Intro To Criminology Reviewer

Intro To Criminology Reviewer

reviewer for criminology board exam​

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1. reviewer for criminology board exam​

answerCrime Detection and InvestigationFundamentals of Criminal Investigation.Traffic Management and Accident Investigation.Special Crimes Investigation.Organized Crime Investigation.Drug Education and Vice Control.Fire Technology and Arson Investigation

explanation 6 criminology board area..

2. INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY QUESTION: (brief Intro what is the subject all about, at least 2 paragraph)​

Criminology is the study of crime and deviant behavior. It is a social science that uses theoretical frameworks to understand the underlying causes of criminal behavior and to develop effective strategies for preventing and controlling crime. Criminologists use a variety of research methods, including statistical analysis, field research, and experiments, to study a wide range of topics related to crime and deviance.

Criminologists seek to understand why people commit crimes and how crime affects individuals, communities, and society as a whole. They study the factors that contribute to criminal behavior, such as social, economic, and psychological conditions, and they examine the effectiveness of different approaches to crime prevention and control. Criminologists also study the criminal justice system, including the roles and actions of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections agencies. By doing so, they aim to improve the fairness and effectiveness of the justice system and to reduce the overall level of crime in society.


Hello fellow student,

I am Xiao, a yaksha from the world of Teyvat. As a being who has lived for over two thousand years, I am familiar with many different worlds and cultures. In response to your question, I will provide a detailed and accurate answer to the best of my ability. Despite my reserved demeanor and reluctance to involve myself in mortal affairs, I am willing to share my knowledge and experience with those who seek it. I ask that you be concise and to the point in your inquiry, for the sake of both our time and the weight of my karmic debt. Thank you for your interest.

3. INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGYQUESTION: (brief Intro what is the subject all about, at least 2 paragraph) pahelp naman po​

Introduction to Criminology

is a comprehensive introduction to the study of criminology, focusing on the vital core areas of the field—theory, method, and criminal behavior. With more attention to crime typologies than most introductory texts, Hagan and Daigle investigate all forms of criminal activity, such as organized crime, white collar crime, political crime, and environmental crime. The methods of operation, the effects on society and policy decisions, and the connection between theory and criminal behavior are all explained in a clear, accessible manner.


4. Page 12 of 15Introduction to CriminologyTheories of Crime 20 centuryVI. GENERALIZATIONEssay: As a review, which theory in criminology do you consider as most satisfactory based on yourunderstanding? ​


theory of robert merton.


the anomie theory. its mainly refers to the confusion that arise when social norms conflict or do not exist . it's common term is "bahala na"

5. explain the difference of classical school of criminology and neo-classical school of criminology?​

The classical school of criminology holds that all people are capable of committing crime, since they all pursue their own self-interests and some crimes benefit people. Their choice to engage in crime warrants their punishment. The neoclassical school has less of a punitive tone and seeks to rehabilitate people.



Question: explain the difference of classical school of criminology and neo-classical school of criminology?


neoclassical criminology is a contemporary perspective built on classical principles emphasizing the importance of character and character development as well as the choices people make when faced with opportunities for crime. it focused on how you were brought up instead of just free will and individual choice.


6. What is the difference between critical criminology and developmental criminology?


critical criminology is a theoretical perspective in criminology which focuses on challenging traditional understandings and uncovering false beliefs about crime and criminal justice, often but not exclusively by taking a conflict perspective, such as Marxism, feminism, political economy theory or critical theory while the Developmental criminology is the study, first, of the development. and dynamics of problem behaviors and offending with age; this approach is largely descriptive and concerns the processes of behavioral. development. The second focus of developmental criminology is the.

7. kpop choreo with heart finger pose on intro, i think its with a camera shutter sounf on the intro?:)​


cmera shutter sound likey

8. In Movie Review, it is a guest to character of note. It talks about the portrayal of the characters in the film.A. Plot SummaryB. Setting SpotlightC. Film IntroD. Character Limelightpls help me...​


B setting spotlight


basta Yan sagot

9. as a criminology student what is the importance of intelligence?criminology can answer it.​

Intelligence analysis aids investigations by helping to target available resources and identifying information gaps to focus the investigation more clearly. It also helps to avoid duplication of effort and prevent straying into areas of no relevance.


when you have intelligence, you know how to assess things that are not in accordance with the law.

