Poems About Equality

Poems About Equality

Poem about gender equality

Daftar Isi

1. Poem about gender equality


hope it helps!



2. make a poem about "equality in education".​


Paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences about home quarantine experience using simple past tense and past perfect tense

3. Poem About The Importance Of Gender Equality​


What is gender?

Is gender an identity?

Certainly gender is not a choice.

But gender is shaped, molded to young new minds,

strings hang from children’s joints to dance as society tells them

No matter man or woman, we are born into roles.

The woman, the one whose mind stands and pleads on her legs, bring about equality

But whose body reacts not out of her own accordance and moves

Moves, graceful, gentle, elegant, and FEMININE.

As society tells her, she is a woman, and that is her role.

Where she wishes to stomp, she stands on her tiptoes.

Where she wishes to thrash, she glides across the floor.

A puppet bound by the hands of society, pushing, pushing

To free herself, to change what being a woman means,

what (gender) equality means.

The man, he is to castrated by the hands to be a MAN.

What does that mean? Better put, what does that mean to society?

I don’t dance.

I am the example to others, and know how to do everything

I don’t feel things, or at least show them, because that is not what I do.

I am powerful and MANLY,

funny that should be made into an adjective…

But, I am not one who should be played with like a puppet, much like the woman,

I do have feelings, but they cannot be expressed for society tells me I will be seen otherwise,

I don’t know everything even when I’m expected to,

I have my pride as a man, and am no one’s puppet, I too wish to change the meaning of “man”.

But strip us down, wash away our skin, we are bare, we are the same,


What makes us, us?

Is it our gender?

Is it society?

No, what makes us, what makes you, is ultimately your decision,

and thats something, not even society, can take away from you.”

4. poem about "gender equality is empowerment"​


Equality is the key to empower,

For both men and women to flower.

No more gender bias, no more hate,

Together we'll create a better fate.

Empowerment is not just for the strong,

But for the weak, and the right and the wrong.

Together we'll break the chains of the past,

And build a future that will truly last.

Gender equality is the way to go,

For all to have the chance to grow.

No more discrimination, no more fear,

Together we'll make our voices loud and clear.

Equality is the key to empower,

For both men and women to flower.

Let's work hand in hand, and heart to heart,

To make a world where love and equality will never depart.

5. Please read the poem entitled "Equality" by Maya Angelou. Write a critical analysis about the poem by completing the guide in the grid provided. Make sure to write your critical essay in detail


my answer is in the 3 pic


hope it's help

6. "Equality"by Maya AngelouCritical Essay:1. Background InformationA. Information about the WorkTitle2. Author3. Purpose of the poem. Provide evidence; extractlines from the poem4. Theme of the poemSummary - Write the issues being raised inthe poemIII. Interpretation and EvaluationA. Discuss the style of the author in presenting theissuesB. Discuss if the was author successful in persuadingthe audience regarding the issues.IV. Reflection: How the issues presented affect you?​


I. Background Information

1. Information about the Work

  Title: Equality

2. Author: Maya Angelou

3. Purpose of the poem: The poem addresses how men perceive and treat black women, and it advocates for an end to gender and racial inequality.

You announce my ways are wanton, that I fly from man to man, but if I'm just a shadow to you, could you ever understand ?

It discusses about the double standards towards women.

We have lived a painful history,

we know the shameful past,

but I keep on marching forward,

and you keep on coming last.

It talks about the years that Black people received oppression.

4. Theme of the poem: Is an upbeat poem with a positive message. It speaks movingly about future possibilities.

  Summary: The themes of equality, racism, and discrimination are conveyed through the use of repetition and metaphors in Maya Angelou's poem "Equality." The phrase 'equality and I will be free' appears six times in this poem.

III. Interpretation and Evaluation

A. Style of the author in presenting the issues:

Angelou's writing style, story, and typical literary content make it very natural for her to write about and discuss

B. Author's persuassion

The author was a social justice activist and a participant of the civil rights movement. Using her poem, it was an eventful tool.

IV. Reflection:

Despite the fact that race has no genetic or scientific basis, the concept of race is significant and consequential. Race is used by societies to establish and justify power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression.

As a Filipino, we had been subjected to racial discrimination even in our own land. The issues affects me, too, because we have internalized racism that we believe already that we are second class citizens.




7. The Farmer's Son by Alfredo Navarro Salanga. 1. How does the narrator’s social class form and affect his ideology (outlook, values etc) in life? 2 What does the poem tell about equality and hierarchy in society? pasagot po plsss.. .


There is great power in reason

It comes like so much rain

Or like strong wind in a dry month

My father was bent

by work

his shoulders were bend

by words

in a contract

he never understood

While I was still

a young man

he send me off

to school

and bid me walk

with straight shoulders

Learn, he said

learn words

that you may pry off

these letters

that have made me

old and bent

8. Create a one-stanza poem with 4 lines about equality. Create your own sorry i don’t know how to make poems :”)

Create a one-stanza poem with 4 lines about equality.

