Non Fruit Bearing Trees Examples

Non Fruit Bearing Trees Examples

what is the meaning of non fruit bearing tree?and give a example of non fruit bearing trees​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the meaning of non fruit bearing tree?and give a example of non fruit bearing trees​


It means the trees that can't bear fruits. But, there are also vines.



Trees. Trees make the world grow, they make the world greener and they help in the abundance of oxygen in our atmosphere. In scientific terms, trees are plants with elongated stems and trunk that supports branches and leaves. Trees are also known to outlive most of the living things on Earth. The oldest tree that was recorded was 5000 years old. They are made up of roots, branches, wood, and leaves. The roots of trees are usually rooted deep inside the ground, which then gathers nutrients for the tree to grow and sustain on. It also serves as an enormous anchor that would hold the tree and the ground in place. This is why erosion and landslide rarely occur in a forest of trees. Trees have various benefits, like the one stated above, holding the soil in place, production of various herbs and medicines, production of materials for furniture, production of paper, household items, etc. Trees can also be fruit-bearing and non-bearing. Non-bearing trees, fro the name itself, do not bear fruit. It does not have a biological product. While bearing trees produce biological products, that are usually eaten. Non-bearing trees are usually used as materials other than food consumption, such as the aforementioned, crafting of furniture and other materials. While fruit-bearing trees are harvested for their fruit. Here are some examples of non-fruit bearing trees:

1. Mangroves. These are trees that you find in coastal areas, usually, you see them in saline water, you see them under bridges if you visit coastal areas.

2. Narra. Narra trees are common here in the Philippines, they were once normally made for furniture but are now outlawed by the DENR.

3. Acacia. Acacia trees are quite common in the Philippines, especially on school premises.

4. Fern trees. Fern trees are ferns that grow trunks.  

5. Stone Pine. Stone pines are non-bearing trees that are commonly found in Israel and Lebanon.

6. Redspire trees. Redspire trees are widely known as being ornamental.

7. Aristocrat trees. Aristocrat trees are also ornamental trees, they are known for being fast-growers.

8. Oak trees. Oak trees are common as well and can be seen in most places.

9. Maple trees. Maple trees are non-bearing trees that are common in Europe and North America.

10. Horsetail trees. Horsetail trees are types of prehistoric ferns that survived up to this time.

2. example of non bearing fruit trees​


Narra. ...

Acacia. ...

Fern trees. ...

Stone Pine. ...

Redspire trees. .



narra,acacia,fern trees,oak                                                                                            explanation: These are trees that you find in coastal areas, usually, you see them in saline water, you see them under bridges if you visit coastal areas.

3. non fruit bearing trees examples​


I have a plum, pear and several apple trees that are 6 to 10 years old that have never produced any fruit. Do I remain patient or move on and put something else in their place? The plum is self pollinating and blooms but that's all it does. The pear has another tree beside it that is loaded so it's not a pollen problem I don't believe. I have about dozen other apple trees that produce so I'm stumped as to why the these slackers don't.

4. 5 example non fruit bearing trees

There are fruit bearing and non-fruit bearing tress.

Fruit Bearing Trees are trees that produce fruit.

Non-fruit bearing trees are trees that do not bear fruit. Some of them may bear a little, but the examples below do not bear fruit at all:



3.Deciduous Trees

4.Aristocrat Trees

5.Redspire Trees

6.Fauer Trees

bamboo, mahogany, narra, ipil ipil and umbrella tree

5. Give 20 examples of non-fruit bearing trees.



Deciduous Trees

Aristocrat Trees

Redspire Trees

Fauer TreesGymnosperms











Narra tree

Pine tree

Pyrus Communis

6. Learning Task 4: Answer the questions beirs in five (5) Sentences. You can cite examples Write your answers in your notebook What are the benefits of planting fruits and non-bearing fruit trees? 1. What are the benefits of planting fruits and non-bearing fruit trees? 2. How do trees contribute to a healthy and safe environment? 3. What are the benefits of having a skill in planting trees? NAME OF TREES BENEFITS​


Java Plum Tree or Jamun Tree

Sapodilla Tree (Chikoo)

Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Aegle Marmelos Tree (Bael)

Phalsa Tree

Nasa pic yung mga benefits kasi may words na hindi ko mainclude kasi rude daw.

7. 20 example of non fruit bearing trees in the Philippines​















8. Give 10 examples of non-fruit bearing trees

this is all i know. i hope this could help

9. Give Non fruit bearing trees with example and picture with meaning

There are fruit bearing and Non- fruit bearing trees.

Fruit Bearing Tree are trees the produce fruit.

Non- Bearing Fruit Trees are trees that do not bear fruit. Some of them may bear little,, but the examples below do not bear fruit at all:

1. Calleryana

2. Pyrus

3. Deciduous Trees

4. Aristocrat Trees

5. Redspire Trees

10. Give 5 examples of non-fruit bearing trees

narra, mahogany, balete, golden shower, cherry blossom

11. III.Write the correct answer1-3 Write examples of non-bearing fruit in the country4-6 Write examoles of fruit-bearing trees in the country6-10 Write the benefits derive from planting trees.​


1-3 malunggay



4-6 rambutan




can be sourece of food

can be source of house

can be source of income


Any plant that does not grow fruit is non fruit bearing. Grass, lily pads, mint, sage, moss, ornamental flowering plants, and so many more.

