Movie Reflection Paper

Movie Reflection Paper

Write your reflection and reaction paper about the movie "Matilda"

Daftar Isi

1. Write your reflection and reaction paper about the movie "Matilda"

In the movie Matilda, Matilda's family doesn't see the special gift of wisdom that Matilda has. Except (the teacher). She was kind and gentle. And might just be the perfect mother for Matilda.

The first few pages in the book tell about the funny things about parents. First I thought: ”What is here the context with story about Matilda?” But later I understood. These things she tells to the reader will be like a statement. Then the story about Matilda is really the opposite.

I like the story about Matilda and her family. Matilda has always funny ideas to give them a hard time. But this is their fault. Her parents show no interest in their own children. They are glad, when they can live their own live. So I ask me “Why do they have children?”

2. write your reflection ang reaction paper about the movie of high strung




you should watch or understand the movie iot should be ur own reaction not to us sorry i dont want to be sound rude but its true

3. Write a reflection/reaction paper about The Hail movie (100-150 words)


Here is a 131 word reflection/reaction paper about the movie The Hail:

The 2016 Russian film The Hail (also known as The Stone) left a strong impression on me. The story of three teenagers in a remote Russian village who get caught up in the turmoil and violence of the Chechen war is a stark and sobering depiction of the loss of innocence. The cinematography is stunning, with sweeping shots of the austere Russian countryside juxtaposed with the brutality of war.

More than anything, I was struck by how quickly normal life descends into chaos and cruelty. The main character, Sasha, transforms from a carefree teen focused on girls and skateboarding into a child soldier. The scene where he first kills a man is heartrending. By the end of the film, all three teens have blood on their hands and have grown up too quickly. They emerge profoundly changed, aged well beyond their years.

The Hail is not an easy film to watch, but serves as an important reminder of the deep toll that violence and war can take, especially on the young. Although the setting is specific to the Chechen conflict, the story is tragically universal. The loss of innocence and the psychological impacts of war know no borders or native tongues. This film will stay with me as a sobering depiction of how fragile our humanity can be.

4. Additional Activities You have read about how to write reaction papers and read a sample movie review. After doing the activities, review and reflect on what you have learned. Fill in the blanks of the activity sheet. After doing the activities:I noticed:A question I have is:I wonder why:It seems like:I'm not sure:I realized:I discovered:​


Additional Activities

You have read about how to write reaction papers and read a sample movie review. After doing the activities, review and reflect on what you have learned. Fill in the blanks of the activity sheet.

After doing the activities:

I noticed

A question I have is

I wonder why

It seems like

I'm not sure

I realized

I discovered

Please help me

5. 1. Based on the excerpt, what kind of leader governed Shinano? A. A weak leader B. A ruler with absolute power and authority C. A leader who was not obeyed by his people D. A dying leader 2. Based on the excerpt, what does the word barbarous mean? A. Harsh and cruel B. Happy and joyful C. Strong and brave D. Old and weak 3. Based on the excerpt, what does the word mandate mean? A. Command B. Calendar C. Cries D. Courage With this information in mind, reflect on these poems and answer the following Questions. “Poets to Come” by Walt Whitman 4. the word that best describes the tone of this poem is: A. inspired B. frustrated C. sad D. excited 5. The word that best describes the mood of this poem is: A. inspiring B. sorrowful C. cautious D. surprising “Ring Out, Wild Bells” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson 6. The word that best describes the tone of this poem is: A. inspired B. frustrated C. refreshing D. anxious 7. The word that best describes the mood of this poem is: A. cleansing B. sorrowful C. cautious D. surprising Causes and effects are always used together and that the two have a bond. Cause is what causes something to happen and that the effect is what happens after the cause. These two bonds are always present in our everyday life. Read each story and decide what the cause was. o Today was the last day of school before spring break. The students in Mrs. Rosa’s 8th grade classroom were very excited. Mrs. Rosa was trying to teach a math lesson but her students were not paying attention. Students were drawing on their papers and talking to each other. Mrs. Rosa gave warnings but eventually they lost 5 minutes of recess time. 8. What caused the class to lose recess time? A. They were not listening to their teacher. B. They chose to miss the time to watch a movie. C. They had to finish their science homework. o The last show was finally over. The students at Miller High School had worked so hard on their spring play. They had done three shows and each had gotten great reviews. Putting on a play had been a lot of work. They had to practice every week, find costumes and paint the props! But in the end, it was all worth it! The entire auditorium was filled with cheers and applause. 9. What caused the audience to cheer? A. They play was over and they did not like it. B. They enjoyed the play and were cheering for the cast. C. They were happy the boring play was over. 10. The foundation of a house built upon a rock is sturdy. Even if a storm beats upon it, it will not fall down. A. The foundation of a house built upon a rock is weak. B. The foundation of a house built upon a rock is wobbly. C. The foundation of a house built upon a rock is skinny. D. The foundation of a house built upon a rock is strong














