Religion Questions And Answers

Religion Questions And Answers

Answer and explain this question: Is there a universal religion?​

Daftar Isi

1. Answer and explain this question: Is there a universal religion?​


i think maybe yes maybe no

2. question and answer about religion in aralpan ano Ang ibig Sabihin Ng religion​


Ang terminong "relihiyon" ay tumutukoy sa isang sistema ng paniniwala at gawa na may layunin na mapalapit sa isang paniniwalang higit pa sa tao at kaluluwa, karaniwang tinutukoy bilang isang "diyos" o "diyos-diyosan." Sa iba't ibang paniniwala at tradisyon, ang relihiyon ay maaaring magbigay ng mga panuntunan at prinsipyo para sa mga tao upang sumunod sa kanilang buhay, pati na rin ng mga ritwal at panalangin upang ipakita ang paggalang sa diyos o sa mga paniniwala ng relihiyon. Sa kabuuan, ang relihiyon ay tumutukoy sa isang sistema ng paniniwala at gawa na may layunin na mapalapit sa isang paniniwalang higit pa sa tao at kaluluwa.

3. Can anyone answer all this religion questions!



1.I want have freedom,a phone,a car, money,a family,health,control,knowledge,wisdom and fun.

2.Money,family,freedom .it is said that money doesn't always make you happy meaning there is time it will make you happy. family when your surrounded by family you have companionship,love,support and warmth and freedom no one wants to be controlled by rules or by anyone.

3.The most valuable thing is my family because they are there when i  need there love and comfort.They are also there to give me support.

4.Yes. Because it not easy getting where we are today the way my parents have struggled to survive and provide for us it is truly remarkable.

5.Yes i thank God for everything and express it by attending church services and pray to God thanking him for everything.

6. Long life.Because i will be there to see my family grow and my great great grandchildren telling them stories of the old days.

1.When it has benefited a large number of people .

2.yes and no because not everyone has access to the internet or technology because not everyone has cash and also the rural areas can also not benefit easily.

4. Does the question of the rightness or wrongness of this depend on which religion you belong to? Explain your answer.​

No, because “right” is right and “not right” is not right. It is not dependent on any religion and is the responsibility of the person doing the action.


Merry Christmas

5. "Religion is Mans attempt to answer the question of the things that man can't answer"


yes because not all happenings in mans life are controllable or can be planned easily there are thing that is unpredictable so as the sayings means through religion this will add faith for the guidance and guardance of the lord that with in is will we can endure and surpass it


6. How the globalization of religion strengthen your spirituality?thankyou for answering my question ​


In some cases, religion and spirituality has been packaged as commodities, and offered as goods in the market place of humanity's search for meaning and life. It is thus that globalisation has a dehumanizing potential, reducing human beings to commodities or human capital.

7. Please answer this question:1.How does religion influence geography and culture? ​


Sacred places

Traditional cultural geographical approaches to the study of religion mainly seek to determine religion's impact on the landscape. ... Religious experiences and the belief in religious meanings transforms physical spaces into sacred spaces.

8. This is a hard questions I know the answer but do you What is the fisrt religion in the Philippines before christian


Indigenous Philippine folk religions (collectively referred to as Anitism or Bathalism), the traditional religion of Filipinos.

9. How do religions help people? What questions do they answer for them? ​

Religions help us to believes who should we follow and who shouldn’t be followed


Religions help us to believes who should we follow and who shouldn’t be followed.


10. Exercise 1:Directions: Answer the following questions in a separate page provided for.1. How important is the role of Abraham in the development of monotheistic religions?the dovelonment of religions?​


Most historians say that Abraham was probably not even a real, historical person, but that does not mean that the biblical Abraham did not have enormous influence in the development of monotheistic religions. In fact, most modern monotheistic religions (with certain exclusions such as Zoroastrianism) are known as Abrahamic religions because of the belief that Abraham was instrumental in their development.

11. 2. Assign one religion in each circle and answer the questions below? VENN DIAGRAM​


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among things or finite groups of things. Circles that overlap have a commonality while circles that do not overlap do not share those traits. Venn diagrams help to visually represent the similarities and differences between two concepts.

12. B. Answer the following questions.1. How did religion originate?


This period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5,220 years ago (3200 BC). ... The history of other cultures' interaction with the "religious" category is therefore their interaction with an idea that first developed in Europe under the influence of Christianity.

