The Legend Of Maria Makiling

The Legend Of Maria Makiling

1.what is the setting of the "THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING"2.what is the characters in "THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING"3.what is the plot of the "THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING"​

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1. 1.what is the setting of the "THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING"2.what is the characters in "THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING"3.what is the plot of the "THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING"​



- Maria Makiling associated with Mount Makiling in Laguna, Philippines

-Mt. Makiling describe Mariang Makiling’s face and two breasts, respectively, and her hair cascades downwards a gentle slope away from her body, which has abundant forest that is thick enough that mountaineers shouldn’t even need to put on sunscreen. It is also home to many wild plant species.

-At the farm where Maria saw the young man who work hardly

-Maria's Hut where she slept with long ebony colored hair bathing in the stream and where her white clothes soaked yet they glistened like clouds in the early morning sky.

Main Characters

Maria Makiling - the main character and protagonist of the story. She was a beautiful and helpful diwata who lived in a mountain of Laguna. She was always wooed by many suitors.

Juan - a hard working farmer and the one who Maria secretly likes.

Supporting Characters

Captain Lara - a Spanish soldier who gives Maria Makiling gifts. The gifts mostly came from Europe.

Joselito - a Spanish mestizo student who always tell her stories about the books he read and about foreign countries.

Story Plot

In one story, she fell in love with a hunter who had wandered into her kingdom. Soon the two became lovers, with the hunter coming up the mountain every day. They promised to love each other forever. When Maria discovered that he had met, fell in love with, and married a mortal woman, she was deeply hurt.

-Sana makatulong!!

2. the legend of maria makiling

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. She is beautiful,kindhearted and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off herself to people living at the foot of the mountain as a human. Many times,people would climb up to the mountain and pick some fruits but when they came down,fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day,some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain and hunted for wild animals,cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain denuded. At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife. After those things happened,Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night and her voice was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have provided you food,treasures and shelter but it wasn't enough for you!I have given you everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more than myself but still you searched for mortal love. Now,feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on,you shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed so hard that it brought an earthquake.

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals who abused her kindness. Today,it is still believed that MAriang Makiling is still living there.

3. is maria makiling a legend?

yes, maria makiling is a good example of legend

4. The legend of Maria makiling​

She is the most widely known diwata in Philippines mythology and was venerated in pre - colonial Philippines as a goddess known as dayang masalanta or dian masalanta who was involved to stop delupges storm and earthquake.

5. place of the legends of maria makiling

she live in mount makiling

6. Summary of the legend of maria makiling

The story starts with the description of the beautiful goddess named MARIA MAKILING. Along with her beauty, she was also associated with kindheartedness and friendliness. She was known to give gifts of gold nuggets to those who need it. Her beauty attracted a young farmer, which eventually led him to follow her into the forest in order to know where she lives. As he was following her through the dense forest, he lost track of her, so he decided to go back to town and wait for her the next day. For some reason, Maria Makiling never went to town for several days, the farmer decided to go back to the forest to look for her once more, to which he never returned. One day a group of hunters climbed the mountain and found Maria’s place. They stole her jewelry and killed many animals. This event angered her which made he put a curse on everyone that violated her rule of respecting the forest. After that day she never showed herself again, she is done with men.

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7. what is the conflict of the legend of maria makiling?/

she is a myth, she guide the mount makiling and turn ginger into the gold in the mountains...

She is a myth, she guides the mount makiling and turn ginger into gold in the mountains......she fall in love with a boy  ...

8. legend of maria makilingTime​


Mariang Makiling

Mt. Makiling,Laguna, Philippines  

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. She is beautiful,kindhearted and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off herself to people living at the foot of the mountain as a human. Many times,people would climb up to the mountain and pick some fruits but when they came down,fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day,some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain and hunted for wild animals,cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain denuded. At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife. After those things happened,Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night and her voice was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have provided you food,treasures and shelter but it wasn't enough for you!I have given you everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more than myself but still you searched for mortal love. Now,feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on,you shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed so hard that it brought an earthquake.

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals who abused her kindness. Today,it is still believed that MAriang Makiling is still living there.



Mariang Makiling

Mt. Makiling,Laguna, Philippines  

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. She is beautiful,kindhearted and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off herself to people living at the foot of the mountain as a human. Many times,people would climb up to the mountain and pick some fruits but when they came down,fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day,some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain and hunted for wild animals,cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain denuded. At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife. After those things happened,Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night and her voice was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have provided you food,treasures and shelter but it wasn't enough for you!I have given you everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more than myself but still you searched for mortal love. Now,feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on,you shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed so hard that it brought an earthquake.

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals who abused her kindness. Today,it is still believed that MAriang Makiling is still living there.