Jackfruit, pomelo tree, santol, lychee fruit, Lemon

Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

12. Give 10 examples of non-fruit bearing trees


13. Give 5 examples of non-fruit bearing trees

There are fruit bearing and non-fruit bearing tress.

Fruit Bearing Trees are trees that produce fruit.

Non-fruit bearing trees are trees that do not bear fruit. Some of them may bear a little, but the examples below do not bear fruit at all:



3.Deciduous Trees

4.Aristocrat Trees

5.Redspire Trees

6.Fauer Trees

14. drop 10 examples of non bearing fruit trees(no searching)​


Fern Trees

Acacia Trees

Oak Trees


Mahogany Trees

Sorry That's all I know

Hope it help

15. answer the gg. questions in two (2) sentences you can cite example. what are the benefits of planting fruit and non-fruit bearing tree? TLE (EA)​


Fruits give us nutritions foods and it give us energy. Non- fruit bearing tree is not giving us energy or health


The benefits of planting fruit tree is you can gain money and you can have a nutrients. Planting fruit tree is important in this world because it helps in our nature. Non fruit bearing tree are also important in our nature helpful in animals also in humans.



16. Non fruit bearing trees examples in the philippines

Answer:MangrovesNarraAcaciaMaple treesOak trees

Sana po makatulong


mangroves,narra,acasia,fern trees,stone pine and oak trees


this trees/plans are not producing fruit that's why they are not bearing tree

17. Learning Task 4: Write at least five examples of fruit-bearing treesand five for non-fruit bearing trees.Fruit Bearing Trees1.Non-Fruit Bearing Trees1. 4​


Fruit Bearing Trees

Apple Tree

Avocado Tree

Coconut Tree

Lemon Tree

Guava Tree

Non- Fruit Bearing Tree

Narra Tree

Acacia Tree

Oak Tree

Redspine Tree

Aristocrat Tree

Hope it helps:)

18. examples non bearing fruit trees that can be planted in both rural and urban areas are the following? 1narra 2yakal 3apitong​

Answer: 1. Narra

6. Palm Tree

11. Pine Tree

2. Yakal

7. Rubber Tree

12. Indian Tree

8. Bamboo Tree

3. Apitong

13. Fire Tree

4. Acacia

9. Alibangbang

14. Molave

5. Ipil-Ipil

10. Banaba

15. Mahogany

Explanation: yan lng po yung alam ko!!

19. 10 examples of non-fruit bearing trees


Narra. ...

Acacia. ...

Fern trees. ...

Stone Pine. ...

Redspire trees. ...

Aristocrat trees. ...

Oak trees. ...

20. Give 10 examples of non-fruit bearing trees.

Trees. Trees make the world grow, they make the world greener and they help in the abundance of oxygen in our atmosphere. In scientific terms, trees are plants with elongated stems and trunk that supports branches and leaves. Trees are also known to outlive most of the living things on Earth. The oldest tree that was recorded was 5000 years old. They are made up of roots, branches, wood, and leaves. The roots of trees are usually rooted deep inside the ground, which then gathers nutrients for the tree to grow and sustain on. It also serves as an enormous anchor that would hold the tree and the ground in place. This is why erosion and landslide rarely occur in a forest of trees. Trees have various benefits, like the one stated above, holding the soil in place, production of various herbs and medicines, production of materials for furniture, production of paper, household items, etc. Trees can also be fruit-bearing and non-bearing. Non-bearing trees, fro the name itself, do not bear fruit. It does not have a biological product. While bearing trees produce biological products, that are usually eaten. Non-bearing trees are usually used as materials other than food consumption, such as the aforementioned, crafting of furniture and other materials. While fruit-bearing trees are harvested for their fruit. Here are some examples of non-fruit bearing trees:

1. Mangroves. These are trees that you find in coastal areas, usually, you see them in saline water, you see them under bridges if you visit coastal areas.

2. Narra. Narra trees are common here in the Philippines, they were once normally made for furniture but are now outlawed by the DENR.

3. Acacia. Acacia trees are quite common in the Philippines, especially on school premises.

4. Fern trees. Fern trees are ferns that grow trunks.  

5. Stone Pine. Stone pines are non-bearing trees that are commonly found in Israel and Lebanon.

6. Redspire trees. Redspire trees are widely known as being ornamental.

7. Aristocrat trees. Aristocrat trees are also ornamental trees, they are known for being fast-growers.

8. Oak trees. Oak trees are common as well and can be seen in most places.

9. Maple trees. Maple trees are non-bearing trees that are common in Europe and North America.

10. Horsetail trees. Horsetail trees are types of prehistoric ferns that survived up to this time.

For more information and related topics, please refer to these links:

21. Give 5 examples of non-fruit bearing trees

bamboo, mahogany, narra, ipil ipil and umbrella treebamboo, mahogany, narra, ipil ipil and umbrella tree.

