National Communication Association Credo For Ethical Communication

National Communication Association Credo For Ethical Communication

Do you think Credo for Ethical Communication of the US National Communication Association and the general principles to follow when referring to different groups or categories are still applicable today?​.

Daftar Isi

1. Do you think Credo for Ethical Communication of the US National Communication Association and the general principles to follow when referring to different groups or categories are still applicable today?​.

Ethical communication is fundamental to responsible thinking, decision making, and the development of relationships and communities within and across contexts, cultures, channels, and media

2. Here are the guidelines for ethical communication which should shape communication practice:a. Ethical Communicators are Respectful of Their Audiencesb. Ethical Communicators Consider the Consequences of Their Communication.c. Ethical Communicators Respect Truth.d. Ethical Communicators Use Information Properly.e. Ethical Communicators Do Not Falsify Information.f. Ethical Communicators Respect the Rights of Others to Information. give 2 sentences ​


i cant understand

plss fixed it fastly


no need exp

3. example of an ethical communication, and a non-ethical communication​


An example of ethical communication include a company providing a community with warning of disturbances which may take place in their area and responding to any crisis quickly and honestly.

Common unethical behaviors include plagiarism, including in both written and non-written forms of communication; breaking confidentiality; and the manipulation of information. This includes many forms of propaganda, which inherently encourage exclusive hierarchies of power.


An example of ethical communication include a company providing a community with warning of disturbances which may take place in their area and responding to any crisis quickly and honestly.

Common unethical behaviors include plagiarism, including in both written and non-written forms of communication; breaking confidentiality; and the manipulation of information.Explanation: :))

4. Why is it important for communication practitioners to be ethical communicators? Cite a situation that will illustrate the importance of ethical communication in mass media.​


Why is it important for communication practitioners to be ethical

Ethically communicating assumes the speaker will avoid rudeness, be polite and professional, and have tact. The ethical communicator knows that it's not only important what you say, but how you say it. Tone is one of the most critical facets of communication.

Cite a situation that will illustrate the importance of ethical

There is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions that create positive impacts and steering us away from unjust outcomes. Ethics guides us to make the world a better place through the choices we make. Ethics in business is just as important as ethics in personal life.

communication in mass media

Mass media refers to a diverse array of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place include a variety of outlets. Broadcast media transmit information electronically via media such as films, radio, recorded music, or television.


correct me if am wrong thank you

pa brainliest din po thank you

5. Explain the principles and process of communication and the ethical considerations in communication.​


Go to the back at your module and you will see the Answer

6. 5 similarities of principle of communication and ethics of communication ​


Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator.

Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator. 2.Understand your audience.

Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator. 2.Understand your audience. 3.Listen actively.

Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator. 2.Understand your audience. 3.Listen actively. 4.Simplify.

Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator. 2.Understand your audience. 3.Listen actively. 4.Simplify. 5.Find a perfect time.

Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator. 2.Understand your audience. 3.Listen actively. 4.Simplify. 5.Find a perfect time.Explanation:

Answer:1.Understand yourself. Understanding who you are and what your natural tendencies are is the first step to being an effective and genuine communicator. 2.Understand your audience. 3.Listen actively. 4.Simplify. 5.Find a perfect time.Explanation:Sana MAKATULONG thank you and God bless pa follow po

7. communication ethical issues


Communications ethical issues come in many shapes and sizes. Usually, ethics has more to do with why technologies are used and what they are used for. The technologies themselves have a great capacity for good.

8. To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political  communication   ethics be grounded?​


Ethics in the communications field is important because if the public views someone as not trustworthy, it can compromise a professions reputation. A satisfying life also develops as a result of developing trusting and caring relationships with others and that comes from making ethical choices.

Answer:Answer: Communication ethics is probably rules and or norms one has to comply or observe when communicating.

9. what is communication ethics?

Answer: Communication ethics is probably rules and or norms one has to comply or observe when communicating.

10. communication is ethical when


"Ethical communication" simply refers to the practice of conveying honest information in a manner that is not intended to be misleading. In other words, the information should be presented within a context that ensures that the information is not misleading as a result of being conveyed in a sort of vacuum.

11. what is ethics of communication?

maintaining the correct balance between speaking and listening...

12. communication is considered ethical if it


"Ethical communication" simply refers to the practice of conveying honest information in a manner that is not intended to be misleading. In other words, the information should be presented within a context that ensures that the information is not misleading as a result of being conveyed in a sort of vacuum.

