Environmental Context

Environmental Context

) what is the difference between environmental context and cultural context?

Daftar Isi

1. ) what is the difference between environmental context and cultural context?


As nouns the difference between environment and context is that environment is the surroundings of, and influences on, a particular item of interest while context is the surroundings, circumstances, environment, background or settings that determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or other occurrence.

As a verb context is (obsolete) to knit or bind together; to unite closely.

As a adjective context is (obsolete) knit or woven together; close; firm.

follow for more your welcome

2. Briefly discuss the context of environmental scanning.​


Environmental scanning is the ongoing tracking of trends and occurrences in an organization's internal and external environment that bear on its success, currently and in the future. The results are extremely useful in shaping goals and strategies.

3. Explain benchmarking in the context of environmental scanning​


In order for the organization to be successful, it is important that it scans its environment regularly to assess its developments and understand factors that can contribute to its success. Environmental scanning is a process used by organizations to monitor their external and internal environments.


4. What I Have Learned Activity 4 KEYWORDS TO PONDER The table shows keywords which conceptualize the important terms Use th words to define community and environmental health. Numbers 1 and 3 are given you as examples HEALTH COMMUNITY COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTA HEALTH L HEALTH Absence of community surroundings disease Individual efforts Health of all Well-being Family members of Human's health the community Maintaining Preventing disease Productive life One protecting, and and creating environment improving health-supportive environmentsANSWER:2. COMMUNITY - refers to the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society.4. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - examines the interaction between the environment and our health.​


Community enviroonment

5. Activity. Answer each question comprehensively. 1.) What is sustainability? 2.) What is a resource? 3.) What is an environmentally sustainablesociety?Answer each question comprehensively.Criteria: 5 points = the answer is correct and provides a wide array of relevant information or context and not less than 5 sentences. 4 points = the answer is correct and provides relevant information or context.3 points = the answer is correct and provides very minimal information or context.2 points = the answer provided is somehow relevant to the concept.1 point = the answer provided is not relevant to the concept. 1.) What do you think are the three most environmentally unsustainable components of your lifestyle?2.) The world will never run out of resources because we can use technology to find substitutes and to help us reduce resource waste. Agree or Disagree? Explain.pa help po thanks ☺️​


search mulang yan sa gogle

6. Identify what is being asked on each item. Select you answer below A Community B. Environment C. Community HealthD. Environmental Health 1. Refers to the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities in society, 2. Examines the interaction between the environment and our health 3. The art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts, 4. Broadly includes everything external to ourselves, including the physical, natural, social and behavioral environments. A medical practice which focuses on people's well-being in a particular geographical area,​


1. A-Community

2. D-Environmental Health

3.C-Community Health


correct me if wrong


hope it helps :)

7. What is the impact of the environmental issue on the Philippine context?​


The Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental degradation aggravated by a high annual population growth rate, including loss of agricultural lands, deforestation, soil erosion, air and water pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of coastal ...


sana makatulong


The Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental degradation aggravated by a high annual population growth rate, including loss of agricultural lands, deforestation, soil erosion, air and water pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of coastal .



8. Why is it necessary to consider the environmental context in communication?​


Setting, or the environmental context, plays a crucial role in effective communication. ... These factors can produce barriers, or things that inhibit effective communication, and thus, the environmental context is an important aspect to consider when delivering a message.Context is critical, because it tells you, the receiver, what importance to place on something, what assumptions to draw (or not) about what is being communicated, and most importantly, it puts meaning into the message. ... The hardest thing about communicating effectively is knowing how to “set the context”.

