Unforgettable Experience Short Essay

Unforgettable Experience Short Essay

Discuss your unforgettable experience in an essay form that happened either on Wet season or Dry season. unforgettable experience on Wet Seasonunforgettable experience on Dry Season​

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1. Discuss your unforgettable experience in an essay form that happened either on Wet season or Dry season. unforgettable experience on Wet Seasonunforgettable experience on Dry Season​


1. It is rainy. I wear my raincoat,boots,umbrella,of course face mask to protect against COVID.

One of my unforgettable experiences while on Wet Season is i jump puddles with my friends. It was fun!

2. It so hot today. I wear my eyeglasses, sunscreen to protect against rashes and skin inflammation.

My unforgettable experience that time on Dry Season is to go on the beach to relax.


2. short story for your unforgettable experience​

THE MOST UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFETHE MOST UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFEThe most unforgettable experience is always hard for me to forget, and stays fresh in my memory all the time. I think I remember the experience of being lost at night all my life.

3. an essay entitled ‘‘ my unforgettable experience ’’​




"Worth a shot" - CAMIL0 (ME)

4. my unforgettable experience Essay 200 words example​


Me and my family had gone to s trip to the america there we saw many things that i havent seen before we had so much fun and that was my unforgetable memory

5. Write about your most unforgettable experience in elementary and express this feeling in 8-10 sentences only. In addition, make an infographic poster about your short essay using short bond paper.​


I unforgettable experience is when my teacher said I failed the test but she was only kidding I almost burst into tears

6. Write a short paragraph about a specific unforgettable experience you have encountered during this pandemic ​


Covid-19 has impacted millions of Americans who have been out of work for weeks, thus creating a financial burden. Without a job and the certainty of knowing when one will return to work, paying rent and utilities has been a problem for many. With unemployment on the rise, relying on unemployment benefits has become a necessity for millions of people. According to the Washington Post, unemployment rose to 14.7% in April which is considered to be the worst since the Great Depression.

Those who are not worried about the financial aspect or the thought never crossed their minds have privilege. Merriam Webster defines privilege as “a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor.” Privilege can have a negative connotation. What you choose to do with your privilege is what matters. Talking about privilege can bring discomfort, but the discomfort it brings can also carry the benefit of drawing awareness to one’s privilege, which can lead the person to take steps to help others.

I am a first-generation college student who recently transferred to a four-year university. When schools began to close, and students had to leave their on-campus housing, many lost their jobs.I was able to stay on campus because I live in an apartment. I am fortunate to still have a job, although the hours are minimal. My parents help pay for school expenses, including housing, tuition, and food. I do not have to worry about paying rent or how to pay for food because my parents are financially stable to help me. However, there are millions of college students who are not financially stable or do not have the support system I have. Here, I have the privilege and, thus, I am the one who can offer help to others. I may not have millions in funding, but volunteering for centers who need help is where I am able to help. Those who live in California can volunteer through Californians For All or at food banks, shelter facilities, making calls to seniors, etc.

I was not aware of my privilege during these times until I started reading more articles about how millions of people cannot afford to pay their rent, and landlords are starting to send notices of violations. Rather than feel guilty and be passive about it, I chose to put my privilege into a sense of purpose: Donating to nonprofits helping those affected by COVID-19, continuing to support local businesses, and supporting businesses who are donating profits to those affected by COVID-19.


Pa follow narin ty

7. write a short eassy with 3paragraphs about your Unforgettable scariest experience this 2020​


sorry po Hindi kopo alam


hindi kopo alam

8. Write a short story about your unforgettable experience. use past form of verbs .

Answer:sa explain po pede gawin mong story sorry kung Mali grammar

title fight my stress

Explanation:me was a learned past tense cause I'm grade 7 I tried my best for my study and I don't need fail cause of lose for grades I'm fight my stress I can see my family smiling I'm fight to all cause my family was supporting me then after I won on my grades

sana makatulong Sayo good luck

9. write a short story about your unforgettable experience during this pandemic​


My unforgettable experiences during this pandemic. I need to stay at home, wearing masks and face shield in public places and trying to stay at one meter away from other people in order to protect my self. It has not been easy for everyone, including me, not just because the pandemic occurred at an unprecedented rate, but because of the fear that the current generation was facing. Especially for a minor like me.


