Palawan Infographic

Palawan Infographic

INFOGRAPHICSMake an infographic on the tradition/ history of MIMAROPA (Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan) and Visayas Artwork through discussing its elements.Note: Use the template below and fill in the answer on the space provided.ACTIVITY 2History/ Tradition________________________________________________________________________________AMBAHAN WRITINGHistory/ Tradition________________________________________________________________________________Elements of Art_____________________________________________________________________________________Elements of Art_____________________________________________________________________________________MARBLE PRODUCTSHistory/ Tradition________________________________________________________________________________Elements of Art____________________________________​

Daftar Isi

1. INFOGRAPHICSMake an infographic on the tradition/ history of MIMAROPA (Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan) and Visayas Artwork through discussing its elements.Note: Use the template below and fill in the answer on the space provided.ACTIVITY 2History/ Tradition________________________________________________________________________________AMBAHAN WRITINGHistory/ Tradition________________________________________________________________________________Elements of Art_____________________________________________________________________________________Elements of Art_____________________________________________________________________________________MARBLE PRODUCTSHistory/ Tradition________________________________________________________________________________Elements of Art____________________________________​


the ambahan is the traditional poetry in oriental mindoro


sorry po yan lng po alam ko eh..but hope its helps

2. Joana wanted to add some personal touch on her infographics that will showcase her uniqueness on making her infographics attractive to the viewer's attention. What step making infographics should she take note of? A. Outline the goals of your infographic B. Add style to your infographic design C. Visualize the data in your infographicD.Layout the elements of your infographic design​




Add style your Infographic Design -This is about putting your own style and personal touch , just be creative iin combining text , shape and images in your most creative way.




sa answer key galing yan

3. What is the difference between Static Infographics and Animated Infographics?


Like the name suggests, motion graphics use animation to tell stories and present information. While static infographics (and often interactives as well) use a limited number of visual techniques, motion graphics are much more robust and various.

4. 1. What is the purpose of the infographic above?2. What multimedia elements can be found in the said infographic?3. What type of multimedia is it?4. What is the topic of the said infographic?5. What are the for sub-topics that make up the infographic? Pa tulong po​


PS:Na answer q na po yan kaya in-SS q lang po

hope it's help



5. 1. What is the purpose of the infographic above? 2. What multimedia elements can be found in the said infographic? 3. What type of multimedia is it? 4. What is the topic of the said infographic? 5. What are the for sub-topics that make up the infographic?paki answer po​


1.Infographics (a clipped compound of "information" and "graphics") are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends.

2.Text, image, audio, video, and animation are the five multimedia elements. The first multimedia element is text. Text is the most common multimedia element.

6. It is a type of palawan traditionnal basket made by the "Palawan tribe"​




yan ang sagot q sana tama tnx btw good eve


[tex]\huge\bold\blue{EXPLANATION \:}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\bold\pink{TINGKOP \:}[/tex]

Do you know the "TINGKOP"? It is a type of Palawan traditional basket made by the "Palaw'an tribe". It is one of the unique heritage art and craft ORIGINAL in Palawan and mostly seen in the mountains of the south.

7. What can you say about the infographic in terms of design? What is the message of the infographic?​


An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. As in the example below, infographics use striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly. Infographics are a valuable tool for visual communication.

8. Activity 3A Dissect that InfographicObserve the infographic below about filipino etiquette​

1. yes

2. yes

3. yes

4. no

5. yes

6. no

For More answer click the link #

9. Infographic gagawa kanaman ng Infographic na nauugnay sa tao wika at relihiyon​


madami tao sa labas

wika marami wika sa pilippinas

religion maramisa buong bundo

10. ACTIVITY: CREATING OF INFOGRAPHIC A. Create an infographic which shows opportunities and challenges in media and information.​


This is somehow a guide on how you can make an infographic...

center top- Media and Information Can be


left side- Did you know why?

below reasons- (list it down)

How to avoid the negative effects of media and information?

-(search in internet)

-Be critical in evaluating the reliability of the media and information source



11. give me an example of mantle convection infographic for non-digital infographics​

Mantle convection is the very slow creeping motion of Earth's solid silicate mantle caused by convection currents carrying heat from the interior to the planet's surface. The Earth's surface lithosphere rides atop the asthenosphere and the two form the components of the upper mantle.

12. 1. What is the purpose of the infographic above? 2. What multimedia elements can be found in the said infographic?3. What type of multimedia is it? 4. What is the topic of the said infographic? 5. What are the for sub-topics that make up the infographic?​

Answer:About the symptoms of COVID-19 and how to prevent a COVID-19What can be said about the infographic is that it is on the disease spreadingit is a contagious disease that takes a long time before it is curedabout COVID-19??

hope it's help



13. What is the difference between Data Visualization Infographics and Information Design Infographics?


Both are visual representations of data. An important difference is that a data visualization is just one (i.e. a map, graph, chart or diagram), while an infographic often contains multiple data visualizations. A second key difference is that infographics contain additional elements like narrative and graphics.

14. before creating infographic, define what is the meaning of infographic?​

Before creating an infographic, define what is the meaning of infographic?​

Infographics (a shortened term of "information" and "graphics") are graphic visual representations of data, facts, or knowledge that are intended to communicate information quickly and effectively. They can improve cognition by improving the ability of the human visual system to see patterns and trends in pictures. Data visualization, information visualization, statistical graphics, information design, and information architecture are all activities that are related. In recent years, infographics have evolved to be utilized for mass communication, and as a result, they are constructed with less assumptions about the audience's knowledge base than other types of visualizations. Isotypes are an early example of infographics that deliver information to the masses fast and simply.

