Activity For Demonstrative Pronouns

Activity For Demonstrative Pronouns

What is Demonstrative pronouns? Give some examples of Demonstrative pronouns.

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1. What is Demonstrative pronouns? Give some examples of Demonstrative pronouns.


» Demonstrative pronouns tell whether a person, an object, a place, or an animal is near to or far from the speaker itself. This is used to point one person or object which is near to someone speaking. Those are used to point to more than one object or persons far from the one speaking.

For Example:

That is a bird.These are dolls.This is a rose.Those are his friends.

» As you can see from the examples That, These, This, Those are the examples of Demonstrative pronouns.


2. 14. They booked themselves a room at the resort. A. intensive pronoun C. indefinite pronoun B. reflexive pronoun D. demonstrative pronoun 15. I answer this module myself. A. reflexive pronoun B. intensive pronoun C. indefinite pronoun D. demonstrative pronoun 16. The news delighted everyone in the room. A. intensive pronoun C. indefinite pronoun B. reflexive pronoun D. demonstrative pronoun 17. That is amazing! A. relative pronoun B. interrogative pronoun C. indefinite pronoun D. demonstrative pronoun 18. What brought you here? A. relative pronoun B. interrogative pronoun C. indefinite pronoun D. demonstrative pronoun


14. They booked themselves a room at the resort.

A. intensive pronoun

C. indefinite pronoun

B. reflexive pronoun

D. demonstrative pronoun

15. I answer this module myself.

A. reflexive pronoun

B. intensive pronoun

C. indefinite pronoun

D. demonstrative pronoun

16. The news delighted everyone in the room.

A. intensive pronoun

C. indefinite pronoun

B. reflexive pronoun

D. demonstrative pronoun

17. That is amazing!

A. relative pronoun

B. interrogative pronoun

C. indefinite pronoun

D. demonstrative pronoun

18. What brought you here?

A. relative pronoun

B. interrogative pronoun

C. indefinite pronoun

D. demonstrative pronoun


same dun sa taas


need ko points ehahehahehah

3. what is the diffrence between possesive pronouns and demonstrative pronouns


A possessive adjective is placed before a noun to describe that noun as belonging to someone or something. The possessive adjectives are; my,your,his,her,its,our,their.

A demonstrative pronoun takes the place of a noun indicating near or far in place or time.

A demonstrative pronoun takes the place of a noun indicating near or far in place or time.

4. what is the meaning of demonstrative pronouns​


A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun used to point to specific people or things.Demonstratives are words, such as this and that, used to indicate which entities are being referred to and to distinguish those entities from others. They are typically deictic; their meaning depending on a particular frame of reference and cannot be understood without context.


A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun used to point to specific people or things.


pm me on faceb if u need more help, "Shianne Daisuke"

5. Example of demonstrative pronoun

this, these, that, those

6. ______ is to possessive pronoun; my is to demonstrative adjective.


mine is to possessive pronoun; my is to demonstrative adjective.


Hope I'm right =)


this is to possessive pronoun; my is to demonstrative adjective.

7. Example of Rap lyrics with demonstrative pronoun

Demonstrative pronouns are kinds of pronouns that is used in pointing and emphasizing the specific things in a sentence and in indicating the items in time or in space, where they can be either singular or plural. Also, they are used in noun identification, even though the nouns are not specifically named and are used in describing nouns but not to be confused with demonstrative adjectives since words under the two parts of speech are just the same but of different usage. These pronouns are usually used or seen in short stories, conversations, poems, but not unusually used or seen in rap lyrics and songs. This and that are for the singular use, while these and those are for the plural use. This and these are used when things are near, while that and those are used when things are afar. Other considered demonstrative pronouns are such, none, and neither.  

These are examples of rap lyrics using demonstrative pronouns.

Rap Song Title: Rap God by Eminem

“Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God

Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton, no Asgard, Asgard”

“So you be Thor and I'll be Odin, you rodent, I'm omnipotent

Let off then I'm reloading immediately with these bombs I'm totin'”

“Let me know when it occurs to you

While I’m ripping any one of these verses diverse as you”

Song Title: Bad Things by machine Gun Kelly feat. Camila Cabello

“Breathe you in 'til my face numb

Drop it down to that bass drum”

“Eyes closed while you scream out

And you keep me in with those hips

While my teeth sink in those lips”

Song Title: Girls Like You by Maroon 5 feat. Cardi B

“I need you right here 'cause every time you're far

I play with this kitty like you play wit' your guitar (ah)”

To know more about demonstrative pronouns, click:

8. How can you differentiate demonstrative pronoun to demonstrative adjective?​

Demonstrative Pronoun vs. Demonstrative Adjective

A demonstrative pronoun takes the place of a noun phrase that has already been mentioned. (It always comes after the noun.)

A demonstrative adjective modifies the noun and is always followed by the noun. (It always comes efore the noun.)

9. This is used as an object that refers to the subject. It is placed after the verb. a. Intensive pronoun b. Reflexive pronoun c. Possessive pronoun d. Demonstrative pronoun


a.intensive pronoun


Sana makatulong sa inyo

10. demonstrative pronouns what is sentence of the, this, these​, that?


The amusement park has opened yesterday.