10. write a short paragraph about your unforgettable experience in reading​


thanks for write paragrap


the biology questions and sicience book

11. Write a short story about your unforgettable experience. use past form of verbs .


[tex]\red{\boxed{\boxed{\sf {Thanks}}}}[/tex]



sainyo dqw p

12. narrate your unforgettable experience following the elements of a short story


Read the story first then just pick a part of it as an answer


13. What is your most unforgettable experience in essay writing?

When I get to write an essay, I learn how to be creative. One unforgettable experience and lesson I got from writing one. It enabled me to be imaginative, to not limit my words. It nurtured my writings and my ideas.

14. For student that don't have smartphone or loptop :Create a short narrative essay about your most unforgettable experience. See rubic to guide you​


For student,When they haven't have a smartphone or laptop they have some enjoyable experiences like playing and exercising,cause before they don't want some gadgets cause they gonna be addict and they like to reads some books cause its so good and when you read some books you have some learns to know .

Sorry ito lang yung masasabi ko or ang sagot ko sa answer


15. essay about the most unforgettable travel experience with your family​


The most unforgettable travel that i experience with my family is when we went in ( place kung saan kayo pumunta) because seeing them happy is most important thing and especially when we bonding together.

16. write a short essay on one of your most unforgettable experiences or problem carative how you arrived at your answer do you think that method was the best explain your answer​

A Short Essay About One of my Most Unforgettable Experiences

         There was that one time when I can never forget the surge of feelings I felt that day, it was the day I was told by my mother that I will no longer finish my studies. She wanted me to stop studying to give way to my siblings because they couldn’t provide education for all of us and I was the eldest among them. It was too expensive for our family.

         At first, I was down, and at the same time, I felt that it was too unfair to me. I was crying for countless days. There was a problem, and so I tried to think of a good answer or solution to that. Suddenly I had an idea of why not work and try to provide for myself, and so I did. I worked for 4 years of a part-time job while at the same time trying to finish my studies so that when I work in the future, I can help my brothers and sisters finish theirs. Looking back, I think the method I chose was the best for that situation.

          I will not be where I am today if the method I chose was not the best for me. To those who are experiencing the same situation I went through, I hope they choose the best answer and actualize it.

For More Information

More Unforgettable Experiences and What Makes it Unforgettable:



17. think about your personal experiences. Choose one unforgettable experience, and make a short narrative about it.


Individuals generally commit errors that can give them important illustrations. More examples come from their adolescence since individuals are not mature enough to consider cautiously. One of the most remarkable experience happened to me when I was 10 years of age. It gave me an illustration that would go with me until the end of time. This second includes three sections: "safeguarding" my dearest companion from his locked house, trading another pair of shoes for frozen yogurts, and paying attention to my mother's talk

My story begins with saving my dearest companion, whose name is pebly, from his locked house. bebly was my closest companion; we had become companion and neighbor since we were conceived. We did everything together in any event, when we did parting caries. bebly was constantly locked inside the house when his folks went to get some food, Through her eyes, I realized what might befall us. She guaranteed that I had made this multitude of plans, and I needed to tell her beginning and end. After she heard that I had traded my new shoes for frozen yogurts, she became truly irate. She shouted at us, and we began to cry. She gave us a long talk concerning how we ought to ask the more seasoned individual before we chose to do anything. Also, she told that we could ask her for the old shoes that no one needed to wear any longer to exchange for frozen yogurts as opposed to getting the new ones. After my mother address, I understood that I ought to see the value in the new shoes that she purchased for me, and I assumed not to exchange them for anything.

