Jack Ma Leadership Qualities

Jack Ma Leadership Qualities

Describe leadership for quality. What are the key elements of leadership for quality?

Daftar Isi

1. Describe leadership for quality. What are the key elements of leadership for quality?


When a leader is transparent, they are challenged less by those they oversee. Good leaders use transparency to help those around them embrace change, which can be accomplished with a combination of communication, informed debate, shared decision-making, reaching a consensus, and using social media.



Hope it helps

God bless

Mark me as a brainlest if you want ty

2. what quality leadership Duterte havewhat quality leadership bong bong Marcus jr have havewhat quality leadership sarah Duterte have​


It is not appropriate for me to evaluate the leadership qualities of specific individuals, as this is a subjective matter and can vary depending on one's perspective. It is important to remember that leadership involves many different qualities and skills, and different leaders may possess different combinations of these qualities and skills. Some common qualities that effective leaders may possess include strong communication skills, the ability to inspire and motivate others, strategic thinking, decision-making skills, the ability to manage and delegate tasks, empathy, integrity, and adaptability. It is important to evaluate a leader's effectiveness based on their actions and results, rather than just their personal qualities.

3. what quality leadership Duterte havewhat quality leadership bong bong Marcus jr have havewhat quality leadership sarah Duterte have​​


Former Senator Bongbong Marcos Jr. on Friday praised President Rodrigo Duterte on his first year in office, calling him a “good leader” for establishing an “important position” for the Philippines in the international community

4. your own leadership qualities-which qualities do you already have




to follow your command

5. Qualities of Leadership own understand?​


Good leaders are self-disciplined and have good time management skills. They encourage a culture where people are disciplined. This is a quality in which people can adapt themselves with persistence. When you are self-disciplined and set an example, you motivate others to follow.

6. Sa leadership qualities ano dapat i improve


mark me as the brainliest thankyou

7. what is bongbong marcos leadership style and leadership qualities? ( explain in english)​


While Marcos was also known for his infrastructure projects, many do not know that he is responsible for building much of the government bureaucracy and filling it with good people, who have made many agencies very stable and effective.  Many government employees were able to take post-graduate studies, which were beneficial to the country.


8. What is leadership mean in your own words? What qualities do leaders need to be a good leadership?​

What is leadership mean in your own words? What qualities do leaders need to be a good leadership?

Leadership is an responsibility of a person leading and managing it's people.Leaders Shud be knowledgeable and intelligent to create an plan for future events and able to protect and provide it's people with satisfaction.NOTE:

This answer can't be found on Google .


Dictionary Book


leadership is we need to follow his/ her plans and to grow your business or spiritually.


we need to follow plan to your leader and grow up with his/ her business or spiritually

9. in your own opinion, what is a quality leadership?explain​


a basis for guiding, empowering and. supporting the constant pursuit of excellence by the employees throughout the organization.


sana naka help

mark me brainliest

10. why is leadership considered the highest of quality of an individual to be successful?​


Leadership is considered the highest quality of an individual or to be successful cause it is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.

it is also considered the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs. you can use it as an experience



Integrity. Integrity is a core quality that every leader must possess.



Active Listening.



Strong Communicator



12. Reflect upon and write about your own leadership style in 1. Your own leadership qualities: Which qualities do you already have? Which qualities would you like to improve upon? 2. Your leadership style: What is your preferred leadership style? Which leadership style are you least comfortable with? Is it possible to use /adopt all types of leadership styles?​



For Me, I am a leader who wants the best for the Team/Group.  I am responsible and understanding  I respect their suggestions or opinions and I want that we will work together as a team, just to be fair.

That's why we are called Leaders! We should be Responsible and Focused on the Goal. Don't just Say It's okay because u  have an answer naman. Always Remember to do you're best and Do it with their help.

- I want to be more patience , sometimes I  hurt them through words and actions because we're not working as a team but as a person we need to stay calm and kind especially in bad situations. For me the Bad quality I have is I can't control my temper and lack of patience


Good luck! God bless you.

13. Enumerate the leadership qualities that you think you have​




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Clear Leadership is a collaborative leadership programme which is based on the globally renowned work of Dr Gervase Bushe, providing a powerful set of skills that empowers leaders to think and behave collaboratively. This course will transform your leadership, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, and communication skills and provide you with the possibility to achieve relational mastery. Participants are offered both a well-integrated set of skills to make them more effective leaders and, for those who are ready, to challenge themselves and make a developmental leap to the next level of their growth. No other leadership course offers the opportunity for such a large step in vertical development in such a short period of time.


pa brainliest po pls

14. realization of Jack Ma/Ma Yun story​


what is that? can you give me another details?

15. example of leadership qualities


The following are illustrative examples of leadership qualities. Intelligence including verbal, visual, spatial, mathematical, logical, social and emotional intelligence. Some leadership roles may focus on a particular type of intelligence.


hope it helps

make as brainiest

16. what is Strong leadership Qualities?

A leader should be a leader not a boss. A leader must know how to lead and work with people.