9. Mood of atmosphere of legend maria makiling

May mainit na tubig dahil sa init nagbubukal I to.

10. Exposition of legend of Maria makiling​


On the story of "Legend of Maria Makiling", the exposition is found at the start stating the family background of Maria Makiling and how their family treats the people and a short description of Maria Makiling's physical features and behavior


Answer Expert Verified

On the story of "Legend of Maria Makiling", the exposition is found at the start stating the family background of Maria Makiling and how their family treats the people and a short description of Maria Makiling's physical features and behavior

11. what is the lesson in the legend of maria makiling​


Maria Makiling that we can learn is that we must not force things to happen. Because there is a big possibility of a bad result like what happened in the story. And also we have to be concerned at ourself and not abuse it by giving everything we have to others.


we don'nt abuse what they gave

12. what is the conflict of legend of maria makiling​


Superstitions about Maria Makiling

One superstition is that every so often, men would disappear into the forests of the mountain. It is said that Makiling has fallen in love with that particular man, and has taken him into her house to be her husband, there to spend his days in matrimorial bliss.

13. What is the expisition in the legend of maria makiling ?

-it is a dormant volcano located in the province of laguna

-it has a height of 1,090 meters 3,580 feet

-it became the first national park in the Philippines

14. is the legend of maria makiling a narration?​




because the legend of Maria makiling is a narration

15. Summary of the Legend Maria Makiling

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. ... Some hunters climb up the mountain and hunted for wild animals,cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain denuded. At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love with.

16. solution for the story The legend of Maria Makiling​


The Legend Of Maria Makiling HBR Case Solution: SWOT analysis helps the business to identify its strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding of opportunity that can be availed and the threat that the company is facing.


Maria Makiling, more properly Mariang Makiling, is a diwata (anito) or lambana (fairy) in Philippine mythology, associated with Mount Makiling in Laguna, Philippines. She is the most widely known diwata in Philippine mythology and was venerated in pre-colonial Philippines as a goddess

17. the legend of maria makiling rising action

dahli may isang tao na nag liligaw kay makiling at patagal na nag liligaw at isang araw itoy pinatay ng mga tao dahil nalaman na tao ay isang si maeia makiling na mang kukulang na hindi na nag kukulang.

18. legend of maria makiling

Legend of Maria Makiling

According to legend, there was a time when the gods could live like ordinary mortals do. Although these gods were enchanted, they could speak, love, and even go to the market like what people do in our time. This story tells what happened to the daughter of two such deities. This is the story of Mariang Makiling.

Two deities, Dayang Makiling and Gat Panahon, had an only daughter name Maria. Because of her beauty and charm, she was the delight of her parents. The source of their joy and strength, Maria was, to them, a jewel, a treasure that made life full of light and laughter.

At that time people could talk with the deities face to face, and even sit with them side by side underneath a tree. People could also ask for help when they were in need, provided that they asked in a solemn manner.

It was the custom of Maria to go to a small market, sometimes called talipapa, on weekdays. Just like other women, she would on such occasions wear clothes made of silk and embroidered with flowers and wide stripes for this was the fashion at that time. Maria had long, black abundant hair which she usually decorated with pomelo flowers. When she went to the market, her flowing hair would touch her ankles. As she passed along, gallant men would bow their heads to signify their respect.

When Maria went to the market, she was always accompanied by two Aetas1, who served as her servants. These two servants stayed close behind Maria, and they both carried a basket each that was full of golden ginger. These golden ginger Maria would barter for such items needed for the home. There was no money at that time, and instead of buying, people bartered and exchanged their goods for the things that they needed.

On a market day, the residents of the area are not the only ones who would go to the talipapa. Merchants and people from neighboring towns would also go to the market. One day, Gat2 Dula, the ruler of the kingdom of Bay, came to the talipapa to while away the hours. A piece of animal skin with fine hair caught Gat Dula's eye and he reached out to touch the fur. At the same moment, Maria was also reaching towards the same piece of animal skin and their shoulders accidentally touched. Their eyes met and Gat Dula bowed his head as a sign of respect and apology. And Maria responded with a shy smile as they parted from each other's company.

Since that first encounter, Gat Dula often visited the talipapa but he was not able to see Maria during these visits. One day, he saw Maria at the very place where they first met. He approached Maria and greeted her and Maria responded with a very sweet smile.

That was the beginning of their friendship which blossomed into love as the months passed. As time passed, the love affair between Gat Dula and Maria came to be known to Gat Panahon, Maria's father.

Gat Panahon was angry. Even Dayang Makiling, Maria's mother, was distresssed that her only daughter was in love with a mortal. Maria was then forbidden to go down to the earth. Her parents even took away from Maria the power of enchantment which enabled a deity to look and act like an ordinary mortal. But even though Maria and Gat Dula could no longer meet physically, their love endured. Maria continued to watch over Gat Dula. During a battle with the army of Lakan3 Bunto, the ruler of a neighboring kingdom who invaded the kingdom of Bay, Gat Dula did not suffer a single wound due to the support of Maria's enchantment.