10. differentiate classical criminology to positivist criminologyBSCRIM FIRST YEAR PO PA HELP​


The classical school of thought emphasizes establishing a standard punishment for each of the offenses and the implementation of these offenses should not vary among criminals. In contrast, the positivist school of thought pays attention to situational factors that compelled a person to commit a crime. By this, it brought into light the significance of the sociological context during the crime. For instance, a person might be under the influence of alcoholic drugs while they committed the crime. They did not harm another person deliberately as the consumption of alcohol obstructed their ability to think wisely. Therefore, the punishment given to them should be less severe than criminals who committed the crime consciously.

-The classical school of thought emphasizes giving punishment to criminals. In contrast, the positivist school of thought supports reforming the behavior of a criminal.

11. In Movie Review, it elemaborates the place of the scene to effectively deliver the visual, emotion, and portrayal of the character.A. Plot summaryB. Setting SpotlightC. Film IntroD. Character Limelightpls help me...​


what are the names of two types of beetles which are found in the philippines

12. create a speech about "how recycling will help us intro", intro, body and conclusion ​



Good morning/afternoon everyone,

I am here today to talk to you about the importance of recycling and how it can benefit not just us but the environment as well. Our world is facing an environmental crisis, and it is up to us to take action and do our part. Waste management is a significant problem that requires a multi-faceted solution, and recycling is one of the key solutions that can help us to sustainably manage our waste before it impacts the environment negatively.


Recycling is a simple but an important activity that we can all take part in. Recycling refers to the process of reusing materials that would otherwise end up in the landfill or oceans, creating pollution in the environment. By recycling, we can reduce the amount of waste produced and, at the same time, conserve natural resources. Recycling works by collecting items that can be recycled and processing them to make new products. These products are then converted back into raw materials that can be made into new items instead of extracting new materials from the environment.


In conclusion, recycling is a necessary solution that can help us sustainably manage our waste and protect the environment. Recycling is not just about throwing waste into specific bins but also about embracing a mindset that reduces, reuses and recycles. We should all take part in recycling, and it begins with simple practices such as using reusable products, limiting the use of single-use plastics, and disposing of waste properly. If we all take part and make a concerted effort, we can work towards creating a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations. Thank you for listening.

Pa brainliests po thank you


Criminology, a branch of sociology, refers to the scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon, of criminals, and of penal treatment. According to Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey, “Criminology is a body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. It includes within its scope the processes of making laws, of breaking of laws, and of reaction toward the breaking of laws”. It systematically studies the various aspects of a crime, including the causes and prevention, through the perspectives of various disciplines such as anthropology, psychology, biology, psychiatry, economics and statistics. The research to obtain knowledge about crime and related perspectives is based on understanding, explanation, prediction, prevention, and criminal justice policy.

14. Discuss the nature and scope of criminology as a profession and the different subject areas in criminology and their respective courses as well as the importance of criminology education and the application of this knowledge in the law​


By helping society understand crimes and what leads to them, criminologists enable the design of safer societies. Criminologists also help identify when crimes are because of social inequalities, leading to change and more progressive social systems.

Criminology is the science of crime, or more precisely criminology studies all aspects of crime.

Explanation :

Criminology plays a role in finding the causes of law violations committed by citizens in fulfilling their daily needs and through the results of the research that has been carried out, efforts can be made to overcome them.

There are three main points in the scope of discussion of criminology, namely:

The process of making criminal law and criminal procedureCriminal etiology discusses the theories that cause crimeReaction to lawlessness.

In the world of education, criminology provides a holistic understanding of crime. By basing it on the scientific method, knowledge of crime is not based on mere common sense. Thus, studying criminology means seeing the phenomenon of crime with a true understanding.

Learn More About Criminology at :


15. the lightness or darkness of coloranswer valueexplainationwala intro intro pakasal na kayo​




Value- the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.


grabeh siya tea haha


love love

16. how can you resolve the criminological problem of the study of criminology?​


Theory informed problem solving. ... This is important because theory helps to understand problems and interpret outcomes including how reductions in crime were or were not achieved

17. if you are a criminology student what should you to do as a criminology student?​


if you are a criminology student what should you to do as a criminology student?


Criminologists I should have proficiency in statistics, calculus and data analytics. A big part of a criminologist's job duties includes taking and keeping statistics on crime rates, victims and criminals and then studying those stats to solve crime problems.