17. Compare the leadership qualities of Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, and Saul?


After the Israelites entered into the Promised Land under Joshua, the leaders of Israel were known as judges. These include men such as Joshua, Gideon, Samson and others. In Israel, the judges functioned as leaders. They were particularly gifted and raised up specially by God for a particular purpose or need (ref. Judges 2:16, 18, 3:10, 15, 6:12, 11:29, 13:25). When Samuel's sons were not able to effectively serve as godly leaders in the place of their aging father, the elders of Israel asked for a king:

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, "You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have."

But when they said, "Give us a king to lead us," this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do." (1 Samuel 8:4-9)


hope it help

sorry po hindi ko po alam

18. which is more important in leadership, personal qualities or leadership skills, why?​


all are equal as leadership needs to be there in every person, personal qualities are obviously important as a person is judged based on his qualities.


19. What are the qualities of good and effective leadership? explain 2 qualities​



IntegrityAbility to delegate

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunication

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awareness

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awarenessGratitude

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awarenessGratitudeLearning agility

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awarenessGratitudeLearning agilityInfluence

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awarenessGratitudeLearning agilityInfluenceEmpathy

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awarenessGratitudeLearning agilityInfluenceEmpathyCourage

IntegrityAbility to delegateCommunicationSelf-awarenessGratitudeLearning agilityInfluenceEmpathyCourageRespect



The importance of integrity should be obvious. Though it may not necessarily be a metric in employee evaluations, integrity is essential for the individual and the organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions. Our research shows that integrity may actually be a potential blind spot for organizations. Make sure your organization reinforces the importance of integrity to leaders at various levels.

Ability to Delegate

Delegating is one of the core responsibilities of a leader, but it can be tricky to delegate effectively. The goal isn’t just to free yourself up — it’s also to enable your direct reports, facilitate teamwork, provide autonomy, lead to better decision-making, and help your direct reports grow. In order to delegate well, you also need to build trust with your team.


Effective leadership and effective communication are intertwined. You need to be able to communicate in a variety of ways, from transmitting information to coaching your people. And you must be able to listen to, and communicate with, a wide range of people across roles, social identities, and more. The quality and effectiveness of communication across your organization directly affect the success of your business strategy, too. Learn how better conversations can actually improve your organizational culture.


While this is a more inwardly focused skill, self-awareness is paramount for leadership. The better you understand yourself, the more effective you can be. Do you know how other people view you or how you show up at work? Take the time to learn about the 4 aspects of self-awareness and how you can strengthen each component.



The most important qualities of a good leader include integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.”

The most important qualities of a good leader include integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.”

21. 1. What are those Basic Leadership Qualities?​


Here is the list of 25 essential leadership qualities that help leaders to achieve greater success

Integrity. Integrity is a core quality that every leader must possess.



Active Listening.



Strong Communicator.



22. what is the connection of leadership and commitment in total quality management​


Top management facilitates employee empowerment and improved levels of job satisfaction through its leadership and commitment to the Total Quality Management (TQM) goal of customer satisfaction by creating an organizational climate that emphasizes total quality and customer satisfaction.


tama po yan:)

23. Describe their leadership qualities to the people.joshua, deborah, samson​


heress my answer


pa brainlinest po thex


“Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. I live by that. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it’ll pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years. Eventually, your hard work will pay off.”

24. Leadership qualities​


Integrity.Ability to delegate.Communication.Self-awareness.Gratitude.Learning agility.Influence.Empathy.

25. Qualities of a radiographer that exemplify effective leadership in action


You'll need to have:excellent interpersonal and communication skills in order to explain procedures to patients.a supportive and caring disposition.good observation skills and attention to detail.self-motivation and the ability to work under pressure.organisation and decision-making skills.

26. Leadership qualities


Five Qualities of Effective Leaders

They are self-aware and prioritize personal development.  

They focus on developing others.  

They encourage strategic thinking, innovation, and action.  

They are ethical and civic-minded.  

They practice effective cross-cultural communication.

27. strong leadership qualities​


5 qualities


They are self-aware and prioritize personal development.  

They focus on developing others.  

They encourage strategic thinking, innovation, and action.  

They are ethical and civic-minded.  

They practice effective cross-cultural communication.

sorry that's only what I know :(

28. Give me example of leadership qualities and style. ​


A leadership style refers to a leader's characteristic behaviors when directing, motivating, guiding, and managing groups of people.

Good leaders often possess a combination of various “leadership qualities,” such as creativity, motivation, vision, and empathy. However, the most successful leaders are able to adapt to the needs of different situations, employing their diverse set of leadership skills in order to achieve their goals.

29. own leadership qualities and style








Visionary leaders have a powerful ability to drive progress and usher in periods of change by inspiring employees and earning trust for new ideas. A visionary leader is also able to establish a strong organizational bond. They strive to foster confidence among direct reports and colleagues alike.

30. what are the importance of leadership in total quality management​


The role of leadership in quality management forms the backbone of any improvement strategy. Leaders provide a unity of purpose, while also establishing the direction of the organisation. As such, the responsibility of leaders consists of creating and maintaining the internal environment


pa brainliest po

nagsagot po ako ng maayos.


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