The Following Are Considered As Data Gathering Instrument Except

The Following Are Considered As Data Gathering Instrument Except

the following are considered as data gathering instrument except​

Daftar Isi

1. the following are considered as data gathering instrument except​


Gathering research data following these methologies often implies preparing situations...It is therefore important to consider whether.


hope it helps

2. The following are considered as data gathering instrument except

Hi ma'am/sir pls put the choices po para masagutan ng Tama.

3. 20. the following are considered as data gathering instrument except:A. interview B. observation C. questionnaire D. internet ​





My answer is

1. B


Hope it helps

4. 1. It refers to an observational method which involves studies of mechanical recording or the recording by some of the other means like photographic or electronic, A. Covert observations C. Objective observation B. Indirect method D. Structured observation 2. Which of the following is TRUE about the self-completion survey? A.Interviewers can reduce non-response by answering respondents’ queries concern B.Interviewers are allowed to gather more data. C. Respondents are given time to consider their answers, refer to records or consult with others D. Self-completion survey is more expensive than other methodologies 3. It is defined as a technique of gathering data whereby your personal watch, interact, or communicate with the subjects of yours.” A. Interview B.Object C. Observation D. Survey 4. The following statements described Structured Interview EXCEPT: A. Additional questions might be asked during interviews to clarify and expand certain issues. B. Data analysis seems to be straightforward C. Different answers can be compared and contrasted given the same questions D. It consists of series of pre-determined questions 5. The most commonly used instrument in the research list of questions about a research topic, less expensive yields more honest responses guarantee confidentiality minimizes biases. A.interview B. observation C. questionnaire D. survey​









5. 1.People inclined to doing a quantitative research wants to discover truth in ___________.A. An exact mannerB. A careful wayC. A personal matterD. An indirect way2.Which of the following statements does not define ResearchA. For research to be more accurate and beneficial, science is embedded in its process.B. Research came from the Middle French word recherché, which means “the act of searching closely.C. Research follows the scientific method, hence it is not necessary to follow all steps in conducting a research as long as you have the data.D. One of its main objectives is to answer questions.3.A quantitative research presents research findings in this manner:A. Students find textbooks indispensable or necessary.B. Perhaps, 30% consider textbooks unnecessary in their studies.C. Many prefer to study with textbooks.D. Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks beneficial to their studies.4.Which of the following is not a strength of Quantitative Research.A. Quantitative research is better for projects where objectivity is desired.B. Communicating data, procedures and results are easier.C. Quantitative methods offer breadth.D. Some aspects of human behavior are difficult to measure.5.Which of the following is not a consideration in the collection of data?A. opinion- basedB. realisticC. objectiveD. none of the above6.All of the following are purposes of replicating a study except one:A. Ascertainment of the generalizability of results.B. Establishment of reliability of findings.C. Acquisition of new knowledge.D. Improvement of research skills of an individual.7.Some think of quantitative research as complex because of its use of _____________.A. theoriesB. numerical dataC. factual dataD. hypotheses8.In conducting an experimental research, there are two or more groups involved. One of which receives the treatment. What is being referred to?A. Experimental GroupB. Control GroupC. BothD. None of the above9.This type of quantitative research aims to obtain specific data from a large sample size.A. True experimentalB. SurveyC. CorrelationalD. Quasi experimental10.Which of the following is not a violation in collecting a data?A. Being objective.B. Omitting or adding data to what is literally available.C.. Data should be based on the personal views of the researcher.D. Using inappropriate instruments.11.This type of quasi-experimental applies the treatment and condition to just one individual or group.A. causal-comparative researchB. single-subject quasi-experimental researchC. time-series quasi-experimental researchD. matched comparison12.Which is not a characteristic of a quantitative research?A. The researcher has a broad research question to which objective answers are sought.B. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population.C. The data are usually gathered using more structured research instruments.D. OptionThe research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high reliability.13.Research is composed of several scientific methods. One of it states that in order for findings to be reliable, the data gathered are subjected for analysis through statistical methods. What is being referred to?A. ReplicationB. AnalysesC. ObservationD. Experiment14.What makes a research practical?A. It is essential and being practiced into reality.B. It is not biased.C. It follows the scientific method.D. It uses appropriate instruments in collecting data.15.Which of the following will you least consider in choosing a research title?A. PracticalB. Timely and relevantC. It fits your interestD. It is easy to conduct ​

Quantitative Research QnA

1). People inclined to doing a quantitative research wants to discover truth in...