9. Task 3: DEFINE THROUGH CONTEXT CLUES1. Cristene is a youngof environmental conservation through educatingfellow Filipino children.2. Theof the Earth affects the livelihood of the people,3. He is afarmer who experienced shortage in his corn yield,4. We should learn toour garbage to manage our household wastes.5. Clorox decided to try to make a line of cleaning supplies that are only made with mineral-based and natural plant ingredients that are completelydeteriorationmanifestationblogodradableemissionssegregatenon-biodegrablesmall-scaleadvocato​


1. Advocate

2. Deterioration

3. Small-scale

4. Segregate

5. Manifestation

10. community an ideal one? What is it resulted to poor community health environment while brown represents failure to maintain the balance of nature which may Green means Iffe or ecology. It represents positive human activity towards the especially in the context of social values and responsibilities, society. Community refers to the people of a district or country considered collectively. from violence, and designed to promote health. people have the opportunity to make healthy choices, in environments that are safe, free According to the Vitalyst Health Foundation, a healthy community is one where individual to effectively deal with the demands of daily life through a sound body, mind, or Health is the condition of having freedom from illness and injury. It allows the health - supportive environments. On the other hand, environmental health includes preventing disease and creating To understand more of community and environmental health, let us also define community and environment through analysing the illustration below. Figure 1 spirit. It refers to a number of individuals living in certain area and sharing the same interest for the common good of every family The total surroundings external to us including natural forces and other living things which serve as space for growth and development as well as danger and harm.​


iron and zinc


yan ang sagot lods

11. Make a slogan about achieving gender equality in the context of climate change and environmental and disaster risk reduction


ano ba gender mo bago kosagotin Ang slogan mo

12. PART 2: HEALTH Inside the box are the answers to the questions given below. Write your answer before the number. (HEALTH COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH)1. Examines the interaction between the environment and our health. 2. is the art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts. 3. broadly includes everything external to ourselves, including the physical, natural, social and behavioural environments, 4. is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity. It lead to the ability to lead a socially and economically productive life. 5. refers to the people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society. -need Kona po Ngayon Sana po matulungan nyo ko!​


sorry di ko main tindihan ang haba

13. Wanna Be Challenge! Take this Challenge! You are going to write your own speech. It must be 200 words, and you are going to write your answer in your activity sheet. Your speech must be within the context of the given question; "If you were the President of the Philippines which social issue will you prioritize, why? And how will you resolve it? Choose among the social issues from the grid below. Rubric is provided for your reference. Economic ,Environmental ,Sports Political ,Health disease, Peace and Order, Education, Technology, and Racism & Prejudice​


i will choose environmental cause Philippines is one of the most dirtiest country first things first ill make a job that is open to everyone a job to clean the ocean and help a forrest it can also help the people that dont have a job with that i can help people in needs and help our country to be clean and thats what im gonna prioritize first


hope it helps :)

14. Refers to the people of a distinct or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities society. A. community B. community health C. environmental health D. health​


letter C po


sana po makatulong

15. 1. TRUE or FALSE, Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is FALSE. 1. The environment refers to all that surrounds the individual, from plants, animals, and other non-human elements. 2. Environmental Philosophy is the same as environmental ethics. 3. Man, from the point of view of anthropocentricism is considered the most important species on the planet. 4. Deep Ecology is a paradigm that considers the value of the environment based on utility. 5. According to Arne Naes, the environmental problems that we experience is a reflection of the problems of the society. 6. Cultural relativism equates environmental degradation with the domination of the male species over the female. 7. Logical nature refers to an organized environment. 8. Biocentrism considers the inherent value of all living organisms. 9. Ecocentrism sees the human person as part of a larger biological community 10. Solving environmental problems is the responsibility of the government only. 11. Freedom is a not an important element of being a human person. 12. Freedom requires a certain degree of control for someone who exercises it. 13. The absence of any physical restraint to our movement is known as moral freedom. 14. According to Sartre, essence precedes existence. 15. Freedom enables the person to act/not to act in certain situations. 16. Accountability is the same as voluntariness in the context of human freedom. 17. For Kierkegaard, plants and animals also exist, but are not alive. 18. The aesthetic stage of life is driven by man's desires and passions. 19. Existentialism primarily arose as a reaction to the Idealism of Hegel and other 19th century philosophers. 20. The religious stage of life can only be arrived at by a leap of faith.​







16. According to reports, a great number of students are being diagnosed to have suicidal tendencies brought about by peer pressure, stress, home struggles, environmental contexts and media influence. as they impact the school, how can this be resolved?