This cake is so delicious!

These shoes are expensive!

That is my bag.

hope this helped! paki brainliest po if u can hehe have a nice day

11. When do we use demonstrative pronouns?​


A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something specific within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time, and they can be either singular or plural.


Please i'm just trying to help, if you don't think my answer is appliable, please don't say bad words,

I hope i did help. STREAM BUTTER~

12. demonstrative pronoun d escribe with explain

Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things within the sentence.
   ex. This, that, those, these

This is my younger sister.    - the pronoun "this" refers to the sister
I like that one.                      - the pronoun "that" refers to one
Those are your friends.        - the pronoun "those" refers to friends

13. Which of the following is not a demonstrative pronoun?


What's pronounced you need

14. what are the demonstrative pronouns​


This, that, these, those


There are five demonstrative pronouns in English: this, that, these, those, and the less common yon or yonder.


A word that directly indicates a person/thing or few people and few things. The demonstrative words are that, those, this, and these. Examples of Demonstrative Adjectives in Sentences: Give me that blue water bottle. This time I won't fail you.

15. what is the meaning of demonstrative pronouns?​


Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that point to specific objects. They take the place of a noun, noun phrase, activity, or situation. They always consist of this, these, that, those, and sometimes include none, neither, and such


hope it's help



Nouns and pronouns are the “things” in our sentences—the things that complete actions (or have things done to them). They are the most common words used in English. Nouns are words that refer to specific things or people: for example, phones, umbrellas, or Nicki Minaj. Pronouns, on the other hand, stand in for a previous noun: the same word can refer to several different things. They include words like those, them, and he. Without the right context, it’s impossible to tell just what (or whom) a pronoun is referring to, but when we use pronouns correctly, they can help us save time and space in our communication.


Sana makatulong

17. Demonstrative pronoun sentence?

Those are the people I trusted the most.

18. 1. Grade 5 students would have to wait at least six months to get another vacation. A. possessive pronoun C. interrogative pronoun B. demonstrative pronoun D. indefinite pronoun 2. Please put the book on that bookcase over in the corner. A. possessive pronoun C. interrogative pronoun B. demonstrative pronoun D. indefinite pronoun 3. My grandfather is 90 years old and I bet he has had many experiences throughout his life A. possessive pronoun C. interrogative pronoun B. demonstrative pronoun D. indefinite pronoun 4. They could not tell whether their teacher was joking or not. A. possessive pronoun C. interrogative pronoun B. demonstrative pronoun D. indefinite pronoun 5. Sir Raymond is proud to live on his own terms. A. possessive pronoun B. demonstrative pronoun C. interrogative pronoun D. indefinite pronoun​


1 a 2 c 3 c 4d


not sure Po pero sana makatulong po pa brainilist po

19. Example of demonstrative pronoun

this,these, that, those 
that is the  examples of demonstrative prounoun

20. sample of sentence that includes a demonstrative pronouns followed by the word were and a personal pronoun​


This is my mother's sweet home.

That looks like fox.

These are nice flowers but smell bad.

Those are wild animals and very dangerous.

This is my school where I come daily to learn.

That is not a playground but kids play.

These are my favorite dishes.

Those are mine clothes.


pabrainliest po

21. What is demonstrative pronoun

Demostrative Pronoun is pronouns are this,that,these,and Those.Demonstrative pronouns are used to replace specific people or things that have been previously mentioned
a demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things

22. What is appropriate demonstrative pronouns


Demonstrative pronouns are words used to refer to specific people, places, or things in a sentence. Common demonstrative pronouns include this, that, these, and those. For example, "This is a delicious meal" or "Those were the best cookies I've ever had!"


I hope its help

23. Ano ang tagalog sa demonstrative pronoun?​


panghalip manuro


Sana maka tulong

24. use demonstrative pronouns in 2 sentences.


That Is a Hat.

This is mine




25. example of a sentence that has a relative and demonstrative pronoun​


Relative pronoun: The driver who ran the stop sign was careless. The children whom we love dearly, need better education. Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

Demonstrative pronounce: That looks like the car I used to drive. There are nice shoes, are looks uncomfortable. Those like a riper than the apples on my tree.

26. correct demonstrative pronoun on the14.15.​


Save This Word! Pronouns that point to specific things: this, that, these, and those, as in “This is an apple,” “Those are boys,” or “Take these to the clerk.” The same words are used as demonstrative adjectives when they modify nouns or pronouns: “this apple,” “those boys

27. What is demonstrative pronoun?

point out to definite persons,places,and things. that,this,these and those.Demonstrative pronouns are the same pronouns used fordemonstrative adjectives - this, that, these and those. The difference is in the sentence structure. The demonstative pronoun takes the place of the noun phrase. The demonstrative adjective is always followed by a noun.

28. encircle the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence​


then were is you picture miss ?

how can we help you without picture huh?

by the way

keeo safe guys

lets pray

be good in other

sweet dream

29. Example of demonstrative pronoun

This, that, these, those are demonstrative pronouns. These are pronouns you use as if demonstrating or pointing to an object/s or person/sThis, that, these, those are demonstrative pronouns.

30. Construct 3 sentences using demonstrative pronouns


That is mine

Those are apples

These are his





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