Highest Career Stage Of A Teacher In Ppst

Highest Career Stage Of A Teacher In Ppst

Experience is the best teacher in life. elaborate the statement in relation to the Filipino new career stages under PPST that Filipino teacher has to undergo?

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1. Experience is the best teacher in life. elaborate the statement in relation to the Filipino new career stages under PPST that Filipino teacher has to undergo?

The statement "Experience is the best teacher in life" holds true in many aspects of our lives, including in the field of education. This is particularly relevant for Filipino teachers who are undergoing the new career stages under the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST).

The PPST outlines the different stages of a teacher's professional development, from being a beginning teacher to becoming a distinguished teacher. These stages require Filipino teachers to undergo various training and assessment programs, as well as gain experience in different teaching contexts. This is where the statement "experience is the best teacher" comes in.

As teachers go through each career stage, they encounter different challenges and experiences that help shape their teaching practice. They learn through trial and error, trying out different approaches and strategies in the classroom, and reflecting on their successes and failures. Through this process, they develop their own teaching style, which is grounded in their experiences and their understanding of what works best for their students.

The PPST also emphasizes the importance of mentoring and peer coaching in the professional development of teachers. Experienced teachers play a critical role in guiding and supporting their less experienced colleagues. They share their own experiences and insights, and help new teachers navigate the challenges of the classroom. This kind of mentorship helps to speed up the learning process, and enables teachers to develop the skills and knowledge they need to become effective educators.

In conclusion, the new career stages under the PPST present a valuable opportunity for Filipino teachers to gain experience and develop their teaching practice. As they move through each stage, they learn from their experiences, and from the guidance of their more experienced colleagues. Through this process, they become better equipped to meet the needs of their students, and to provide them with a high-quality education.

2. How can the teacher be identified in a certain career stage?


-The concept of teacher career stages holds great promise for educational practitioners guiding decisions on teacher empowerment, staff development, and appropriate management style.



follow for more

3. what is the impact of ppst in the lives of teachers?​

The PPST defines teacher quality in the Philippines. They create lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students and others. The standards describe the expectations of teachers' increasing levels of knowledge, practice and professional engagement.

4. What is the main purpose of PPST?

the main purpose of PPST is to find / produce better teachers in the philippines

• • •

the philippine professional standards for teachers (PPST) aims to produce better teachers in our country by improving their qualifications skills and by increasing their levels of knowledge, practice, and professional engagement. teachers must exert efforts for them to attain proficiency in teaching

the PPST basically aims to:  set the clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional development from beginning to distinguished practice,  engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency, and apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance.

hope it helps, good luck !! <3

5. As a teacher,what made you stay long in your career as a teacher?​


The study found that the longest serving teachers were most motivated by factors which , “altruistic” and related to “professional mastery” teachers' belief in their own ability to teach.




6. why do we have a career stage of Filipino professional teachers? how these affect us?pa help Po​


it's nice to answer and goods to your brain

7. 2. It is a career development concept that discusses the relationship between aperson's age/life stage and career stage,a. Bandura's Social Cognitive Theoryb. Super's Career Development TheoryHolland's Theory of Vocational Choiced. Roe's Subsequent Development TheoryC,​

I guest it's

A. bandura's social cognitive theory

8. 148 performance indicators for four career stages? ​


PPST strands

These are the seven Domains of PPST:

(1) Content Knowledge and Pedagogy;

(2) Learning Environment;

(3) Diversity of Learners;

(4) Curriculum and Planning;

(5) Assessment and Reporting;

(6) Community Linkages and Professional Engagement; and

(7) Personal Growth and Professional Development.



9. How many career stages do the philippine professional standards for teachers have?

Beginning, proficient, highly-proficient, and distinguished are the four levels of the Philippine professional standard for teachers.

    To ensure that teachers are adequately prepared to implement the K–12 Program, the PPST shall serve as the foundation for all teacher learning and development initiatives. It can also be applied to the hiring and advancement of teachers.