By raising awareness about mental health of students

The mental problem described in the questions, such as suicidal tendency caused by various aspects in a student's life is an end result of a low mental health awareness in their environment.

It is a given that a student's life is bound to be difficult, because they have to keep their good academic performance going, maintain their social life, as well as stay strong from struggles they possibly have at home. However, if everyone in their environment are aware of mental health in general, then this would not happen easily.

In addition, students can take some form of training to keep themselves afloat despite many difficulties. This can be beneficial, especially if they are successful at managing their stress and with people surrounding them who actively participate in creating a comfortable environment. Of course, professional help is also advised if things go south.

Learn more about mental health awareness by clicking this link: https://brainly.ph/question/2645656


17. Take this Challenge! You are going to write your own speech. It must be 200 words, and you are going to write your answer in your activity sheet. Your speech must be within the context of the given question; *If you were the President of the Philippines which social issue will you prioritize, why? And how will you resolve it? Choose among the social issues from the grid below. Rubric is provided for your reference. Economic Environmental Sports Political Health & Disease Peace and Order Education Technology Racism & Prejudice


In the Philippines, there are many social issues that need to be addressed. One of the most pressing issues is the use of technology. While technology can bring about many benefits, it can also lead to negative consequences such as cyberbullying, addiction, and the spread of fake news.

As the President of the Philippines, I would prioritize addressing the negative impacts of technology. This would involve promoting responsible use of technology and increasing education on how to avoid cyberbullying and how to identify fake news. I would also work to create stricter regulations on the use of social media platforms to ensure that they are not being used to spread hate speech or propaganda.

To resolve this issue, I would collaborate with educators, parents, and technology companies to develop programs that promote responsible use of technology, provide counseling services for those affected by cyberbullying, and implement measures to prevent the spread of fake news. It is important that we work together as a society to address the negative impacts of technology while still enjoying its benefits.

Explanation: I Choose "Technology" on this one. Why Technology?

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and has brought significant changes in the way we communicate, learn, work, and interact with others. While it has many benefits, it also poses various challenges and issues that need to be addressed. These issues range from the digital divide, cyberbullying, privacy concerns, addiction, and the impact of technology on mental health, among others. These issues affect different segments of society, and it is important to prioritize them and find solutions that will ensure that technology is used responsibly and for the greater good. As such, it is essential to consider technology as a social issue that requires our attention and action.

18. Briefly describe the context of environmental scanning and discuss why it is consifered relevant or important in strategic management.​

Environmental scanning is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the external factors that could potentially affect an organization. It is a crucial step in the strategic management process, as it allows organizations to identify opportunities and threats in the external environment and make informed decisions about how to respond to them. Some of the factors that organizations typically scan for include economic conditions, political and legal developments, technological advances, and changes in consumer behavior.

Environmental scanning is considered relevant and important in strategic management for several reasons. Firstly, it allows organizations to anticipate and respond to changes in the external environment, rather than being caught off guard by unexpected developments. This can help organizations to maintain a competitive advantage and avoid potential risks. Secondly, environmental scanning can help organizations identify new opportunities for growth and expansion, such as untapped markets or emerging technologies. Finally, environmental scanning can also inform organizations about potential changes in regulations or policies that could impact their operations and help them to prepare for compliance.

19. What can you suggest/propose in terms of workable measures to reduce and eventually eliminate the environmental issues not just in this context?


Following are some of the most common solutions to the environmental issue: Replace disposal items with reusable items. The use of paper should be avoided. Conserve water and electricity. Support environmental friendly practices. Recycle the waste to conserve natural resources.


