Difference Between Constant Head And Variable Head Permeability Test

Difference Between Constant Head And Variable Head Permeability Test

The following data are for a falling- head permeability test:

Daftar Isi

1. The following data are for a falling- head permeability test:


wala picture po hindi ko makita

2. The permeability of a semi-impervious soil was determined in a falling head permeameter whose head decreased from 100 cm to 40cm in n 5 minutes

[tex]\large \color{green}{\tt{ }}[/tex]

3. what is the difference between porosity and permeability?​


Porosity is a measure of how much of a rock is open space. This space can be between grains or within cracks or cavities of the rock. Permeability is a measure of the ease with which a fluid (water in this case) can move through a porous rock. ... Note differences in scale among views of each rock type.


4. 1. Which set-up has higher rate of permeability? 2. Which set-up has the lower rate of permeability? 3. How do you describe the permeability rate of clay?​


huy ag module kan

btw classmate ka


thank you newtons

5. what is therelationship between wavelength, frequency, and speed to permeability of optical medium​


The speed of a wave is a product of its wavelength and frequency. Because all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed through space, a wave with a shorter wavelength must have a higher frequency, and vice versa. This relationship is represented by the equation: Speed = Wavelength × Frequency.


pa brainliest na Lang po thx

6. What is the difference between permeable and impermeable rocks


The underlying difference between permeable and impermeable surfaces and materials is the ability to allow the passage of liquids and gases. Due to the nonporous nature of impermeable surfaces, they cannot permit liquid and gas to enter and pass through like permeable surfaces and materials can.

7. The plasma, is similar to a screened window it is permeable to certain kinds of molecules but not to others. Which of the following below fit the description of a cell membrane?A. non-permeableB. permeableC. selectively permeableD. undifferently permeable​

the answer is letter c. selectively permeable

8. 1. What are the functions of the cell membrane?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. What makes the cell membrane selectively permeable or semi-permeable?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. What is the difference between channel and carrier protein?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. How do cells respond to different stimuli?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5. What is the role of glycoprotein in cell recognition?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.​



-plasma membrane

-cell membrane

2 .Cell membranes serve as barriers and gatekeepers. They are semi-permeable, which means that some molecules can diffuse across the lipid bilayer but others cannot. Small hydrophobic molecules and gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide cross membranes rapidly.

3.Unlike channel proteins which only transport substances through membranes passively, carrier proteins can transport ions and molecules either passively through facilitated diffusion, or via secondary active transport. ... These carrier proteins have receptors that bind to a specific molecule (substrate) needing transport

4. In general, cellular response to stimuli is defined as a change in state or activity of a cell in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, or gene expression. ... Each type of receptor is specialized to respond preferentially to only one kind of stimulus energy, called the adequate stimulus.

5.In general, cellular response to stimuli is defined as a change in state or activity of a cell in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, or gene expression. ... Each type of receptor is specialized to respond preferentially to only one kind of stimulus energy, called the adequate stimulus.

9. why is selective permeability important​


Selective permeability is a property of cellular membranes that only allows certain molecules to enter or exit the cell. This is important for the cell to maintain its internal order irrespective of the changes to the environment.


10. what is the less permeable membrane?​


The wide range of membrane permeabilities of different compounds in the cell. Membranes are more permeable to uncharged compounds and least permeable to charged ions

11. is cell membrane a permeable membranetrue or falseif false what is a permeable membrane​




It is a membrane that permits passage of water and certain substances in solution. It is something that is permeable can be passed through, especially by liquids or gases. A permeable surface allows materials like liquids to pass through — either in or out. Inside the body, the walls of cells are permeable membranes that allow fluids and nutrients to get in and nourish the cells.

12. . section 7.2 described the importance of total head and hydraulic gradient on the seepage of water through permeable soil media. in this problem, we will study the variations of head along the axis of a soil specimen through which seepage is occurring. consider the setup shown in figure 7.34 (similar to example 7.15) in which three different soil layers, each 200 mm in length, are located inside a cylindrical tube of diameter 150 mm. a constant-head difference of 470 mm is maintained across the soil sample. the porosities and hydraulic conductivities of the three soils in the direction of the flow are given here.


prkfjemdmdmfnc f



13. which of the following describes a cell membrane??a. permeableb. impermeable c semi permeabled. non of these​


Cell membrane is the semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell.

14. 3. This is a property of cell membranes:a. solubleb. permeabled. semi-permeablec. non-permeable​

a. soluble

because the property of cell membrane called soluble

15. A test is set up as shown. A cylindrical mold 4" in diameter is filled with silt to height of H1=0.2ft whose coefficient of permeability is 3.6x10^-4 ft/min. A second coaxial mold is placed on the top of the first mold whose inside legs of the square tube is 1.5" and whose height is H2=0.3ft. Its thickness is negligible. The inside of the second mold is filled with sand whose coefficient of permeability is 2.7x10^-3 ft/min but the outside of the second mold is filled with the same silt. The test set up is constant head. Water is placed on molds and maintained at the level 1.25ft above the level of outlet. It may be consider that the system consist of fictitious soil of thickness H1 H2 and the coefficient of permeability of both soils is Kf, determine the Kf in ft/min.


The study of soil, its behavior, and its use as a material for engineering is the focus of the civil engineering subject known as soil mechanics.


You can apply the formula for the permeability coefficient of a composite material to figure out the permeability coefficient (Kf) of the made-up soil in the system:

Kf is equal to (A1 + A2) / (K1 + K2 A1)Where K1 and K2 are the permeability coefficients for the sand and silt, respectively, and A1 and A2, respectively, are the cross-sectional areas of the two materials.