Candidates for Beginning Teachers (Career Stage 1) must have completed the Recognized qualifications for admittance into the teaching profession. Teachers are encouraged to advance to Career Stage 2 during the next two to three years.Professional independence is exhibited by proficient teachers (Career Stage 2) in the use of skills essential to the teaching and learning process. The standards that should be met by all teachers by the end of the first two stages are demonstrated in this level.Highly proficient educators (Career Stage 3) routinely demonstrate demonstrate a high level of proficiency in their teaching methods. Those are outstanding practitioners who collaborate and mentor one another. The point at which Master Teachers are anticipated to be is this.Distinguished teachers (Career Stage 4) represent the highest criteria for instruction based on international best practice. They are acknowledged for their contributions to the profession, leadership in education, and those who start partnerships and collaborations.

    The key objective of identifying a teacher's professional development stages is to help them overcome the challenges they face in their development, which will ultimately improve their performance in the classroom and the standard of education.

Learn more about Teachers: https://brainly.ph/question/17550664?referrer=searchResults


10. ppst answer module 1​


Have you already eaten?

11. Career stage 3 is also classified as ____ * a.Distinguished Teachers b.Proficient Teachers c.Highly Proficient d.Teachers Developing Teachers ​




teachers who consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice, mentor colleagues and work collegially with other stuff.

12. 2. The following are the four stages on deciding a career EXCEPTA. Self-Awareness C. Career ExplorationB.Decision-Making D. Career Hunting​



coz ayan basta yan hunting daw e

13. With PPST as guide what characteristics should have


Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Learning Environment

Diversity of Learners

Curriculum and Planning

Assessment and Reporting

Community Linkages and Professional Engagement Personal Growth

Professional Development


Salamt po


Salamt po sa answer

14. teacher career letter


How may we express our heartfelt gratitude to our teachers? Friend, philosopher and guide all rolled into one. Yes, every teacher of ours has been just that.

Our teachers have facilitated our scholastic abilities and aptitudes. They have helped us cross the thresholds to possess the academic prerequisites to clear exams and qualify at different levels in our academic pursuits. They have been patient with us even as they got us grounded in the fundamentals of every subject. They have taught us with love. And that has often lightened even subjects that we found very tough.

But then our teachers have done much, much more than that. And we have learned from our teachers in so many different ways. Our teachers have guided us when we have faced difficult situations and dilemmas. When we have been low, and down and dejected they have been successful in raising our spirits and putting us right back on track. They have loved us even when we played truant and were mischievous and played pranks. They have offered us support in so many ways that made the process of education enjoyable. They have striven hard to inculcate in us human values and right ethics so that we may have a future guided by goodness and righteousness. They have helped us seek the truth and live by it at all times. They have given their time most generously, and offered advice most willingly. Isn’t it?

And naturally our teachers have been our role models. We have always looked up to our teachers with respect, awe and love. And we have always wondered if we could ever match up to them. Right?

Really speaking, it may never be possible for us to say all that our teachers have done for us and made possible for us so that we may work hard, excel and have a bright and happy future.

As we come together to thank our teachers, we find words are insufficient to do that. Words seem to pale before our teachers’ selfless service and devotion to the cause of educating, enlightening and moulding our minds, hearts and lives in totality. Words can never equal what our teachers have done for us with no expectation whatsoever.

Nevertheless, we have to resort to saying verbally a thank you to our teachers which is, of course, backed by our most sincere gratitude and deep love and appreciation.

Dear teachers, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to you all. You mean so much to us. What you have given us will help us go into the world for building our future.

All the beautiful flowers that could go into making a fragrant and extravagant bouquet would whither after a time, but dear teachers, our love and respect and regard for you for all that you have done to bolster and buttress our strength, and courage shall remain fresh always, in fact, will only grow and grow.


15. List down three importance of a resume in your Future Career ,Teacher Career​


Three importance of a resume in your

Future Career ,Teacher Career:

Writing: Teachers write lesson plans, leave written comments on students' work, and send home notes to parents. Your resume itself is the most important way you demonstrate your writing skills to a potential employer, but you should also include items in your resume that speak to your writing ability.

Speaking: Beyond lecturing students, teachers must speak with parents during meetings and communicate with administrators as necessary, so strong verbal communication skills should show up on your resume.

Listening: Remember that communicating with students is not a one-way street. The best teachers know how to listen to their students, have open-ended discussions, and encourage questions.


Hope it helps


16. Which traits are typical of the exploring stage of career development?

In this stage you find that you have specific interests and aptitudes. You are aware of your inclinations to perform and learn about some subjects more than others. You may try out jobs in your community or at your school. You may begin to explore a specific career.