13. communication is ethical meaning


"Ethical communication" refers to the practice of conveying honest information in a manner that is not intended to be misleading. In other words, the information should be presented within a context that ensures that the information is not misleading as a result of being conveyed in a sort of vacuum.

14. What is communication ethics?​

Communication ethics is the notion that human beings are governed by their morals which in turn affects communication. Generally speaking communication ethics deals with the moral good present in any form of human communication.


15. communication is ethical brainly


Truthfulness and honesty is the most core principle of ethical communication. This means that speaking 99% of the truth a matter- while leaving out one percent of the facts- is not ethical communication,as ommiting any detail (intentionally) changes the way that a listener will perceive an event.

"Ethical communication" simply refers to the practice of conveying honest information in a manner that is not intended to be misleading. ... Moreover, ethical communication enhances human worth and dignity by fostering truthfulness, fairness, responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for self and others.

Communication ethics is the notion that an. individual's or group's behavior are. governed by their morals which in turn. affects communication.


i hope it helps:)

16. define ethics of communication? ​


Communication ethics is the notion that human beings are governed by their morals which in turn affects communication. Generally speaking communication ethics deals with the moral good present in any form of human communication.

17. communication is ethical because


Ethical communication values freedom of expression, diversity of perspective and tolerance of dissent. But while ethical communication should be honest and straightforward, it should never offend or provoke listeners. Ethical communication allows access to the resources and facts that helped formulate the message.

18. Compare principle of communication to ethics communication ​


principle communication is a way of communicating of human without any forms of know whenever if it's right or wrong while ethics communication is by doing it with grace of good morals with a supervision on law

19. 1. How can one observe ethics in communication? 2. Why is it important to communicate ethically?


how can one observe ethics in communication?

why is it important to communicate ethically

20. there is ethics in communication ?












sure answers

Ethics in communication is important. it is how an individual purposes language, media, and news-casting, and makes connections that are directed by a singular's morals and values.


ethical communication refers to communicating in a manner that is clear, concise, truthful, and responsible. But in a profession that does not have an explicit set of guidelines, it can be challenging to discern right from wrong.

4 Basic Principles of ethical communications

Ensuring Transparency and Honesty
Communicate only what is known to be the truth. Ethics can be tricky in this regard because although it may not have been your intention. It is still considered unethical even if a mere 1% of what is said is false.Understanding your audience
It talks about who is going to hear you, how much background knowledge they have and is there a way you can communicate this in a more straightforward manner.Respecting confidentiality and Privacy
Honour and shield the privacy of your clients and accomplices that might have unveiled specific subtleties that are intended to stringently be left hidden, regardless of whether there is no lawfully restricting record like a non-divulgence understanding.Choosing the right time and place
Be careful and careful in picking the most fitting overall setting to impart. Plan and plan. Research your crowd, the different choices you have for mediums or channels, as well as worldwide occasions that might influence how your message is gotten and seen

Learn more

Hopefully, this answers enough. If you want to learn more deeply, I suggest you also study the following:


Questions about ethics:

The importance of studying ethics:

Detail Answer:

Class: Elementary school

Key word: Ethic, Communication


21. communication is ethical example


Being truthful with your employer when asked tough questions can be classified as ethical communication, while lying to protect yourself would be unethical. Being mindful of what you share on social media and ensuring that any news articles you share are not fake would be another great example of ethical communication.

22. What Is Communism In Ethics? ​


Communist ethics is naturalistic, disclaiming all super- natural connections. The finite conception of dialectical materialism is absolutized and therefore becomes the deity which will bring redemption from social

23. what is ethics?how important ethics in community?​

Consistent ethical behavior can lead to a more effective program. Considering ethical principles in all aspects of a community intervention will lead you to finding the most effective and community-centered methods, and will bring dividends in participation, community support and funding possibilities.


Ethics refers to the norms and etiquette which is very important to the society. Without ethics, there's no probably respect.


24. What is Ethic Communication?

Communication ethics is the notion that an individual's or group's behavior are governed by their morals which in turn affects communication. Generally speaking communication ethics deals with the moral good present in any form of human communication.

Ethics is a system of moral principles. Which means that you try to do what is correct. Ethical communicationencompasses being honest in allcommunications, keeping confidential information confidential, and not discussing the personal or business situations of others in public or in front of a third party.