Answer : A. An exact manner.

2). Which of the following statements does not define Research...

Answer : C. Research follows the scientific method, hence it is not necessary to follow all steps in conducting a research as long as you have the data.

3). A quantitative research presents research findings in this manner...

Answer : D. Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks beneficial to their studies.

4). Which of the following is not a strength of Quantitative Research...

Answer : D. Some aspects of human behavior are difficult to measure.

5). Which of the following is not a consideration in the collection of data?

Answer : A. opinion- based

6). All of the following are purposes of replicating a study except one...

Answer : D. Improvement of research skills of an individual.

7). Some think of quantitative research as complex because of its use of..

Answer : B. numerical data

8). In conducting an experimental research, there are two or more groups involved. One of which receives the treatment. What is being referred to?

Answer : C. Both

9). This type of quantitative research aims to obtain specific data from a large sample size...

Answer : B. Survey

10). Which of the following is not a violation in collecting a data?..

Answer : A. Being objective.

11). This type of quasi-experimental applies the treatment and condition to just one individual or group...

Answer : B. single-subject quasi-experimental research

12). Which is not a characteristic of a quantitative research?

Answer : B. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population.

13). Research is composed of several scientific methods. One of it states that in order for findings to be reliable, the data gathered are subjected for analysis through statistical methods. What is being referred to?...

Answer : C. Observation

14). What makes a research practical?..

Answer : A. It is essential and being practiced into reality.

15). Which of the following will you least consider in choosing a research title?...

Answer : C. It fits your interest.

another answer



6. D.

7. D.

8. D.

9. D.


Binasa ko po yan po yung pinaka suitable na answer na nakita ko

Hope it helps ^-^

7. 1. Here are the mottos for good packaging of the finish household linen EXCEPT. *1 pointA. To provide customers with excellent quality products.B. At unbeatable priceC. Be a pioneer in the global marketD. Imitate other old products.2.A household linen with embroidery must have_________ . *1 pointA. typeB. shapeC. frameD. design3. Packaging materials for preserves should be creative, attractive, durable and nonhazardous. Which of the following DOES NOT show a good packaging material? *1 pointA. damaged containers can be used for preserved foodB. packaging materials should be easy to disposeC. use roll bags in selling jams and jelliesD. use colorful wrappers, painted fabrics on top of jars4.It is a term, symbol, design, or combination of these identifies the product. *1 pointA. packageB. advertisementC. brand nameD. household linen5. Packaging of processed items is one of the factors to consider. Why is it important to package each item creatively and artistically? *1 pointA. To become popular only of the manufacturerB. To increase sales and profitC. To last longer the productD. To impress people only6. Through embroidery, Filipinos are able to show that they are ____________-. *1 pointA. hilariousB. creativeC. proudD. extravagant7. The _______should contain all the information about the product, materials used, proper instructions, and care of the linens, among others. *1 pointA. packageB. materialsC. productD. questionnaire8.A website can be used to a product. *1 pointA. marketB. promoteC. sellD. all of the above9.Survey is a major research strategy to collect data from people in the community. What instrument/s will you use to gather data? *1 pointA. Interviews only are suited.B. Focus group discussions onlyC. Questionnaires only are suited.D. Interviews, questionnaires, group discussions and forums may use.10. A cross stitch project is usually displayed in a _ _ and can be sold at a higher price. *1 pointA. boxB. plasticC. frameD. bag​




