Unit Method Of Teaching

Unit Method Of Teaching

Which language teaching approach was also called the prussian method in the united states?

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1. Which language teaching approach was also called the prussian method in the united states?


Latin Language


Grammar Translation was in fact first known in the United States as the Prussian Method. (A book by B. Sears, an American classics teacher, published in 1845 was entitled The Ciceronian or the Prussian Method of Teaching the Elements of the Latin Language [Kelly 1969].) The Grammar-Translation Method is not new.

2. ANALYZE. Identify the kind of research applicable in the problem and enumerate the needed concepts.1.The Impact of American Colonization in the Philippine Education. A. Kind or Research: B. Focus: C. Applicable Method: 2. The Use of Computer in Teaching Literature in High School. A. Kind or Research: B. Focus: C. Applicable Method: 3. Boarding 101: The Life of Female Board Spacers in University Belt.A. Kind or Research: B. Focus:C. Applicable Method: 4. United Church of Christ: The Rise of Filipino Brand of Protestantism.A. Kind or Research: B. Focus: C. Applicable Method:5. Jejemon: The Language of the Marginalized. A. Kind or Research: B. Focus: C. Applicable Method:​



A. Kind or Research: Historical Research

B. Focus: American Colonization and its Impact on Philippine Education

C. Applicable Method: Archival Research, Content Analysis


A. Kind or Research: Experimental Research

B. Focus: The Use of Computer in Teaching Literature in High School

C. Applicable Method: Randomized Control Trial, Pre and Post-Test Analysis


A. Kind or Research: Ethnographic Research

B. Focus: The Life of Female Board Spacers in University Belt

C. Applicable Method: Participant Observation, In-depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussion


A. Kind or Research: Sociological Research

B. Focus: United Church of Christ and Filipino Brand of Protestantism

C. Applicable Method: Survey Research, Case Study, Historical Analysis


A. Kind or Research: Linguistic Research

B. Focus: Jejemon and its Language

C. Applicable Method: Discourse Analysis, Content Analysis, Ethnographic Research



3. 9. What is the basic unit of the society?A. familyB. CoupleC. husband and wifeD. relatives10. Family teaches the followingvalues except one.A. IntegrityB. LoveC.IrresponsibilityD. Honesty11. What is the method in making a person become protected, immune, or resistant to an infectiousdisease?A. Maternal Nutrition B. Pregnancy C. Immunization D. Parenthood12. How important is immunization for children?A. It prevents disease, childhood death and disability.B. It increases health care costs for children's health.C. It leads children's family to poverty.D. It puts children's health at risk.13. Which among the statements below DOES NOT uphold theresponsibilities of parents to theirchildren?A. To teach the children howto bully and discriminate others.B. To teach the children toact accordingly to moral principles.C. Instilling values and life lessons to the childrenD. To teach socialinteractions.14. Which of the following effects of rapid population growth have great impact to the health of thenation?A. Widespread of communicable diseases C. UnemploymentB. Food ScarcityD. Poverty15. Why is family planning important?A. It helps individuals and couples anticipate their desired number of children.B. It helps us choose between artificial or natural planning methods.C. It helps decrease the rate of fertility.D. It helps increase pregnancies.​

9. What is the basic unit of the society?

A. family ✔

B. Couple

C. husband and wife

D. relatives

Option A is the correct answer.

10. Family teaches the following values except one.

A. Integrity

B. Love

C. Irresponsibility ✔

D. Honesty

Option C is the correct answer.

11. What is the method in making a person become protected, immune, or resistant to an infectious  disease?

A. Maternal Nutrition

B. Pregnancy

C. Immunization ✔

D. Parenthood

Option C is the correct answer.

12. How important is immunization for children?

A. It prevents disease, childhood death and disability. ✔

B. It increases health care costs for children's health.

C. It leads children's family to poverty.

D. It puts children's health at risk.

Option A is the correct answer.

13. Which among the statements below DOES NOT uphold the responsibilities of parents to their  children?

A. To teach the children how to bully and discriminate others. ✔

B. To teach the children to act accordingly to moral principles.

C. Instilling values and life lessons to the children

D. To teach social interactions.

Option A is the correct answer.