20. 9. The following are the consequences of socialization except A. Establishes self-concept B. Creates the capacity for role taking C. Creates the tendency for people to act in socially acceptable ways D. Facilitates space exploration 10. The following are the context of socialization except A Biological Context C. Social Context B. Psychological Context D. Environmental Context​

9. The following are the consequences of socialization except

A. Establishes self-concept

B. Creates the capacity for role taking

C. Creates the tendency for people to act in socially acceptable ways

D. Facilitates space exploration

10. The following are the context of socialization except

A Biological Context

C. Social Context

B. Psychological Context

D. Environmental Context

9. The following are the consequences of socialization expect

A. Establishes self-concept

B. Creates the capacity for role taking

C. Creates the tendency for people to act in socially acceptable way

D. Facilitates space ecploration

10. The following are the context of socialization expect

A. Biological context

B. Social Context

C. Psychological Context

D. Environmental Context



21. . 1. Is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not just the absence of disease. A. Health B. Environment C. Community 2. Refers to the people of a district country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities A. Community B. Environment C. Community Health 3. Is the art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of all members of the community, A. Community Health B. Health C. Environmental Health 4. Examines the interaction between the environment and health. A. Environmental Health B. Community Health C. Community 5. Broadly includes everything external to ourselves, including the physical, natural, social and behavioural environments A A. Environment B. Health C. Community 6. There is a connection between the environment and human health​


4.examines the interaction between the environment and health

22. Is a compromise between environmental protection and economic development possible in the context of our country?​

It is possible to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic development, although it can be challenging. Some strategies that can help to achieve this balance include:

Implementing policies that incentivize sustainable practices and technologies: Governments can use a variety of tools, such as tax credits, subsidies, and regulations, to encourage businesses and individuals to adopt environmentally friendly practices.

Encouraging the development of green technologies: Governments can invest in research and development of green technologies to help reduce the environmental impact of economic development.

Promoting the use of natural resources in a sustainable way: Governments can implement policies that encourage the sustainable use of natural resources, such as forests, water, and land, to help ensure that they are available for future generations.

Encouraging the adoption of renewable energy sources: Governments can promote the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Overall, it is important for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to find solutions that protect the environment while also supporting economic growth.

It is possible to find a balance between environmental protection and economic development, and many countries have implemented policies and practices that aim to do so. It can involve finding ways to minimize the negative impacts of economic activities on the environment while allowing economic growth and prosperity. For example, this might include adopting more sustainable and efficient production methods, investing in clean energy sources, and creating regulations and incentives to encourage environmentally responsible behavior. It can also involve finding ways to use natural resources sustainably over the long term rather than exploiting them until they are depleted.

Finding this balance is not always easy, and it may involve making trade-offs and difficult decisions. It is essential to consider the long-term impacts of economic and environmental policies carefully and to involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process. Ultimately, a successful approach to balancing environmental protection and economic development will depend on the specific circumstances and resources of each country.

23. III. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is incorrect and if it is incorrect write F. Write your answer the space provide at the left portion of each item. 1. The international business environment have control over the external environment, their success depends upon how well they adapt to it. 2. Internal factors are those that occur within the premises of an organization and directly affect the different operations of the business. 3. . Environmental skimming is a method of analyzing relevant gathered information and use them to determine strategic and planned action on the business environment. 4. One popular method of environmental scanning is SWOT analysis. 5. In SWOT analysis, each letter stands for Strategy. Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats. The strength and weaknesses are factors within the company, and the opportunities and threats come from the outside of the company. 6. Threats are circumstances or situation which you cannot control. 7. Strengths are the advantages of your company over the other. 8. Financial System denotes the culture and norms of the business. This is the regulatory framework of a business which every employee must abide and act within the context. 9. In micro-environment, suppliers are those people who are responsible for supplying necessary inputs to the organization and ensure the smooth flow of production. 10. Economic Factors were micro-environment which includes economic conditions such as growth rate, inflation, restrictive trade practices and others which have considerable impact on the business.​




environment which includes economic conditions such as growth rate, inflation, restrictive trade practices and others which have considerable