hope it helps pa brainlest pls

8. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write in the space provided before the number.1 What is the science of collecting, organizing, interpreting, and analyzing data?A) StatisticsB) dataC.) respondentsD) information2. These are units of information, often numeric, recorded and used for the purpose of analysis.A) informationB.) respondentsC) dataD.) survey3 The following are the purpose of statistics EXCEPTA) Comparison of quantitiesC.) Estimation of unknown quantitiesB.) Explanation to actions that has taken place D) Choosing the best buddy for the party4. Which of the following best illustrates the use of statistics in real life?A) Weather report for the next 7 daysC.) Drawing a perfect triangleB.) The use of gymnastics equipment in a gym D) None of these5. What do you call a tool that researchers use to collect needed data?A.) random sampling B.) statistical instrument C.) observationD) data6. Which part of the survey questionnaire gives the respondent the SURVEY TOPIC and what to do with the surveyA.) IntroductionB.) ProfileC.) AddressD.) Greetings7. Which of the following questions is an open-ended question?A) Are you in favor of additional two years in high school? YES or NOB) Which of the following fast food chains do you like most? Jollibee or McDonald'sC.) What do you think is the reason of cyber bullying?D.) Is it true that a starfish is a fish? YES or NO8. Which of the following should be considered in writing survey questionnaire?A.) Questions should be technicalC.) Questions should be answered with formulaB.) Questions should be relevant to the topic D.) None of these9. It is a systematic way to arrange data where data are written in rows (horizontal) or columns (vertical) for easyreferencingA.) tableB.) pictographC.) pie chartD.) line graph10. Which of the following is an example of DIRECT METHOD of gathering and collecting statistical data?A) Bio-dataB.) Registration form C.) Voters formD.) interview on the Effects of11. Which of the following displays a TABLE for collecting data?wA)B.)C.)D.)​pa help po:) or Report nonsense!!‼️​

1) A
2) C
3) D
4) A
5) C
6) A
8) B
9) A
10) B
11) no choices

9. 1. What is the importance of research design in conducting a research? A. It serves as your research title in your proposed study B. It serves as your basis in selecting your research topic C. It serves as your basis in searching for literature and related studies Phenomenological Grounded Theory Ethnographic Design Narrative Design Case Study Additional Activities Assessment 8 City of Good Character DISCIPLINE • GOOD TASTE • EXCELLENCE D. It serves as your basis in doing the research methodology (design, instrument, respondents, and data gathering procedure and analysis) 2. The focus of this qualitative research design is to describe rather than to explain the live experiences of individuals regarding the phenomena as described by the participants. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 3. It focuses on building a theory from the perspective and point of views of the participants. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research Design 4. The goal of the researcher is to expose themselves in participants’ culture and acquire vital information through direct observation and interaction with participants in a prolong period of time. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 5. The information gathered is being retold by the researcher. In addition, it is expected to produce a combined life experiences of participants and researches through collaborative narratives. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 6. This design allows the respondents to have a direct observation and interaction with participants and are utilized in order to produce a comprehensive description of experience. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 7. This research design uses direct observation and interview as the main tool in conducting a research. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 8. This research design uses a comparative process of data gathered in order to generate a theory. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research Design 9. It is the main procedure used in conducting Ethnographic study. A. Comparative Process C. Direct observation and interview B. Creating stories D. Direct interaction with participants 10.This procedure is being used in conducting a narrative study. A. Comparative Process C. Direct observation and interview B. Creating stories D. Direct interaction with participants 11.This factor is considered as main concern in conducting a research as well as choosing a research design. A. Audience C. Research Problem B. Personal Experience D. Statistics 12.This factor refers to the researcher’s own personal training and experiences that may be considered as one of the factors that influence the research in selecting the research design. A. Audience C. Research Problem B. Personal Experience D. Statistics 13. This factor in choosing qualitative research design focuses in identifying the reader of the research conducted. A. Audience C. Research Problem B. Personal Experience D. Statistics 9 City of Good Character DISCIPLINE • GOOD TASTE • EXCELLENCE 14.This qualitative research design can be used to evaluate a specific program or event. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 15.The following elements of research methodology will be beneficial if the researcher chooses the appropriate qualitative design except: A. Research Instrument C. Sampling B. Respondents D. Statistics


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