Unfortunately, Gat Dula's inability to see Maria caused him to fall ill and die. Maria asked the gods to give her the soul of Gat Dula and her request was granted.

19. plot of the legend maria makiling

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. She is beautiful,kindhearted and loving. ... At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife.

20. subject of legend of maria makiling


Maria makiling


malupit gumiling

21. what are the theme of the story which is the legend of maria makiling (maria makiling and gat dula)​


The legend of Maria Makiling is a story rich in themes and meanings. Here are some of the prominent themes in the story:

Love and heartbreak - The legend tells the story of Maria Makiling, a goddess who fell in love with a mortal man named Gat Dula. However, their love was not meant to be, and Gat Dula was forced to leave Maria and marry a mortal woman. The theme of love and heartbreak is present throughout the story, as Maria Makiling is portrayed as a goddess who experiences human emotions.

Nature and the environment - Maria Makiling is a protector of nature and the environment. She is said to live in Mount Makiling, where she protects the flora and fauna that live there. The story highlights the importance of nature and the need to preserve it.

Mysticism and spirituality - The story is steeped in mysticism and spirituality. Maria Makiling is portrayed as a goddess who has supernatural powers and is revered by the people who live near Mount Makiling. The legend highlights the belief in the supernatural that is still prevalent in many cultures today.

Justice and fairness - Maria Makiling is also portrayed as a figure of justice and fairness. She is said to have punished those who have harmed the environment or the people who live near Mount Makiling. The story emphasizes the importance of justice and fairness in society.

Filipino culture and identity - The legend of Maria Makiling is a part of Filipino culture and identity. It highlights the belief in supernatural beings and the importance of nature in Filipino culture. The legend has been passed down from generation to generation and is still widely known and revered in the Philippines today.


Sana naka tulong

22. What is the plot of the legend maria makiling

Mariang Makiling is an old tale from the area of Laguna. It is about kind-hearted goddess (diwata) that lives in the mountain known today as MOUNT MAKILING. She was very charitable to the poor, providing gold nuggets and gems hidden underneath baskets of fruit. She is described as being a very beautiful woman with fair skin and long wavy hair that could reach down her ankles. Here are some important events that happened in the story.

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23. Theme in the legend in maria makiling

she is beautiful and kind Heart

24. What is climax of legend of Maria makiling


The climax of the story of Maria Makiling is when she fell in love with a human. She secretly hid their relationship with her parents. She is an immortal and had so many differences from a human. Her father out of anger knowing she had lied to them made an earthquake.

25. Setting of the legend of maria makiling


Legend of Maria Makiling

The Legend of Maria Makiling is one of the most well known stories and legends in the Philippines. The story was passed on by our ancestors and is currently a big part of the Philippine culture and Philippine Literature.

Setting of the Legend of Maria Makiling

The setting of the Legend of Maria Makiling was in Mount Makiling in Laguna. Laguna is a province in the Philippines. In the story, it is where Maria Makiling resides and where most of the story took place. At present, Mount Makiling in Laguna is a tourist destination.

Characters in the Legend of Maria MakilingMaria Captain Lara JoselitoJuan

Conflict in the Legend of Maria MakilingThe villagers abused her good will.

For more information about the Legend of Maria Makiling, refer to the following links:

Moral lesson



26. what is the conflict of the legend of maria makiling


When the time of warfare came unmarried young men in perfect health were recruited, and the young farmer’s mother made an arranged marriage for her son, so that the boy will stay safely in the village


27. introduction of THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING


Maria Makiling is described as a beautiful young woman with light olive skin and long dark hair. They say she has the ability to forever maintain her youthful look. Maria lives in a humble hut within the mountain.

28. What is the climax in the legend of Maria makiling


The people become ungrateful and they abuse the forest.


29. setting of the legend of maria makiling​


Mount Makiling

30. what is the summury of legend of maria makiling

Long ago,in Mount Makiling,there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. She is beautiful,kindhearted and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off herself to people living at the foot of the mountain as a human. Many times,people would climb up to the mountain and pick some fruits but when they came down,fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day,some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain and hunted for wild animals,cut down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain denuded. At that time,one of those hunters is a mortal which Mariang Makiling fell in love with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife. After those things happened,Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night and her voice was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have provided you food,treasures and shelter but it wasn't enough for you!I have given you everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more than myself but still you searched for mortal love. Now,feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on,you shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed so hard that it brought an earthquake.

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals who abused her kindness. Today,it is still believed that MAriang Makiling is still living there

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