9. Give me a poem about the equality of men and women.​


Equality for all, no man nor woman less

For in the eyes of the world, we are truly blessed

With the same beating heart and the same desire

To live our lives with passion and fire

No gender should dictate our worth

For we are all equal on this earth

With the same rights to education and choice

To raise our voices and use our voice

Gone are the days of patriarchal reign

Now is the time for women to gain

The respect and equality they deserve

For their strength and power will never swerve

Let us break the chains of discrimination

And strive for true integration

Where men and women stand side by side

And together, we will all thrive and abide

Let us work towards a world of equity

Where everyone is given the chance to be free

For only then will we truly prosper

And show that men and women are truly one and the same, as brothers and sisters.

10. Part 2-PERFORMANCE TASK or on another sheet of paper. BSERCISE 8: Choose from the following tasks below then put your output on the box providedA. Make a cartoon drawing of how you wanted to honor the talented people around you.B. Make a comic presentation that shows equality of either social status, race or gender. C. Write a letter to tell the world about the importance of harmony in the society. D. Compose a song or poem that talks about the life of the protagonist.(Letter C /D nalang Po pagpipilian)​

C po


C Kasi tung sa isip ko

11. Read the following analysis about The Man with the Hoe. Write TRUE if the analysis is correct and FALSE if otherwise. 1. The speaker in the poem addresses the issue about the powerful/rich people who profit from the labor of the less fortunate and average workers. 2. The persona in the poem represents people who enjoy life no matter how hard the situation is. 3. The speaker blames God for the unfair treatment that poor people receive from society. 4. One of the themes of the poem is the equality between the rich and the poor. 5. The hoe of the man symbolizes endless servitude and struggle.​



2. False

Sorry po yan lng po alam ko

Sana makatulog

12. Write free verse poem about the equality of men and women.​

Title: Gender Equality

In the man's arena

You can't ignore a woman.

The contribution in building the nation is same,

Instead of getting appreciation, she is put on blame.

Gender equality is today's demand,

Encourage this, it will expand.

The worth of the woman should always be praised,

The issue of equality is put on ablaze.

it is a man's best quality.

If he belives in quality.

Hope this helped :)



No two are the same

And yet we are looked at like a game,

Your tall, I'm skinny,

I'm fat, your pretty.

It's like a never ending sequel.

It's funny because I thought we were all supposed to be treated equal.

13. true/false 1. The beliefs and ways of analyzing literature of Femininity criticism can be based on how gender role and gender stereotype are reflected in every story. 2. The Courage That My Mother Had ascribe to femininity because the title itself gives an idea that its subject is a woman and the descriptions talk about a woman and her outstanding characteristics. 3. The poem For the 4th Grade, Prospect School: How I Became a Poet is both a feminine and masculine poem. 4. In the poem The Second Coming, the word "Anarchy" was mentioned. Anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. 5. The poem Prophecy of the Sand has both feminine and masculine views. 6. The most important idea of the poem The Courage That my Mother Had is the reverence and admiration that the child has for a mother whose extreme courage will never be forgotten. 7. The most important idea of the poem For the 4th Grade, Prospect School: How I Became a Poet is about losing toys and materials things only. 8. In the poem The Second Coming, the first image presented is that of the falconer. 9. The line "Equality is the greatest story a woman ever told" speaks of a woman's desire to be treated as a man's equal. 10. A gyre is a spiral that expands outward as it goes up. The image of a gyre is frequently used to describe the motion of history toward chaos and instability.













Tama Po Yan

God bless


The answer: po is












not sure po Sa numberber 10 sensya napo

pero Sa na maka tulong :)

14. 1. The poem is mainly aboutA Pride in being a FilipinoC. Characteristics of a FilipinoB. Equality of all FilipinosD. Love of Filipinos​




ganyan Napo bayan baliktad ang C-B

15. Acrostic Poem: Write Acrostic poem about EQUALITYpahelp po, thankss​

everyone is different of that there

is no question but a simple thing to

understand is under the skin we are

the same inside we are all

alive a beating hart a thinking brain.

laughter and joy from everyone

sounds the same so instead of

looking down on others and

thinking you are better.

treat everyone around you like

you and they are brothers.

Everyone deserves to be equal

Quite the thing in the eyes of God

Understanding  we're his creations all

All of us are bound by one blood.

Love each person as an individual

It's the right thing to do

To respect life that is our call

Yes, equality is me with you.