22. Give 10 examples of non-fruit bearing trees

The following is an example of non-fruit bearing trees.

Acacia, Acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees belonging to the sub-family Mimosoideae of the family Fabaceae, first identified in Africa by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1773. Many non-Australian Acacia species tend to be spiny, while the majority of Australian Acacias are not.

Narra, Narra wood (Pterocarpus spp.) includes hard to medium-hard, medium-heavy, cl4y, and resilient woods. Its specific gravity is about 0.55-0.94 at 15% moisture content. The heartwood is durable, including in soil-rel4ted uses and is resistant to termite attack, but is difficult to penetrate with preservatives.

Fern Tree, Tree ferns are arborescent ferns that grow with their stems elevating their leaves above ground level, making them trees. Most tree ferns are members of the "core tree fern", belonging to the families Cyatheaceae, Dicksoniaceae, Metaxyaceae, and Cibotiaceae in the order Cyatheales.

Stone pine, botanical name Pinus pinea, also known as Italian rock pine, umbrell4 pine and umbrell4 pine, is a tree of the pine family. The tree is native to the Mediterranean region, occurring in Southern Europe and the Levant.

Oak Trees, Oak is a term derived from the Dutch ek. This designation is used to cl4ssify the several hundred species of trees and shrubs in the genus Quercus and several rel4ted genera, notably Cyclobal4nopsis and Lithocarpus.

Redspire trees, The pyramid-shaped Redspire ornamental pear (Pyrus calleryana 'Redspire') is a tall, moderately slender tree. It features profusions of white spring blossoms, gorgeous green summer foliage, and stunning crimson, yellow, and burgundy autumn leaves.

Mangroves, A mangrove is a tree or shrub that thrives in brackish or salty water along the coast. The phrase is also applied to such species-rich tropical coastal vegetation. As a result of convergent evolution in multiple pl4nt groups, mangroves are taxonomically diverse. They are found every where, mostly between l4titudes 30° N and 30° S, in the tropics and subtropics, as well as in some temperate coastal regions.

Maple trees, Acer is a genus of trees or shrubs commonly known as maples. There are about 128 species, mostly native to Asia, with some also occurring in Europe, northern Africa, and North America. Only one species, Acer l4urinum, exists in the Southern Hemisphere.

Aristocrat trees, Aristocrat Pear is a superb medium-sized shade and attractive tree for residential l4ndscaping. The season's first blooms, magnificent clusters of white flowers, are followed by glossy, dark-green, heart-shaped leaves that turn a stunning deep scarlet in the fall.

Horsetail tree, Horsetail, also known as mare's tail, is a deep-rooted, invasive perennial weed that will swiftly spread to form a dense carpet of foliage, displ4cing weaker pl4nts in beds and borders.

For more information about Non-fruit bearing trees, click the link below.


23. What is agriculture? What are the two categories of tree? Give 5 examples of non-bearing fruit trees that can be found in our loc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Give 5 example of fruit-bearing trees here in our town, (Atimonan). 1. Nm in 5.​


Agriculture is the science and  practice of farming, cultivating of soil for growing crops as well as raising livestock.

Examples of non-bearing fruit trees: Mayapis, Narra, Acacia, Mangroves, Oak Tree

Examples of Bearing Fruit Trees: Mango Tree, Banana Tree, Papaya Tree, Avocado Tree, Rambutan Tree

24. 3 examples of non-bearing fruit trees


[tex] \huge \color{blue} \boxed{Answer}[/tex]

3 Examples of Non-Bearing Fruit TreesNarra Tree Acacia Tree Oak Tree




Java Plum Tree or Jamun Tree. ...

Sapodilla Tree (Chikoo) ...

Indian Gooseberry (Amla) .

25. list down 10 example of non bearing fruit trees that can be planted in both rural and urban areas​

Carry On Learning Nalang Po

26. 3. The following are reasons of plant propagation except one:A. Easier to grow and maintain.B. It reduced the creation of new plant.C. Ensure high yield and quality fruits.4. Which of the following fruit is an example of non-bearing fruit tree?A. MangosteenB. Rubber TreeC. Banana Tree5. Which of the following fruit is an example of fruit - bearing tree?A. Molave TreeB. Rubber TreeC. Cashew Tree​




5b. sanapomakatulong

27. Give 6 examples of non fruit- bearing tree found in the philippines





Fern Trees

Stone pine

Redspire trees

Aristocrat Trees

Oak Trees

hope it helps po

28. examples of non fruit bearing trees in the philippines

.pinetree and narra tree

29. 5 examples of non-fruit bearing trees.​





Narra,Acacia,Fern trees,Stone Pine
And Redspire trees

30. II. Answer the questions below. You can cite examples 1. What are the benefits of planting fruits and non-bearing fruit trees? 2. How do trees contribute to a healthy and safe environment? DON'T want to be​


the benefits of planting fruit trees to have a fruits to eat and to help the nature

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