25. compare the similarities and differences of "Principles of Communication" and Ethics of Communication"​


Ethical communication

Ethical communication


2. COMMUNICATION ETHICS What is Communication Ethics?

3. COMMUNICATION  the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.

4. ETHICS  a system of moral principles  deals with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.

5. COMMUNICATION ETHICS  The principle governing communication, the right and wrong aspects of it, the moral- immoral dimensions relevant to Interpersonal communication are called the ethics of Interpersonal communication.

6. COMMUNICATION ETHICS  Maintaining the correct balance between the speaking and listening  The legitimacy of fear and emotional appeal  Degree of criticism and praise

7. FUNDAMENTALS OF ETHICAL COMMUNICATION  Responsible thinking  Decision making  Development of relationships and communities.

8. UNETHICAL COMMUNICATION  Threatens the quality of all communication and consequently the well-being of individuals and the society.

9. PRINCIPLES OF ETHICAL COMMUNICATION  Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of communication.  Endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to achieve the informed and responsible decision making fundamental to a civil society.  Strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and responding to their messages.

10. PRINCIPLES OF ETHICAL COMMUNICATION  Promote access to communication resources and opportunities as necessary to fulfill human potential and contribute to the well-being of families, communities, and society.  Promote communication climates of caring and mutual understanding that respect the unique needs and characteristics of individual communicators.  Condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through distortion, intimidation, coercion, and violence, and through the expression of intolerance and hatred.

11. PRINCIPLES OF ETHICAL COMMUNICATION  Being committed to the courageous expression of personal convictions in pursuit of fairness and justice.  Advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing significant choices while also respecting privacy and confidentiality.  Accept responsibility for the short- and long- term consequences for our own communication and expect the same of others.


13. UTILITARIAN ETHICS  Focuses on the results and whether or not it would benefit the majority.  Utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of each action or decision.

14. VIRTUE ETHICS  Concerned with moral character and places more weight or value on the dignity of an individual and a humanity’s task of caring for one another.  It emphasizes character as opposed to duty or consequence.

15. SITUATIONAL OR CONTEXTUAL ETHICS  There is no absolute approach to situations, each situation should be addressed as different from each other.  Every problem should be evaluated in its particular context or situation.


17. Type Example Coercive Intimidation and threatening others. Destructive Backstabbing and inappropriate jokes. Deceptive Euphemism and lying. Intrusive Eavesdropping, tapping telephones or monitoring Internet use Secretive Hoarding information and cover-ups Manipulative-exploitative Acts which attempt to gain compliance or control through exploitation

18. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION  Freedom of Expression is a basic human right, It refers to right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.  Internationally, freedom of expression is protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.  Used to seek answers and express opinions

19. ETHICAL FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION  Freedom of Expression must be balanced against society’s need to maintain order.  There should be limits to free expression, but only when it involves harm to others.  People should refrain from hate speech, the public use of derogatory and offensive language denigrating others, particularly on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender and/or sexual orientation.

20. MASS COMMUNICATION  Mass communication is used to describe the various means by which individuals and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time.  It is the mass production of messages (message) or information that is intended to reach a large amount of people  Uses mass media; such as newspapers, TV, radio, books etc.

26. give an example scenario on how to become an ethical communicator or how to apply an ethical communication​


An example of ethical communication include, A company providing a community with warning of disturbances which may take place in their area and responding to any crisis quickly and honestly.


On an interpersonal level, ethical communication involves being honest and transparent

27. why is ethics important in communication? what will happen to the speakers and the communication process in the absence of ethics?​


The two most important aspects in ethical communication include your ability to remain honest while avoiding plagiarism and to set and meet responsible speech

Ethics in the communications field is important because if the public views someone as not trustworthy, it can compromise a professions reputation. A satisfying life also develops as a result of developing trusting and caring relationships with others and that comes from making ethical choices.

There are other reasons to engage in ethical behavior in public speaking: To maintain your credibility and reputation. To present a fair and accurate argument of your thesis. To provide honest facts with integrity and without deception or distortion.

hope it helps, im sorry for giving unsufficient detailed.

28. professional communication is ethical


yes truee ethnical communication also assumes that communicated information is always presented (and received by the listener).

29. Describe what is ethical communication and provide an example situation that shows ethical communication.​


The principle governing communication, the right and wrong aspects of it, the moral- immoral dimensions relevant to Interpersonal communication are called the ethics of Interpersonal communication.



Having a good relationship with others.

30. communication is ethical

when a conversation advocates freedom of expression, has a diverse perspective and such.

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