13. "Religion is Mans attempt to answer the question of the things that man can't answer"


yes because not all happenings in mans life are controllable or can be planned easily there are thing that is unpredictable so as the sayings means through religion this will add faith for the guidance and guardance of the lord that with in is will we can endure and surpass it


14. How did Abrahamic religions presentation help you understand and appreciate the Middle Eastern religions and Western theories? can you please answer this question


How did Abrahamic religions presentation help you understand and appreciate the Middle Eastern religions and Western theories?

15. Religion provides answers for phenomena and questions that science or reason cannot explain. A. Religion Reduces Fear of the Unknown C. Religion Provides Social Change B. Religion Promotes Social Harmony D. Religion Provides Moral Values​


A. Religion Reduce Fear of the unknown


Hope it help po(✿^‿^)

16. Does the question of the rightness or wrongness of this on which religion you belong to?Explain your answer


I do not believe right or wrong is depends on tbe religion. It depends ... Does the question of the rightness or wrongness depend on what religion you belong to?


17. does the question are rightness or wrongness of this depend on which religion devotion you to belong? explain your answer.​




It's human nature to know what is righteousness and wrongness no matter what religion you belong to. It's not about only believing the beliefs of your religion that you devote yourself on, but it is about knowing wether it's right or wrong with reason why it is.

18. question and answers(multiple choice) about understanding the nature of religion​


? huh nasan


saan po yung sasagutan?

19. Activity :3 Answer the following questions consisely. 1. Why is it important to understand the geographical contexts of religions ? Explain how religion affects culture?​


georaphy is far more important in the study of religions that is generally appreciated.


religion can affect more than a particular peraon's habit.

20. Does the question of the rightness or wrongness of this depend on which religion you belong to? Explain your answer?​

Does the question of the rightness or wrongness of this depend on which religion you belong to?

The answer to that is no. I don't agree that right or wrong depends on religion. It depends on the impact that an individual has on a society that can be used to reflect my religion. Take, for example, Muslims. After the incident of Sept. 11, Muslims have been desperately seeking to dispel "Islamaphobia" from the world. And honestly, after all the bombings, the Taliban, followed by ISIS, I can conclude that they have failed miserably.

Back in 2006, the Malaya Barisan Government (illegally) demolished more than 100 Hindu temples, and while Hindus, like myself, protested in the streets, we did so without sacrificing the protection, security and trust of our fellow Malaysians.

And Malaya today is suffering and will continue to endure this negative effect for years to come.

It is human nature to know what is righteousness and wrong, no matter what faith you belong to. It's not just a matter of believing in the beliefs of your religion that you dedicate yourself to, but it's a matter of understanding whether it's right or wrong with the explanation why it is.

Right and wrong

Experimental evidence shows that people's interpretation of what God thinks is right and wrong tracks what they believe is right and wrong, not the other way around.

The social psychologist Nicholas Epley and his colleagues asked religious believers regarding their spiritual values and God's moral beliefs. Not surprisingly, what people thought was right and wrong fit pretty well with what they thought was the morality of God. Then Epley and his fellow researchers sought to exploit the moral beliefs of their participants with convincing essays. If they are persuaded, then their moral opinion should be different from that of God, right?


When the respondents were asked again what God felt, people said that God was in agreement with their new opinion!

But people didn't come to believe that God was wrong, they only updated their view on what God was thinking. When you change someone's moral beliefs, you also change their mind on what God thinks. Yet most of the people surveyed still hold to the idea that they got their moral compass from what they think God thinks is right and wrong.


For more information visit this link:  


21. 2. Assign one religion in each circle and answer the questions below​


ror ror ror


gano kse yon

22. 2. In your own analysis what could be the answer of the question, "If religions teach peace, then whycan't all religions achieve peace?​

Answer: Some people from other religion says. That other religions are causing trouble with their religion. This cause chaos over time.

23. Activity 3: Answer the following question.1. Aside from your own religion, what other religion or religions are you most interested in studying?Why?​



i want to know their religion Ang how the way they work

24. Questions: Answer the given questions. (40 points)1. From your own point of view, why self-centered religion cannot be avoided?2. Describe your experience of a self-centered religion3. Do you agree that labelling of ego-centered religion is inauthentic? Why?4. Which image reflects selfless religion? Which image reflects self-centeredreligion? Explain each.​


1. Self-centered religion cannot be avoided for reason that they want to change man's selfish nature through their scripture. Furthermore, they aims that their beliefs are superior to others.