16. Exercise 8: Choose from the following tasks below then put your output on the box providedor on another sheet of paper.A. Make a cartoon drawing of how you wanted to honor the talented people around you.B. Make a comic presentation that shows equality of either social status, race, or gender.C. Write a letter to tell the world about the importance of harmony in the society.D. Compose a song or poem that talks about the life of the protagonist.Title of Your Output​


C. write a letter to tell the world about the importance of harmony in the society.

17. make a poem about Gender equality,cyber bullying​

Gender equality is a fight we must take,

To break the chains and the biases that make,

Women and men unequal in life's race,

And to find a level playing field for each face.

Cyber bullying is a scourge on our youth,

A cruel and heartless act of unspeakable truth,

It tears down self-worth and causes such pain,

And leaves victims feeling nothing but disdain.

But we must rise up and make a stand,

For gender equality and a safer land,

We must speak out against cyber bullying,

And create a world that is more forgiving.

Let's all stand together, hand in hand,

And work towards a future that is grand,

Where everyone is treated with respect,

And we can all reach our full potential, no neglect.

So let us fight for gender equality,

And put a stop to cyber bullying's brutality,

For a brighter future, let's all strive,

And let love and kindness truly thrive.

18. QUESTIONS:1.) Based on the title, what is the poem about?A. a poem describing love of one's countryB. a poem about searching for true love and attentionC. a poem describing a love that can never be equaled2.) What must be the tone of the speaker?A formalB. hopefulC. threatening3.) What must be the most distinguishing feature of this poem?A. It features one's stand on striving continuously for a better country for allB. It features a hero, someone who represents the country and is a good role model.C. It features patriotism in which people are called upon to rise up and rescue the unhapmotherland from her torment.​


1. A -a poem describing love of ones country

2.B -formal

3.A -It features one's stand on striving continuously for better country for all

19. Exercise 8: Choose from the following tasks below then put your output on the box provided or on another sheet of paper. A. Make a cartoon drawing of how you wanted to honor the talented people around you. B. Make a comic presentation that shows equality of either social status, race, or gender. C. Write a letter to tell the world about the importance of harmony in the society. D. Compose a song or poem that talks about the life of the protagonist.​


ako'y alipin ng pag ibig mo.. handang ibigan ang santulad mo.

20. LEARNING TASK 2Understanding the Poem Let's see how well you understood the poem.Choose the letter of the phrase that completes the sentence.1. The poem is mainly abouta. pride in being a Filipino b. equality of all Filipinos c. characteristics of a Filipino2. The writer says that the Filipino isa. a victim of injustice b. of noble origin c. basically generous3. The Filipino is by nature a. poor but brave and religious b. peace-loving but proudand ambitious c. charitable, hardworking and freedom-loving4. The value the poem aims to develop in the reader isa industry b. obedience c. nationalism5. The author of the poem isa Toribia NanoB. Toribia MañoC. Toribio ManaloThe Poem is I Am Proud to be A Filipino​






5.b I'm not sure

Sana makatulong

21. Independent Activity 1:Understanding the poem1. What is the poem all about?A. Man's evilnessC. The beauty of God's creationsB. Equality of man and God D. How a beautiful creature made by God turned into somethingindifferenti2. What attribute of God is being described in the poem?A. lovingC. omnipotentB. merciful D. revengeful3. How did God react to the ingratitude of His creations?A. angryB. happyC. sad D. uncertain4. What is the message of the poem?A. God should be our strength.C. We should always seek God's help.B. We should always rely on God.D. We should always be thankful to God, thecreato5. What is the theme?A. Man's limitationsB. God's unending powerC.Equality of man withGod.D. Ungratefulness of men towards their creator​


1 b


my god emfrisive and good god

22. Write a poem about gender equality. It maybe in English or Filipino. Provide four lines for every stanza. have four stanzas for your poem.


The top of my head only reaches their chin

But I can measure against the greatest of men I wish my pay was based on merit And not the chromosomes that I inherit Affording the rent would be real nice But my ponytail makes me only half price Trying my best to just get by Would be a lot easier if I were a guy

And yet on the other hand I’m free to cry whenever I can My brothers over here Gotta hide all traces of shame and fear Lest the claws of society Chew them out for not showing masculinity   How can he be expected to be a gentleman If he’s not allowed to be gentle, man? Although fairness is fickle, I still believe In the possibility of equality   A world where there is no crime And happiness doesn’t stop on a dime... I know there are pressing issues all over the earth But some could be solved if people knew the worth Of a person isn’t based on sex The fact hat this problem still exists makes me perplexed   I look forward to the day   I receive fair pay And brothers out there Can behave true to the way BECAUSE THE EQUALITY IS ON THE WAY.HOPE THIS HELP HAPPY ANSWERING!:)

23. Exercise 8: Choose from the following tasks below then put your output on the box provided or on another sheet of paper.A. Make a cartoon drawing of how you wanted to honor the talented people around you. B. Make a comic presentation that shows equality of either social status, race, or gender. C Write a letter to tell the world about the importance of harmony in the society. D. Compose a song or poem that talks about the life of the protagonist. Title of Your Outputnonsense report​

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A po ☺️


TAMA PO yan ayanden po SAGOT ko

24. Write a critical essay about the poem equality


the eqwalitiy is cellphone

25. free verse poem about gender equalitypls sana masagot need bukas pasahan kahit 3 stanza lang​

Gender is not a boundary,

It's a spectrum, it's fluidity,

We must break the chains of patriarchy,

And build a world of equality.