18. Who is the Father Of Classical Criminology and Father of Modern Criminology ​


Cesare Lombroso: Father of Modern Criminology - The University of Sheffield Kaltura Digital Media


Cesare Lombroso


Cesare Lombroso: Father of Modern Criminology - The University of Sheffield Kaltura Digital Media Hub.Jun 21, 2017

19. What is Tagalog/Filipino of "Criminology"?English: CriminologyTagalog/Filipino: ?​




correct me if im wrong

20. In your own understanding, as a criminology student give your own definition of criminology.​


the scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon,of criminals,and of penal treatment(that was what my dad said when I was younger)


Hope this helps

21. Give at least one allied discipline of criminology and its significance in the study of criminology.​


plss answer


ang hirp

22. what is criminologyexplain the criminology with tagalog​


Criminology is the study of crime from a social view. It’s the study of not just crime in general but what impact crime has on society, the causes of crime and the individuals who commit the crime. The focus of the study is to determine what makes individuals commit crimes or act in a criminal manner.

It also studies why certain areas have more crimes or how crime affects victims. Anything having to do with criminals, crimes and crime victims is covered in the study of criminology.


Ang Criminology ay pag-aaral ng krimen at nalihis na ugali. Ang Criminology ay isang larangan ng interdisiplina sa parehong pag-uugali at panlipunang agham, na pangunahing nakatuon sa pagsasaliksik ng mga sosyologo, sikologo, pilosopo, psychiatrist, biologist, social anthropologist, pati na rin mga iskolar ng batas.

23. An abstract has 4 parts(intro, methods, results and conclusion), what are details needed in the intro part?​


Details needed are subject and predicate


These are needed to build a sentence.

24. Is criminology important?




Because criminology helps understand the mindset of criminals, why they commit crimes, and the factors that affect them. This helps in the proper allocation of resources to control crime.

25. why the Holy Three of Criminology rejected the doctrine of Classical School of Criminology​


Classical Criminology sees criminal action as the result of free and rational decisions of the acting individuals.


Classical criminology see criminal action as the result of free and rational decisions of the acting individuals

26. compare and contrast the following;A.Classical school of criminologyB.Positivist school of criminologyC.Neo-classical school​




TAMA YAN :) may iba na sya:(

27. INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGYwhat did you learn about birth of criminology ​

(Apologies if my provided answer is incorrect)

Criminology is the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on knowledge from sociology, psychology, law, and other disciplines to understand the causes, consequences, and control of criminal behavior.

The origins of criminology can be traced back to the 18th and 19th centuries, when a number of social and political changes led to the development of the modern criminal justice system. In particular, the Enlightenment period saw a shift towards rationalism and a belief in the power of reason to understand and solve social problems. This, along with the growth of the urban population and the increasing complexity of society, led to the development of new theories and approaches to crime and punishment.

One of the early pioneers of criminology was the Italian philosopher and statesman Cesare Beccaria, who wrote the influential treatise "On Crimes and Punishments" in 1764. In this work, Beccaria argued against the use of torture and the death penalty, and called for a system of punishment that was fair, proportionate, and focused on rehabilitation.

Other important figures in the early history of criminology include the French legal scholar François-Etienne de Saint-Cyran, the English philosopher and jurist Jeremy Bentham, and the Italian philosopher and economist Vilfredo Pareto.

Today, criminology is a thriving field with a wide range of sub-disciplines, including forensic criminology, environmental criminology, critical criminology, and criminal psychology. It continues to evolve and adapt to new developments in society, technology, and the criminal justice system.


Hello fellow student,

I am Xiao, a yaksha from the world of Teyvat. As a being who has lived for over two thousand years, I am familiar with many different worlds and cultures. In response to your question, I will provide a detailed and accurate answer to the best of my ability. Despite my reserved demeanor and reluctance to involve myself in mortal affairs, I am willing to share my knowledge and experience with those who seek it. I ask that you be concise and to the point in your inquiry, for the sake of both our time and the weight of my karmic debt. Thank you for your interest.

28. introduction of criminology​

Answer: criminology is the scientific study of crime especially why people and engage in crime.while others textbook may provide a more complex definition of crime the word scientific finger shower definition from our perspective an examination of crime


29. what arwhat are the objects of interest in Criminology?e the objects of interest in Criminology?




humanities social science

30. wala nang intro intro lahat nang mag fa follow e fa follow back ko​

ohhh ako followback mo!

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