What are the benefits of infographics?​


15. 6. The step of making an infographics in proper placing text, images, colors and other elements together making it as an attractive looking infographic design A. Collect data for your infographic B. Outline the goals of your infographic C. Visualize the data in your infographic D. Layout the elements of your infographic design 7. This is the easiest way to gather data from a ready-made information that you can find on books, magazines, newspaper and internet for your Infographics A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources 8. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some emails, do research online, create own made survey and process your own conclusion. A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources 9. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called A. Timeline Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Geographical Infographics 10.David wanted to create an infographics about the cybercrime's statistics using graphs, tables and lists. What type of infographics should he use? A. Process Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Geographical infographics D. Research-based Infographics 11. Ronald wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-based. What type of infographics should he used? A. Statistical Infographics B. Interactive Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics 12. Juan wanted to get the profile of his audience by classifying their occupation, gender, age, income level, religion, ethnicity, education level, and knowledge level. What type of audience profiling should Juan use? A. Geographic B. Infographic C. Demographics D. Psychographic​














16. what is infographic​


from the word itself it is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data


Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

17. 15. Which of the following statements does NOT explain what the infographic is all about?A. The infographic illustrates the acidity of water.B. The infographic presents how to get drinking water.C. The infographic tells thaordinary water can be potable or drinkable.D. The infographic shows the step by step procedures of making watersafe for drinking.​


c or d


pili nalang po

sana po makatulonng

18. Create an infographic on the Do's and Don'ts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Remember to use modals in your infographic. A sample infographic of different topic is shown for you.​​

Answer :

The symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) may be different for different people, but the most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell.

Explanation: s

19. 1. What is the purpose of the infographic above? 2. What multimedia elements can be found in the said infographic? 3. What type of multimedia is it? 4. What is the topic of the said infographic? 5. What are the for sub-topics that make up the infographic?​


You can also use the same as the one you sent me last night and it is a bit more than a few quid but I have a couple of questions for you

20. 4. When was the infographic published?_______________________________5. What is the intention / purpose of the infographic?______________________________​


ϙᴜᴇᴤᴛɪᴏɴ 1: When was the infographic published?

In 1786, William Playfair, an engineer and political economist, published the first data graphs in his book The Commercial and Political Atlas.

ϙᴜᴇᴤᴛɪᴏɴ 2: What is the intention/purpose of the infographic?

Infographics can be used to convey complicated data in a simple visual format.Infographics are used as a powerful tool to allow people to easily digest information through the use of visual data, charts, and statistics.

21. what the infographic formula.answer:the infographic formula is about of math​

answer:the infographic formula is about of math


The infographic formula is about of math.

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope is helps!

22. this infographic is an update on.​

Answer: B


23. 15. Which of the following statements does NOT explain what the infographic is all about?A. The infographic illustrates the acidity of water.B. The infographic presents how to get drinking water,C. The infographic tells that ordinary water can be potable or drinkable.D. The infographic shows the step by step procedures of making watersafe for drinking​


C or D po


Kau nlng po pumili

24. an infographic is a collection of imagery charts and minimal text what is the main purpose of infographic​


The main purpose of infographic is to give an easy-to-understand overview of topics, infographics are more likely valuable tool for visual communication so that we can quickly understood the main topic, because of it's great information it helps us to easily engage the visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly.

Hope it helps, correct me if I'm wrong:)

25. skim and scan the infographics refer to the infographics and udentify the information needed​



[tex]1000.000 \times 1500.000 \: what \: is \: the \: answer \: of \: the \: question[/tex]

26. what is the differences between editorial and infographic?what is the similarities between editorial and infographic?​

differences: It combines text, illustrations, icons, and data visualizations like graphs and charts in a carefully organized progression. So the primary difference between infographics and data visualizations is that data visualizations are generally briefer, more discrete pieces that can form one component of a larger infographic

similarities: Both are visual representations of data. An important difference is that a data visualization is just one (i.e. a map, graph, chart or diagram), while an infographic often contains multiple data visualizations. A second key difference is that infographics contain additional elements like narrative and graphics.

27. the steps of making an infographics in proper placing text, images, colors and other elements together making it as an attractive looking ingographics design a.collect data for your infographics b.outline the goals of your infographics c.visualize the data in your infographics d.layout the elements of your infographics design​


A. Collect data for your infographics

28. What is infographic? Give at least 4 examples of the tools used for creating infographics. ​


1) Music and Productivity, by WebpageFX.

2) “15 Terrifying Statistics On Your Cellphone Addiction” by Trustmypaper.

3) “Vacations Are a Must” Quill.

4) “How to Leave Your Worries Behind,” by Happify.

29. How the infographics platforms help you in creating your own infographics easier? ​


Infographics help cover “heavy” topics in an enjoyable way. People rather look at an infographic than read a lengthy text containing the same content. Facts & figures lend authority and give readers a tangible point of reference. Visuals help readers process the content more efficiently.


pa brainliest pa follow at rate

30. how were the infographic presented in the infographic and the print text​

in the infographic, diversity was discussed in short phrases while in the print text, diversity was discussed in sentences.

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