(This is just based on what I have researched, and I'm sorry if it's wrong.)

17. what is ppst?is ppst part of rpms?​


What is the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)? A set of professional standards for teachers that operationalizes teacher quality aspects of the K to 12 reform and elaborates teacher lifelong learning. It contains 37 performance indicators per career stage.

18. Which traits are typical of the exploring stage of career development?


In this stage you find that you have specific interests and aptitudes. You are aware of your inclinations to perform and learn about some subjects more than others. You may try out jobs in your community or at your school. You may begin to explore a specific career


sana po makatulong:>

19. describe the purpose of PPST​


The PPST basically aims to: 1) set the clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional development from beginning to distinguished practice; 2) engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency; and 3) apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance,


The purpose is learning and development programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to effectively implement the K to 12 Program. It can also be used for the selection and promotion of teachers.


basta yan yung sagot.

20. what are the domains of PPST?

The 7 Domains of PPST are as follows:

Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Domain 2, Learning Environment

Domain 3, Diversity of Learners

Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning

Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting

Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development

21. develop an evaluation tool for teacher teaching performance based on the four framework of good teaching and those of the PPST​


It is important to understand if your teaching is effective so you can develop it in the future. There are several ways to monitor your teaching including feedback from students and colleagues.

Evaluating your teaching is a way of ensuring that you are doing all you can to help your students achieve their potential.

By regularly evaluating your teaching you are more likely to provide your students with a continually improving learning experience.

22. Highest career field goal percentage nba


23. Answer the following questions:1. Why do we need to set ethical and moral standards for teachers? In what ways is the Code of Ethics for Professional teachers beneficial to the learners, the teachers, and the community? 2. Based on the 4 Career Stages of the PPST, do you think that having a majority of teachers in the Beginning Stage would result in learners not benefitting much? On the other hand, would having most teachers as Distinguished be a reflection of or would result in good performance from the learners? Justify your answer.brainlest ko mamasagot ty in advance​


1. The code of ethics for teachers is designed to protect the rights of the students, all the students. It is important that teachers understand that when they get a teaching position they are agreeing to follow the code of ethics.


Sana maka help.

24. a teacher who has reached the highet stage of the career ladder called an artist reflect lin​



U3u4urjf 5j44y4ktkujrrjirurruuu44u u u r u 7e73737474743u

25. A client is hospitalized at the end stage of terminal career


where's the question?

can i have the whole illustration of that activity?


D. po


pa brainliest po

pa rate five

26. Philippine professional standards for techers (ppst) and examine the ppst domains in consonance to quality education.


hello po ^_^

btw, thanks po sa po ints, have a nice day po

( good aftie ° 3 ° )


srry po need ko lang ng points :)

27. Whar are the stages of planning process? Is it important to plan your career?​


The career planning process has four components: (1) Self assessment, (2) Career exploration, (3)Career Identification , and (4) Action Plan. If you're driven, you can easily go through these steps on your own.



28. it is stage that focuses on career and familyA.youngadultB.oldageC.earlychildhoodD.adulthood​


D. Adulthood


You grew up and become more mature. Bigger responsibilities are for adults.


D. it is adulthood stage

29. What are the stages of career development?​


the development property acsquesments for many


30. My decide career (teacher)Needed abilities for the career My abilities Revelant to my Chosen career​


My decide career (teacher)

Needed abilities for the career

Critical thinking skills.Patience.Communication skills.Organisational skills.Creative thinking abilities. Leadership skills.Capacity for teamwork. Time management skills

My abilities Revelant to my Chosen career

I like to communicate with others: to teach, give advice, help, or otherwise be of service to others

(pabrainliest answer po para lagi ko kayong natutulongan sa mga questions sa modules, thanks.)

[P.S] kapag finollow nyoko, tinitignan ko mga questions nyo. :)

[tex] |homeroom \: guidance| [/tex]

My decide career

My decide career is to be a teacher. I want to teach children to learn and help them to reach his/her goal.

Need abilites for the carrer

Open-mindedExpert of subjectcommunication.skills

My abilities revelant to my chosen carrer

You need a open mindedA good teacher of your student.You need a subject expert of your subjects.

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