The formula for the area of a cylinder can be used to determine the cross-sectional area of the silt:

A1 = πr^2

= π(4/2)^2

= 16π

You can apply the formula for calculating a square's area to determine the sand's cross-sectional area:

A2 = s^2

= (1.5/2)^2

= 0.5625

The following results are obtained by entering these values into the composite coefficient of permeability formula:

Kf = (3.6e-4 * 16π + 2.7e-3 * 0.5625) / (16π + 0.5625)

= 4.68e-4 feet/minute

This is the system's imaginary soil's permeability coefficient.

Mechanical manipulation of soil:



16. It is a measure of how much of a rock is open space. This space can be between grains or within cracks or cavities of the rock.A. ELASTIC CONSTANTSB. PERMEABILITYC. PLASTICITYD. POROSITY​



Two separate characteristics of rocks control how effective they are as aquifers: Porosity is a measure of how much of a rock is open space. This space can be between grains or within cracks or cavities of the


DONE ☺ mark me as brainliest please


17. described as semipermeable or differentially permeable


differentially permeable membrane A membrane that allows the passage of small molecules but not of large molecules. See semi-permeable. A Dictionary of Ecology. ×

#carry on learning po.

18. For a constant laboratory perneability test on a fine sand, the following data are given: determine the coefficient of permeability in cm/sec and seepage velocity in cm/sec


saan Ang sasagutan



19. is dermis permeable?


Permeability. Human skin has a low permeability; that is, most foreign substances are unable to penetrate and diffuse through the skin. Skin's outermost layer, the stratum corneum, is an effective barrier to most inorganic nanosized particles.

20. The relative permeability of a material is 60. what is the permeability of the material


Step 1: List the given values.

[tex]\begin{aligned} & \mu_{\text{r}} = 60 \\ & \mu_{0} = 4\pi \times 10^{-7} \: \text{H/m} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Step 2: Calculate the permeability.

[tex]\begin{aligned} \mu & = \mu_{\text{r}} \mu_{0} \\ & = (60)(4\pi \times 10^{-7} \: \text{H/m}) \\ & = \boxed{7.54 \times 10^{-5} \: \text{H/m}} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Hence, the permeability of the material is 7.54 × 10⁻⁵ H/m.



21. example of water permeable​


brailiest Muna Bago answer


A cloth that liquids can pass right through is an example of something that would be described as permeable. Of or relating to substance, substrate, membrane or material that absorbs or allows the passage of fluids. 


Rainwater sinks through permeable rock to form an underground reservoir.

22. Activity 3:Permeability​


first do what it said then second observe it


ihope that helps

23. what is porusity and permeability

porosity is the quality of having pores, or tiny holes

permeability is the quality of soil to transmit water or air

24. 7.A membrane that allows all materials to pass through isa. selectively permeable.b. impermeableC. permeabled. none of these​

the answer is c. permeable

25. What is the permeability of cellb membrane? A. diffirentially permeable. B. fully permeable. C. Not permeable. D. directly permeable.​


A.diffirentially permeable

26. what is air permeability​

Air Permeability is defined as the rate of airflow passing perpendicularly through a known area under a prescribed air pressure differential between the two surfaces of a material.

27. calculate the coefficient of permeability of a soil sample, 8 cm in height and 55 cm2 in cross-sectional area, if a quantity of water equal to 600 ml passed down in 15 minutes under an effective constant head of 60 cm. On over drying the test specimen weighs 650 gms. Taking the specific gravity of solids as 2.67 ,calculate the Seepage velocity of water during the test.​


[tex]k=1.6162\times10^{-3}[/tex] cm/sec

[tex]v_s=0.0259[/tex] cm/sec



Constant head permeability test:



k = coefficient of permeability

V = volume of water collected

L = length of the soil specimen

A = cross-sectional area of the soil specimen

h = constant head

t = duration of water collection

Discharge velocity:



v = discharge velocity

k = coefficient of permeability

i = hydraulic gradient (i = h/L)

Seepage velocity:



[tex]v_s[/tex] = seepage velocity

v = discharge velocity

n = porosity

Dry unit weight:




[tex]\gamma_d[/tex] = dry unit weight

[tex]W_s[/tex] = weight of the soil solids

V = volume of the soil specimen

[tex]G_s[/tex] = specific gravity of the soil solids

[tex]\gamma_w[/tex] = unit weight of water

e = void ratio




n = porosity

e = void ratio


1. Coefficient of permeability, k:


V = 600 ml = 600 cc

L = 8 cm

A = 55 cm²

h = 60 cm

t = 15 mins = 900 sec



[tex]k=1.6162\times10^{-3}[/tex] cm/sec (ANSWER)

2. Seepage velocity, [tex]v_s[/tex]:


[tex]W_s[/tex] = 650 grams

V = AL = (55)(8) = 440 cc



[tex]\gamma_d=1.4773[/tex] g/cc


[tex]\gamma_d=\dfrac{G_s \gamma_w}{1+e}[/tex]

[tex]e=\dfrac{G_s \gamma_w}{\gamma_d}-1[/tex]

[tex]G_s[/tex] = 2.67

[tex]\gamma_w[/tex] = 1 g/cc

[tex]\gamma_d[/tex] = 1.773 g/cc












[tex]v=0.0121[/tex] cm/sec




[tex]v_s=0.0271[/tex] cm/sec (ANSWER)


See the attached file which contains the solution.

28. selective permeable membrane​


is one that allows certain molecules or ions to pass through it by means of active or passive transport.

29. Permeable means?help​




nothing can pass through it

30. which characterstic of the cell membrane is described as the capacity to regulate what does in and out of cell A high permeability B selective permeability C permeability D none permeability




high permeabilty, yun lang alam ko

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