18. Write an simple and short poem about your unforgettable experience in your whole life​


Write an simple and short poem about your unforgettable experience in your whole life?

This incidence changed me totally. This happened when I was in 11th standard in 2009.

This happened 7 years ago but the whole scene is still fresh in my mind. I stood in front

I was diagnosed with cancer. The irony is I never had cancer. I believe I was being Chastised


It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village. The story is told in two parts – the first set in Naruto's pre-teen years, and the second in his teens.

And of course, the series doesn't take place in a real part of Japan, so it feels like it's mostly fiction. But Naruto actually does take cues from the real-life ninjas that once lived and worked in Japan. Here are 10 things in Naruto that you might not have noticed are similar to the factual ninjas that once existed.

19. Unforgettable ExperiencesExample: My Essay waspraised by my teacher in Filipino​

Unforgettable experience:

When me and my classmates had a Christmas party and exchanges gifts.

What makes it unforgettable?

We had fun with our teachers and ate delicious food and got free gifts.

pede ba yan?

20. my unforgettable experience essay 2 paragraph ​

Teka po i comment ko nalang, rude daw kasi sabi ni brainly :(

21. My most unforgettable experience in my life essay minimum 500 words?


There have been many experiences in my life that I would consider unforgettable, but one in particular stands out as the most significant and impactful.

It was the summer before my senior year of high school, and I had the opportunity to participate in a study abroad program in a small town in France. I had always been interested in French language and culture, so I jumped at the chance to immerse myself in it for a few weeks.

From the moment I arrived, I was struck by how different everything was from what I was used to. The language, the food, the customs – everything was new and exciting. I was nervous about communicating with my host family, but they were incredibly welcoming and patient with my limited French skills.

Over the course of the program, I had the chance to explore the town and surrounding areas, attend language classes, and participate in cultural activities. But the most memorable experience of all was the weekend I spent with a group of local teenagers.

Through a mutual friend, I was invited to join a group of French teens on a camping trip in the mountains. I was nervous about spending the weekend with strangers, especially since my French was far from perfect, but I was also excited for the adventure.

As we hiked up the mountain, I struggled to keep up with the conversation and understand the jokes and cultural references. But the other teens were patient and inclusive, making an effort to include me and help me understand.

That night, as we sat around the campfire, I realized that I was experiencing something truly special. Here I was, in the middle of the French Alps, surrounded by new friends who had taken me in as one of their own. We talked and laughed and shared stories late into the night, and I knew that I would never forget this moment.

As the weekend came to a close and we said our goodbyes, I felt a sense of sadness that it was all ending. But I also knew that I had gained so much from this experience – not just a deeper understanding of French culture, but also a newfound appreciation for the power of human connection.

In the years since that summer, I have gone on to have many other incredible experiences, but none have quite matched the magic of that weekend in the mountains. It taught me that even when we feel out of place or uncomfortable, there is always the potential for connection and friendship – and that those moments of connection are the ones that stay with us for a lifetime.



It was a dark and a little bit cold night. One of my friends suggested that we go outside for star seeing. We started from the cabana we lived in with a touch in each one’s hand. At first we just wanted to go around and appreciated the beautiful sky decorated by many stars. But then we decided to go further in. All we thought about was walking and talking. We ignored the most important thing which is the big forest was beyond the cabana. It was unfortunate that we went into the forest and got lost.


When we found we were lost, it was too late to find the original way back to the cabana. I grasped my friends hands firmly. The cold and strong wind blew against my face all the time. It whispers through the trees. What’s more, the fog became thick quickly. Terrible fear came to my mind and made me tremble out of my control. I was sacred to death. The only idea came into my brain was that it was the end of my life. It was impossible for me to get out of the forest. Even though my friends tried to convince me that nothing bad would happen to us and we were safe and sound. I still feared that we would come to a sticky end.

