Reflection Paper On Visiting Home For The Aged

Reflection Paper On Visiting Home For The Aged

To raise social awareness, a school planned to send two separate groups on a field trip-one group of students to visit an orphanage, and another to visit a home for the aged. The expected number of students to visit the orphanage is represented by x. The expected number of students to visit the home for the aged is 20 less than the first group. In the actual event, the number of students who came to the home for the aged doubled than what was expected. How do you represent the number of students who actually visited the home for the aged?

Daftar Isi

1. To raise social awareness, a school planned to send two separate groups on a field trip-one group of students to visit an orphanage, and another to visit a home for the aged. The expected number of students to visit the orphanage is represented by x. The expected number of students to visit the home for the aged is 20 less than the first group. In the actual event, the number of students who came to the home for the aged doubled than what was expected. How do you represent the number of students who actually visited the home for the aged?


Describe the self as a social structure.

Explain the four stages of role development in child socialization.

Analyze the formation of a gender schema in the socialization of gender roles.

5.2. Why Socialization Matters

Analyze the importance of socialization for individuals and society.

Explain the nature versus nurture debate.

Describe both the conformity of behaviour in society and the existence of individual uniqueness.

5.3. Agents of Socialization

Learn the roles of families and peer groups in socialization.

Understand how we are socialized through formal institutions like schools, workplaces, and the government.

5.4. Socialization Across the Life Course

Explain how people are socialized into new roles at age-related transition points.

Describe when and how resocialization occurs.

Step-by-step explanation:

2. What's daniella's age annabelle comes home?


2. po ata answer eh pa mark as brainly nga po

3. when was the firsthome Coming Dr. Rizal from EuropeanVisits?​

August 1887
Rizal returned to Manila in August 1887, after five years in Europe. However, his homecoming was met by the friars' furor over Noli Me Tangere. The Archbishop of Manila issued an order banning the possession and reading of the novel, an order that was later reinforced by the governor-general.

4. reflection about the visitation of the gods​


· Here are my reflections on The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth; let us think of the life lessons we may learn from it: Mary is always a Visitor in your life. Catholics have reserved May to be Mary’s month. This means that May is our sweet honoring for Mary.


5. Short reflection about your visiting plaza?​

It's nice it's nice and good

6. Estimating farm inputs and labor requirements. 1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your home 2. Get the following data a. Area b. Crop c. Age of crop d. labor requirements​




Labor requirements are often used to explain the frequency with which a particular household type appears in a society or section of society.

7. And makes a home visit to admit a client newly


ano po yung instruction



where is the instructions? (2)



8. Reason for the home visit of teachers to her pupils? ​


Teachers' visits to students' homes can take many forms. The visitation approach might vary from school to school and from teacher to teacher. ... The purpose of the visit was to learn about the student's needs, interests, and concerns, and to establish communication and rapport with the parents."




Teachers' visits to students' homes can take many forms. The visitation approach might vary from school to school and from teacher to teacher. ... The purpose of the visit was to learn about the student's needs, interests, and concerns, and to establish communication and rapport with the parents.

9. you decide to pot your aging parents in a nursing home/home for the aged.​


Anu po yung tanong po dito

10. 2.visited a garden at home​


and what do we need to do there?


I think your question is not completely done

11. Your teacher visits you at home. What will you say to invite her in?a.Yo,what's up? Come in!b.Glad to see you Ma'am, please come in.c.Hello Ma'am! It's my honor to see you here for a visit. Welcome to our house.d.Wow! What brings you here?​





the answer is (C).


goog luck


12. Estimating farm inputs and labor requirements. 1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your home 2. Get the following data a. Area b. Crop c. Age of crop d. labor requirements​


a. 816 sq.m

b. Eggplant

c. 2 months and 3 days or 64 days

d. Labor Requirements:

*Plowing using animal

*Harrowing using Hand tractor

*Planting seeds

*Fertilizer Application

*Pest control



*Harvesting after 60-75 days


eto answer ko eh. pa brainliest ❤️

13. Sample narrative report for home visitation

ulat ng salaysay ng sample para sa pagdalaw sa tahanan

14. 6. A scenario in which student apply what you have learned in Home for the Aged institutions. A. Upon visiting to the institution, what are the impact views about the elderly?.