No longer shall we be bound,

By the rigid roles we have found,

Let's embrace diversity,

And strive for inclusivity.

Women and men, non-binary too,

Deserve respect and opportunities anew,

We must create a world that's fair,

Where everyone can breathe the same air.

Let's shatter the glass ceiling,

And make gender equality our feeling,

For the world to be a better place,

We must give everyone equal space.

Gender is a part of who we are,

But it doesn't define us near or far,

Let's stand together, hand in hand,

And create a world that's truly grand.


In a world that's constantly changing,

We need to embrace equality,

The notion that gender should not dictate,

Opportunities or abilities.

We need to break down the barriers,

That hold some people back,

The notion that gender should be a factor,

Is an idea that we should attack.

It's time to redefine the roles,

And create a level playing field,

So that all individuals can flourish,

And all talents can be revealed.

No longer should women be held back,

From reaching their full potential,

Nor men be forced into strict stereotypes,

That confine them and limit their credentials.

We must celebrate the diversity,

Of our fellow human beings,

Recognizing that gender is not a boundary,

And that everyone has unique things to bring.

So let's move forward with confidence,

And embrace the power of change,

Let's champion gender equality,

And create a world that's truly free from gender's cage.


1. b

2. a


this is the answer

27. sino po marunong gumawa nang poem?? can you pls help me make a poem about equality po? d po sana galing ggle and d kase ako marunong


ako marunong, bigay mo info

28. if you were to write a social thought at this point and time what would you write about ? reduce that thought into a five stanza poem. The topic shall revolve around any of the following social issues today nationalism,social equity,gender equality, poverty,health(pandemic),education, employment.​


For me, I will write about education because as a student there's so many struggles (and joys) in distance learning.Although we do have online school now, it is not the same. Working from home is worse as I don’t care to admit, my work habits from home are not the best. I am easily able to procrastinate at home and having class in bed is not the best idea. Plus, I can no longer get the one on one help teachers provide if needed.


For me po yan Kung iba PO ung SA Inyo pwede niyo naman pong ibase nalang dun SA answer ko ung SA inyo salamat

Sana makatulong

29. Create a one-stanza poem with 4 lines about equality




It is equality when you work with her.

It is equality when she leads the team.

It is equality to see her, think her and call her the boss.

It is equality when she promotes her accomplishments.

It is equality to pay her the same as him for the same job.

It is for sure equality when you give her credit for that brilliant idea.

It is totally equality to admit she is more competent so she gets the job.

It is equality when she has an opinion and is confident to make it known.

It is equality when deciding for herself is norm.

It is equality when bias and stereotypes no longer define her.

It is equality when her achievements are no longer firsts.

It is equality when she is well represented in critical areas of concern.

It is definitely equality to treat her with respect and dignity.

It is absolutely equality to fight alongside her for peace and justice.

It is real equality to be her allie, support her future openly.

It is surely equality for her to reclaim and take up spaces.

Not just a woman, not just a girl, not just because she is your mother or wife,

Not just as your sister or your aunty, not just because she is your daughter,

But as the very evident, clear as day Human that she is in this generation and

Generations more to come.

An integral part of a collective whole, we all need to better uphold.  

Each one responsible, Each one acting consciously, Each one shaping up,

A generation for equality.

30. DeepenActivity 3: Poetic Me! (PERFORMANCE TASK)Directions. If you were to write a social thought at this point and time, whatwould you write about? Reduce that thought into a five-stanza poem. The topicshall revolve around any of the following social issues today - nationalism, socialequity, gender equality, poverty, health (pandemic), education, employment. Arubric below will be used to evaluate your output.a#RESPECT ​

Answer:Steven Kiama Ambrose.

"Poetry is my way of expressing myself, ever since I watched a poet on Kenyan television three years ago. I got inspired by how he translated his emotions and ideas in verses. I now must have written more than 50 poems, most of them deal with issues that affect our societies and communities, like droughts, war and violence among young people. I remember from the time I was still in Kenya, how misguided youth were creating violence in our communities."

"I find my solace in my poetry. As COVID-19 impacted us so badly I decided to write a poem about the virus. My mother gets a lot of false information about the virus, from her friends in the neighborhood. Last time she told me that drinking your tea without sugar could protect you from getting infected. I know that is not true. With my poem I want to correct the kind of misinformation, but more importantly, I want to give my family and friends hope."

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