2. My experienced could i say was not good. One act which i did not appreciate was the brainwashing style. That they would say against your religion just to believe in them and be a part of their religion.

3. Yes, because neither religion would accept such labelling.

4. Picture 1 reflects a self-centered religion. It clearly shows of someone who aims only for the improvement of herself, tending to ignore the needs of others.

Picture 2 reflects a selfless religion. Giving a hand or thinking other people before yourself is a way to be considered as unselfish act.

25. What does it take to become a saint?Can you Answer my question?-Religion-​


To become a saint we need to sacrifice many things. We might not be perfect as we born but if we change our hearts like how God wants us to be then you belong. Pray more, do charity works, be patience, and keep your faith.

26. DIRECTION: Answer the following questions in your notebook. 1. What is the history of your religion? 2. What are the significant events that happened in your religion? 3. Who are the significant persons or leaders of your religion? What are their roles and responsibilities?


1.The Christian faith centers on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While it started with a small group of adherents, many historians regard the spread and adoption of Christianity throughout the world as one of the most successful spiritual missions in human history.


Annunciation, 25 March.

The Easter period, in Spring (dates vary): Lent. Holy Week. ...

Ascension Day (40 days after Easter)

Pentecost (7th Sunday after Easter)

The Christmas period, late November to early January. Advent, the period leading up to Christmas: begins on the Sunday closest to 30 November.

3.Religious leaders from Jesus Christ, Buddha and Martin Luther to Muhammad, Billy Graham and Mother Teresa are people who have appeared in sacred texts or helped lead religious movements. These prophets, priests and preachers have profoundly shaped our view of the spiritual world.First, we have a Christian duty to serve each other. The Bible says, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10 ) It is in our service that all will see God's grace in action as we demonstrate our faith.



27. Activity 2: Think-and-WriteAnswer the following questions:1.Is the bellef in God necessary in a religion? Is it possible to have a religionEven without the belief in God? Explain your answer.2.What do you think is the common influence of religion to culture and society?​

Answer: 1.Is the bellef in God necessary in a religion? Is it possible to have a religion

Even without the belief in God? Explain your answer.

- A religion is a group of people who are worshiping their chosen ones to worship. Means, even it is not God they still worship it. But we must always put on our mind that the only God is the Trion God the God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

2.What do you think is the common influence of religion to culture and society?​

- Religions can effect the flow of lives of many people, because of different beliefs and characters.

28. what is the most common known symbol for the religion of islam? mga ka Boddy sinong magaling dito sa religion na subject? pede patulong wla kasing madalas na answer sa question ng religion :( :(


Moon and stars


Moon and stars are the symbol of religion of islam

29. ANSWER THE ESSAY WITH (INTRODUCTION, BODY & CONCLUSION) Questions 1. What is Philosophy of Religion?What are the characteristics of Religion? 2.Does faith require reasons to believe? 3.Are religious beliefs based on truth? 4.Can there be morality without religion? Note: Answer in a yellow paper submit this 5.What is the essence of religion?What makes religion so important to people? ​


1.rational thought about religious issues and concerns without a presumption of the existence of a deity or reliance on acts of faith. Philosophers examine the nature of religion and religious beliefs

2.Faith is opposed to reason and is firmly in the realm of the irrational. Religious faith is over and above reason and is not to be subject to criteria generally used by reasoning beings.

3.Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or standard. Religious views on truth vary both between and within religions.

4.It is simply impossible for people to be moral without religion or God. ... The question of whether or not morality requires religion is both topical and ancient. In the Euthyphro, Socrates famously asked whether goodness is loved by the gods because it is good, or whether goodness is good because it is loved by the gods

5.Religion helps us to define our lives, and thus we can say it gives meaning to our lives. Religion helps us to deal with the most stressful moments of our lives because it gives us hope to move on. It enables you to avoid depression, and so your life moves more smoothly and in a healthy manner.


sana makatulong

30. Please help me answer these questions(this subject is cle not religion) ​


How will you


being a priest is call from God

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