Question: A scenario in which student apply what you have learned in home for the aged institutions.

Answer: A.



#Carry on Learning

#Hope it helps

#Brainly Everyday

#Pa Braillest

15. Sample narrative report for home visitation

ulat ng salaysay ng sample para sa pagdalaw sa tahanan

16. show example of narrative report on home visitation​


It said my answer was inappropriate but I can't find the inappropriate word, Brainly is glitched, I was done as well, sorry can't help ya, At least I tried (>_<)


17. reflection about the visitation of mary?​


The theme of the Visitation feast centers on Mary responding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to set out on a mission of charity. This is reflected in the opening prayer and the prayer over the gifts and in the canticle antiphons for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer.

18. how will great a freinds if they visited you at home​


1;Hello. This is the most basic greeting in English. ...

2;Hi. This is a shorter version of "hello". ...

3;Hey. ...

4;Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. ...

5;Note: We use "good night" to say goodbye, but we can never use "good 6;night" to say hello. ...

7;It's nice to meet you. ...

8;It's a pleasure to meet you. ...

9;It's good to see you again.


don't judge me

I was just bored

don't report please

I will follow you

19. your uncle come to visit your family. he bring ice cream for every one but your older brother is not home yet​

Answer Is:

Not Eating all but leaving 1 for the older brother or Put it in the Freezer And wait for him to come then tive it to him

20. Which of the following is an advantage of a home visit?


Increases parenting knowledge, parent child interaction, & involvement. Helps prevent child abuse and neglect

21. The rn record the home visit and makes referral during what phases of the visit:


Phase 1.Initiation phase-clarify purpose of home visiting

Phase 2.Pre-visit phase- initiate contact with family

Phase 3. On home phase- introduction him/her self-warm greeting

Phase 4. Termination phase

Phase 5. Post visit phase- Record visit plan for next visit


Yan lang po Ang Alam ko

22. Nurse gab conducts a home visit. applying the bag technique, which side of the paper lining of the chn bag is considered clean to make a noncontaminated work area


. Open the bag, take the linen/plastic lining and spread over work field or area. The paper lining, clean side out (folded part out). To make a non-contaminated work field or area.


Hope it helps

Pa brainliest nalng po ty

23. reflection on aged mother​


Every mother in the world is very important to their daughter or their son. Even though they yell or even scold us often, that’s just their way of showing their love to us. Our parents is one of the most important and valuable people that we need to thanked for in our life and for change, we should appreciate them more that we could ever know and that’s one of the things that The Story of The Aged Mother conveyed and taught to me as a student or even just being a daughter.

For my opinion the story is very inspiring and heart-warming, especially for those who have a great relationship or a displeasure experience to their parents. It is also fund of valuable lessons that we can relate to the real world which is very fortunate to know and lastly, it had a very great impact to the readers for its undeniably is a wonderful story.

24. information age reflection


Information age of media

The Information Age began around the 1970s and is still going on today. It is also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age. This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily.


25. reflection of your favorite place you visited​

kasi jaan tayo nakakapag open up at jaan natin nakakausap ang ating diyos

26. Home visit is a professional face to face contact made by the nurse to her clients in the community. nurse jack is performing which principles of home visit:


face to face pa din. dapat may facemask and face shield nga lang


27. do you welcome home visitation?​


yes we welcome those visitors but in our situation right now we don't welcome them in our home for the sake of our safety

28. Which is contrary to the principles in planning a home visit?


Which is CONTRARY to the principles in planning a home visit? A home visit should have a purpose or objective. The plan should revolve around family health needs. A home visit should be conducted in the manner prescribed by the RHU.



29. Reflection Write-up: What are the things that you need to do upon learning that a significantperson is coming to visit your house?​

observe,know him/her,and then if you know now welcomed you're visitors

30. How to will greet the people if they visited my home or our home?


For my own opinion, greet them with a smile and offer them to enter your lovely home and take a seat. Then try to have a little talk.



Give a warm greeting

Make quick introductions


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