14. Which of the following effects of rapid population growth have great impact to the health of the  nation?

A. Widespread of communicable diseases ✔

C. Unemployment

B. Food Scarcity

D. Poverty

Option A is the correct answer.

15. Why is family planning important?

A. It helps individuals and couples anticipate their desired number of children. ✔

B. It helps us choose between artificial or natural planning methods.

C. It helps decrease the rate of fertility.

D. It helps increase pregnancies.​

Option A is the correct answer.



-The family is widely known as the basic unit of the society.

10. C- irresponsibility

-Irresponsibility means not being trustworthy or dependable. see the obvious right.

11.C. Immunization

-Immunization, or immunisation, is the process by which an individual's immune system becomes fortified against an agent and give resistant to an infectious diseases.

12.A. It prevents disease, childhood death and disability.

-Asuccessful immunization program depends on the cooperation of every person. Vaccinations prevent you or your child from getting diseases

13.A. To teach the children how to bully and discriminate others.

-bullying and discriminating others is a bad traits. that's understandable.

14.A. Widespread of communicable diseases

15.A. It helps individuals and couples anticipate their desired number of children.


pa-follow at pa-brainliest po. thanks

4. 1. The most important need of everybody isA. FoodB. ClothingC. ShelterD. Education2. teaches us easy methods to live in various difficult situations in life.A. ClothingB. ShelterC. EducationD. Food3. is the basic unit of a community.A. FamilyB. NeighborC. FriendsD. Parents4. is a wealth that an individual received over a period of time.A. IncomeB. SalaryC. MoneyD. Sources5. are paid fixed amount per period like 30th day every month while wages are moneyreceived for a pay rate per hour from rendering a serviceA. SalariesB. PensionC. WagesD. Income6. It is a payment made during a person's retirement as a government/ private employee during his/herworking days.A. PensionB. ProfitC. SalaryD. Bonus7. It is the amount of money given as addition to a regular income or as reward for good performance.A. PensionB. ProfitC. SalaryD. Bonus8. are materials that the family members desire to have.A. NeedsB. WantsC. FoodD. shelter​











Paki tama nalang kung merong mali












5. Activity A: Matching TypeDirections: Match the introductory terms in column A with the appropriate definitions inColumn B. Write the letters of the correct answers in your notebook.Column B: DefinitionsColumn A: Introductory Terms1. According to a definition provided byChomsky (1965), universal grammaris...2. Dejene (2019) uses the term"module" to refer to...A. a systematic, formal, rigorous, andprecise process employed to gainsolutions to problems or to discoverand interpret new facts andrelationshipsB. the mutual engagement ofparticipants in a coordinated effort tosolve a problem together.C. a unit of work in a course ofinstruction that is virtually self-contained and a method of teachingthat is based on the building up ofskills and knowledge in discreteunits.3. Lai defines collaboration as...4. Throughout this thesis, the termdemocracy is used to refer to both...5. In broad biological terms, apandemic can be defined as...6. In this essay, the term onlinelearning will be used in its broadestsense to refer to...7. Research is defined by Kothari(2006) as...8. The term "symptom" has come to beused to refer to...D. presidential democracy as well as aconstitutional democracy.E. an epidemic occurring worldwide, orover a very wide area, crossinginternational boundaries and usuallyaffecting a large number of peopleF. education that takes place overthe Internet. It is often referred to as"e-learning" among other terms.G. a physical or mental feature which isregarded as indicating a condition ofdisease, particularly such a featurethat is apparent to the patient.H. a purely human and non-extinctivemethod of communicating ideas,emotions, and desires by means ofvoluntarily produced symbols.9. For Sapir (1921), language refersto...10. In this essay, the term OverseasFilipino Worker will be used to referto anyone who is ...I. a disease caused by a new strain ofcoronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona,'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease.J. the whole system and structure of alanguage or of languages in general,usually taken as consisting of syntaxand morphology and sometimes alsophonology and semantics.K. a Filipino migrant worker or peoplewith Filipino citizenship who residesin another country for a limited periodof employment​