24. "ASK 2. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Write your answer on the space provided.6. Literature is an art that uses language as a means to shape an image to reflect social life.7. Historical context is the social, political, cultural, economic and environmental influences.8. In every setting comes societal influence in which the things happening in a story impacts the way people9. Culture may refer either to actual physical surroundings or to social or cultural background factors.10. Principle is a quality intrinsically valuable or desirable.​








pa brainlest nalang poh

sana naka tulong ako

and stay safe kayo


25. DIRECTIONS: There are three (3) arguments in the context of the political, economic, socio-cultural, and environmental situations in the Philippines. Evaluate each argument using the FELT Framework. (30 pts.​


In the context of the political, economic, socio-cultural and environmental situations in the Philippines. Below are answers using FELT as in Awareness, Professionalism, Values, Care and Community.

Argument #1

Using FELT Framework

Awareness: demonstrate the capability of a very basic asset pricing model if one permits even tiny departures from reasonable expectations, it is possible to reproduce a wide range of stylized facts.

Professionalism: Stock price fluctuations are very difficult to replicate within the context of rational expectations.

Values: Through surveys, studies, and micro-evidence, the behavioral finance literature explored the nexus between economics and psychology in an effort to understand how individual investors make decisions.

Care and Community: Because agents only learn about an exogenous dividend process, even though their views affect market outcomes, their beliefs are unaffected by those outcomes. In these models do not speak in the language of stochastic control.

Argument #2

Using FELT Framework

Awareness: In the literature on the early researchers who devoted their lives to X-rays and ultimately perished doing so. Since then, radiology has matured. Large exposure periods have been shortened to milliseconds, and analog cameras have been replaced by digital ones.

Professionalism: Clinical forensic medicine is the use of medical expertise to evaluate injuries in living people in order to administer justice. Unfortunately, in several nations, the forensic examination of living people is a rather undeveloped area of forensic practice.

Values: Internationally, torture is acknowledged, and a number of medical organizations have been established to protect victims. The Medical Foundation for the Treatment of Torture Victims, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), and numerous other nongovernmental organizations seek to uphold victims' rights.

Care and Community: According to Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The medical community, especially the forensic community, has a responsibility and right to investigate and report any type of human rights violation.

Argument #3

Using FELT Framework

Awareness: The month of February is dedicated to celebrating African Americans' efforts and achievements to the development of the United States. Black History Month honors the vibrant cultural legacy, victories, and adversities that have left a lasting imprint on the history of our nation.

Professionalism: White supremacist culture—or the systemic, institutionalized centering of whiteness—heavily defines the criteria of professionalism, according to American grassroots organizer-scholars. White supremacist culture emphasizes whiteness in the workplace, discriminating against non-Western and non-white professionals, and favoring whiteness in terms of dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness.

Values: The ideals of honesty, integrity, and treating one's fellow human beings with compassion were instilled in their children despite the ignorance and insensitivity of their oppressors; this mentality still permeates many contemporary African American families.

Care and Community: A vital component of the Success Sequence, a procedure that aids people in avoiding poverty and results in fulfilling employment, prosperous financial situations, and relational lives, are healthy relationships and strong family ties. In other words, it results in a full and prosperous life.

Learn more about political issues:


Learn more about economic impact:


Learn more about socio-cultural situation:


Learn more about environmental action:



26. This refers to the systematic identification and documentation of culture care beliefs, meanings, values, symbols, and practices of individuals or groups within a holistic perspective, which includes the worldview, life experiences, environmental context, ethno- history, language, and diverse social structure influences.


Yes-identification and documentation of culture care beliefs, meanings, values, symbols, and practices of individuals or groups within a holistic perspective, which includes the worldview, life experiences.

