crime?​


One of the key Cyberlaw trends globally in the year 2021 will be an increasing focus on legal regulation of cybersecurity. The year 2020 has seen massive cybersecurity breaches. Consequently, countries have begun to start legislating on cybersecurity laws to regulate cybersecurity at national levels.

10. what is the impact of cyber crime and Cyber bullying for community​

Children, being bullied has been a tough reality of growing up. Although teasing and poking fun at others has always happened on the playground, bullying has long-lasting effects on the daily lives of some victims. Unfortunately, Internet access and social media have magnified the problem of bullying. The anonymity of the Internet has allowed youth to be subjected to more ferocious bullying than ever before. Unlike previous forms of bullying, cyberbullying can be far worse and is becoming more and more common.

11. what is cyber crimes​

CYBER CRIME:criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet.


12. when did cyber crime began?​




French Telegraph System — A pair of thieves hack the French Telegraph System and steal financial market information, effectively conducting the world's first cyberattack.

13. introduction of a cyber crime​


Computer crime refers to criminal activity involving a computer. The computer may be used in the commission of a crime or it may be the target. Net-crime refers to criminal use of the Internet. Cyber-crimes are essentially a combination of these two elements and can be best defined as "Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication networks such as the Internet (Chat rooms, emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS).Cyber-crime in effect covers a wide range of attacks on individuals and organisations alike. These crimes may include anything from an individual's emotional or financial state to a nation's security.


14. Cyber crime. Meaning


Cybercrime, also called computer crime, the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy.



Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked device.



15. cyber crime law in position paper


Among the cybercrime offenses included in the bill are cybersquatting, cybersex, child pornography, identity theft, illegal access to data and libel.

16. anti-cyber crime tagalog​


question po ba yan but thanks

17. cyber crime reaction paper​



Cybercrime is a dangerous crime involving computers or digital devices, in which a computer can be either a target of the crime, a tool of the crime or contain evidence of the crime.

Cybercrime basically defined as any criminal activity that occurs over the Internet. There are many examples such as fraud, malware such as viruses, identity theft and cyber stalking. In present environment, since most information processing depends on the use of information technology, the control, prevention and investigation of cyber activities is vital to the success of the Organizations, Government's agencies and individuals.

The procurement and maintenance of highly skill cybercrime expert by Government and Business Enterprises cannot be exaggerated.

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18. cyber crime prevention act policy​


It aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet in the Philippines. Among the cybercrime offenses included in the bill are cybersquatting, cybersex, child pornography, identity theft, illegal access to data and libel

19. what is cyber crime?​


Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked device. Most, but not all, cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money. Cybercrime is carried out by individuals or organizations.




Cybercrime violates individuals' privacy and the security of their data, particularly hacking, malware, identity theft, financial fraud, medical fraud, and certain offences against persons that involve the revealing of personal information, messages, images, and video and audio recordings without individuals' consent or permission.

21. example of cyber crimes​

Hacking into personal accounts.

Hacking into work databases.

Breaking into competitor databases.

Various forms of internet theft and fraud.

Schemes/scams based on fake websites.

Various credit-related thefts.

Identity Theft scams. ...

Online Harassment. ...

Cyberstalking. ...

Invasion of privacy.

22. Scholarly articles against cyber crime ?


Yes, yup, of course


Part of the lesson


The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, officially recorded as Republic Act No. 10175, is a law in the Philippines approved on September 12, 2012. It aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet in the Philippines.

24. cyber crime compalints


CybercrimeCybercrimeCriminal activity carried out using digital devices and/or the internet. can be particularly difficult to investigate and prosecute because it often crosses legal jurisdictions and even international boundaries.

25. ano ang cyber crime law

Ang cybercrime law ay ang batas na umiiral sa internet. Lahat ng bawal na gawain sa internet ay napapaloob sa cybercrime law like cyber bullying, cyber sex at marami pang iba.Is a law in the Philippines approved on September 12, 2012. It aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet in the Philippines.



Be knowledgeable. When you creating social media accounts in any social media flatforms, you should use strong password that would help to secure your account and not easily to be hacked, if you entering your accounts in computer shops make sure that you would not save your accounts. After using it, make sure that it don't have any traces and data so that it would secure your privacy.

27. role of cyber crime law​


Republic Act No. 10175, or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, was signed into law by President Aquino on Sept. 12, 2012.

Its original goal was to penalize acts like cybersex, child pornography, identity theft and unsolicited electronic communication in the country.


28. what are the cyber crime?​


criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet.




cyber crime is a crime in internet example they post bad about your personality or your ben bully using internet

29. how to avoid cyber crime?​


Simply follow Netiquette or Online Etiquette or Etiquette in Technology. When we say etiquette, it simply means good manners. When we say Netiquette, it is etiquette applied using technology.

Some of it are:

Respect other's privacyAvoiding malicious or disrespectful comments. Use respectful language. Choose friends wisely, etc.


30. cyber crimes offences​


The Convention on Cybercrime contains nine criminal offenses in four different categories: (1) offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of com puter data and systems; (2) computerrelated offenses (e.g., computerrelated forgery and computerrelated fraud); (3) contentrelated offenses (

-pa brainliest po

Cyber crimes are criminal offenses committed via the Internet or otherwise aided by various forms of computer technology.

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