mahirap yan sobrang hirap

6. 1. It is the basic unit of a community.a. Familyb. neighbourc. needs2. It is made of fabric and covers our bodies, keeps them warm or protects them from sun, insects,thorns and other hazards.a. Shelterb. Educationc. Clothing3. It includes things such as love, acceptance, and belongingness.A, Social Needs b. Foodc. Education4. It is the most important need of everybody. It is the fuel we need to survive.A, clothingb. foodc, education5. It teaches us easy methods to live various difficult situation in life.a. Educationb. Foodc. Shelter6. It is anything we use to achieve what we want (our goals) and needs (to survive).a. Resourcesb. Needsc. Wants7. These are materials found in the nature that can be used for practical human purposes that areconsidered to have value.a. Human Resourcesb. Material Resources c. Nonmaterial Resources8.It gives us protection from the heat of the sun, storm, wind, etc.a. Social Needs b. Shelterc. Education9. These are intangible resources such as health, experiences and time.b. Material Resources c. Human Resourcesa. Nonmaterial Resources10. It is an essential part of the community, and for it to function properly, it must be in good state.a. Familyb. neighbourc. Needsletter​


1. Family

2. Clothing

3. Social Needs

4. Food

5. Education

6. Wants

7. Material Resources

8. Shelter

9. Human Resources

7. I. Multiple Choice Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. The most important need of everybody is A. Food B. Clothing C. Shelter D. Education 2. teaches us easy methods to live in various difficult situations in life. A. Clothing B. Shelter C. Education D. Food 3. is the basic unit of a community. A. Family B. Neighbor C. Friends D. Parents 4. is a wealth that an individual received over a period of time. A. Income B. Salary C. Money D. Sources 5. are paid fixed amount per period like 30th day every month while wages are money received for a pay rate per hour from rendering a service A. Salaries B. Pension C. Wages D. Income 6. It is a payment made during a person's retirement as a government/private employee during his/her working days. A. Pension B. Profit C. Salary D. Bonus 7. It is the amount of money given as addition to a regular income or as reward for good performance. A. Pension B. Profit C. Salary D. Bonus​





4.D.? I'm not sure


6.A.? not sure



I'm not sure on number 4 and 6

but hope it helps

8. 12. Nilda is a very good child because she supported her siblings to finish their studies The Happiness of each family member also flows naturally to see that the situation is good it each one is______A. received B. loved C. restrained D. cooperated 13. Having a child by a woman and a man who decide to marry is____ A. result of their response to god to love B. can stabilize the relationship between busband and wife C. responding to god's desire to multiply people in the world D. will test their ability to demonstrate their parental responsibility 14. when the family is strong a country is also strong because______ A. family is the mirror of a nation B. what the tress is like is the fruit C. when the family is strong so is the country D. the family is the foundation of a nation or society 15. The first model and nurturer of children. A. teacher B. priest C. parent D. uncle/aunt 16. the original and fundamental right of children is_______ A. life B. education C. health D. food and home 17. The following values are the result of teaching simple living to children except______A. Justice B. acceptance C. love D. temperature18. it is important to guide a young person in____so that he does not get used to making wrong decision and does not learn from them.A. being whole and stableB. making the right decisionC. never having a conflictD. United in the way of worshiping god19. The so-called first teacher of a child.A. priest B. brother C. parent D. relative 20. The following are methods that can help us shape our faith except_____A. focus on understandingB. avoid offering bribesC. experience faith with joy D. self-understanding with faith 21. except one the following will be an effect if the child lives in reception.A. He learns to fightB. he learns to love C. he learns to get along well D. he learns to believe in God22. Accomplished family missions will be possible if_____A. doing it with love and deep faithB. seek help from other parents with deeper experienceC. each member will take measures without consulting each otherD. making sure that the difficulty in facing the challenge is clear to the children and helping them to make it happen23. Lino is always teased by this classmate Carlos because he always has no pocket every time he goes to school it is important to teach children to live simply to______A. They are not jealousB. They get used to being happyC. they will learn hard work D. they can take a heart that people are important for what they are and not for what they have.24. What you should do when you fail one of your subjects is____A. be proud of your failure B. speak ill of your teacherC. be calm and study hardD. Grumble to one side and be angry with the world​


12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C

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