27. What Is ItGreen means life or ecology. It represents positive human activity towards theenvironment, while brown represents failure to maintain the balance of nature which mayresulted to poor community health.Community refers to the people of a district or country considered collectively,especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society.According to the Vitalyst Health Foundation, a healthy community is one wherepeople have the opportunity to make healthy choices, in environments that are safe, freefrom violence, and designed to promote health.Health is the condition of having freedom from illness and injury. It allows theindividual to effectively deal with the demands of daily life through a sound body, mind, orspirit..On the other hand, environmental health includes preventing disease and creatinghealth - supportive environments.To understand more of community and environmental health, let us also definecommunity and environment through analysing the illustration below.Figure 1communayEnironmentIt refers to a number ofindividuals living in certainarea and sharing thesame interest for thecommon good of everyfamily.The total surroundingsextemal to us includingnatural forces and otherliving things which serve asspace for growth anddevelopment as well asdanger and harm.Environmental health examines the interaction between the environment and our health.Importance of Environment to Human HealthWe need safe, healthy and supportive environments for good health. The environmentin which we live is a major determinant of our health and wellbeing. We depend on theenvironment for energy and the materials needed to sustain life, such as:clean airsafe drinking water• nutritious foodsafe places to live​


nutrition food safe place to live

28. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False1. As each human group experiences differing environmental conditions, cultural variations are established 2. Human behavior, which serves as an adaptive tool for the varied stimuli projected by the environment, is influenced by beliefs, practices, and material possessions. 3. The concepts of nationality and ethnicity are NOT interchangeable but are capable of informing an individual's behavior and habits due to a set of cultural norms that each category provides. 4. Individuals who are attracted to multiple types of gender identity belong to polysexual orientation. 5. Unlike sex, gender categories are more varied. 6. The transsexual believes that the discord between their internal gender and the gender role that they have to perform can be addressed through medical sexual reassignment. 7. Filipinos' income and value of assets are factors that indicate social class in the Philippines. 8. The earliest forms of religion revolved around making sense of natural occurrences such as extreme conditions, natural and man-made calamities, sickness, and even death. 9. Human variation is predicted by the plurality of cultural and environmental conditions. 10. When faced with a plurality of culture, one must adapt the conceptual tool of cultural relativism, which promotes the perspective that cultures must be understood in the context of their locality.​




different tribes different values









pa brainlist

29. Global health is the understanding of health care in an international and interdisciplinary context. It includes the study, research, and practice of medicine with focus and emphasis on improving health and health care equity for populations worldwide. Global health initiatives cover both medical and non-medical disciplines such as epidemiology. sociology, economic disparities, public policy, environmental factors, cultural studies, etc. Why does it help to be aware on health trends issues and concerns?​


Being aware of health trends, issues, and concerns is crucial for several reasons:

Prevention: Being aware of health trends and concerns can help individuals and communities take preventive measures to avoid potential health risks. For example, knowledge of the current trends in the spread of infectious diseases can help people take steps to prevent infection, such as practicing good hygiene and avoiding contact with sick individuals.

Early detection and treatment: Awareness of health issues and concerns can help in early detection and treatment of health problems. Early detection can increase the chances of successful treatment and recovery, which can ultimately save lives.

Advocacy: Awareness of global health issues and concerns can help in advocating for policy changes and increased funding for research and healthcare initiatives. This can lead to better healthcare outcomes and improved access to healthcare services for underserved populations.

Preparedness: Being aware of health trends and concerns can help individuals and communities be prepared for potential health emergencies. This includes having contingency plans in place and having access to necessary resources and information.

In summary, being aware of health trends, issues, and concerns is critical for promoting and maintaining good health, advocating for better healthcare policies and practices, and being prepared for potential health emergencies

30. Briefly describe the context of environmental scanning and discuss why it is consifered relevant or important in strategic management.​


Environmental Scanning is an important component of strategic planning as it provides information on factors that will affect the organization in the future. The information gathered will allow leadership to proactively respond to external impacts.


hope it help, brainliest please

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