It was hard to find the way clear because of the dense fog. It made us lose the sense of direction totally. We didn’t know which step to follow next. Suddenly, it seemed that a man with a torch stood in front of us. At first, it frightened us stiff. We dared not to open oureyes until he came to pat on our shoulders and told us that if we got lost, he would help us to find the way. At this moment, I was relieved because I knew I wouldn’t stay in the forest all the time. This kind man led us to go out. It was him who ended up this terrible experience of getting lost.

It was really an unforgettable experience in my life. I wil

22. write a short paragraph that narrates your unforgettable experience using subject-verb agreement​


my unforgettable experience is going on a vacation on Manila. I never thought that buildinds there are huger than I expected , then we go to a mall I didn't thought there was a play station here we buy all the thing we want and needs and eat "Mang inasal"

23. Write a short story about your unforgettable experience. use past form of verbs .


i love if your a girl


24. Write a short story on one of the following choices: Embarrassing experience Unforgettable trip Quarantine Experience Autobiography LFH (Learning From Home Experience)​


that is easy


learning from home

25. essay about your most unforgettable experience in life​


going to the beach with my family having fhn playing taking pics and enjoying together


hehe yan lang


rooneey (60)in #unforgetable


The most unforgettable experience is always hard for me to forget, and stays fresh in my memory all the time. I think I remember the experience of being lost at night all my life.

It was a dark and a little bit cold night. One of my friends suggested that we go outside for star seeing. We started from the cabana we lived in with a touch in each one’s hand. At first we just wanted to go around and appreciated the beautiful sky decorated by many stars. But then we decided to go further in. All we thought about was walking and talking. We ignored the most important thing which is the big forest was beyond the cabana. It was unfortunate that we went into the forest and got lost.

When we found we were lost, it was too late to find the original way back to the cabana. I grasped my friends hands firmly. The cold and strong wind blew against my face all the time. It whispers through the trees. What’s more, the fog became thick quickly. Terrible fear came to my mind and made me tremble out of my control. I was sacred to death. The only idea came into my brain was that it was the end of my life. It was impossible for me to get out of the forest. Even though my friends tried to convince me that nothing bad would happen to us and we were safe and sound. I still feared that we would come to a sticky end.

It was hard to find the way clear because of the dense fog. It made us lose the sense of direction totally. We didn’t know which step to follow next. Suddenly, it seemed that a man with a torch stood in front of us. At first, it frightened us stiff. We dared not to open oureyes until he came to pat on our shoulders and told us that if we got lost, he would help us to find the way. At this moment, I was relieved because I knew I wouldn’t stay in the forest all the time. This kind man led us to go out. It was him who ended up this terrible experience of getting lost.

It was really an unforgettable experience in my life. I will not forget such a special unforgettable experience


# make me brainliest

# carry on learning

hope it helped

26. Nonsense:Report/Reported Discuss your unforgettable experience in an essay form that happened either on Wet season or Dry season. unforgettable experience on Wet Season unforgettable experience on Dry Season​


1. One of my unforgettable experiences while on Wet Season is i jump puddles with my friends. It was fun!

2. My unforgettable experience that time on Dry Season is to go on the beach to relax.

27. write a short essay on one of your unforgettable experience or problems.narrate how you arrived at your answer.please help me at thisasap​

Dude it’s about reflecting to your life. Just think what is your unforgettable moment

28. narrate your unforgettable experience following the elements of a short story

You need to read the story to answer that, unforgettable means something that you couldnt forget or what experience you're mad at or it makes you happy or sad.

29. Think of an unforgettable experience(funny experience) while riding the jeepney and create a short story inspired by that experience. ​


It's cheap especially if you're a foreigner (minimum of Php8.00). If you're going to ride a jeep in a populated area, expect it to be cramped. The last two persons to ride the jeepney will have less seating space. Jeepney drivers are usually helpful when you're asking for directions, which is a good thing if you're still new to the area.

30. write a short story about your funny/unforgettable experiences​


nung nadapa ako sa flag seremony

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