6. 2. Identify the type of fallacy used in the given statements below. Write PL if it is faulty logic. Ur if unsupported facts, and EA for emotional appeal Write your answer in a piece of paper. 1. Everyone wa husband or wae Theratore. everyone Concepvelop a good attracting a selfconcept. Students who take physica instead of earth science are studious and hardworking. Susie took physics instead of earth science. She should receivean 2. 3. 4. 5. I loved that movie we saw last night staming Daniel Padilla. I am going to rent all of his movies, and I am sure I'll sko all of them." Saence shows that the Earth is billions of years old!" There must be objective 6. As Mayor, my top prionty will be improving education. So my first act of office will be to cut funding for our public schools. 7. I know why you failed in English in the previous quarters. You don't study. possibly say that torturing be not, how can you a. I met a little boy with cancer who ived just 20 miles from a power Ine who looked into my eyes and said, in his weak voice. "Please do whatever you can so that other kids won't have to go through what I am going through." REFLECTION​


EA (emotional appeal)

PL (faulty logic)

EA (emotional appeal)

Ur (unsupported facts)

Ur (unsupported facts)

PL (faulty logic)

EA (emotional appeal)

Overall, it's important to be aware of fallacies in arguments and to strive for logical and supported reasoning in our own communication. Emotion can be a powerful tool, but it should not be relied upon exclusively to persuade others. Facts and sound reasoning are also crucial components of effective communication

7. Create a reaction paper of a book or a movie that you have recently read/watched that reflects an example of God’s living sacrament.


bible verse/study or good learning books

8. pahelp po irereport ko kapag hindi maayos ang pagsagot thanksss sa tutulong saken :)Activity 1. Watch a TV commercial or see a movie in which you know one of the characters have questionable values. Answer the following questions below on a separate piece of paper.1. How often do you see lies in the commercials? the program or the movie? 2. How do commercials over-promise what they can deliver? 3. Did you hear any outright lies? 4. How did the characters in the movie or program display unhealthy values? 5. Were they deceitful? If so, why were they? 6. How do they reflect real life? 7. How can you live out a positive culture in your home or school? 8. Relating the TV commercial or movie you’ve watched, explain why ethics is essential in research.​


1. every day by watching commercials.

2. always delivering whenever called out to act on it.

3. yes

4. by acting

5. yes, they causing them to have false beliefs about the nature of the products being advertised and thereby causing them to make different purchasing decisions than they would have made otherwise.

6. the influence of advertising in everyday life is the power to alter what consumers think and feel.

7. by conducive to professional satisfaction, morale, and effectiveness.

8. First, norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error.


comment down your other questions

pa brainliest at pa follow ty

9. Write a reflection/reaction paper about All Hail movie ( 100-150 words )

Hellooo! I worked hard on this and I hope it helps in some way

    I recently watched the movie "All Hail" and it left me with mixed emotions. The story revolves around a group of teenagers who are forced to survive in a world where technology is no longer accessible, and society has crumbled. While some scenes were intense and gripping, I felt that the overall plot lacked depth and failed to fully captivate my attention.

    That being said, the acting was commendable and the special effects were impressive. It's clear that the filmmakers put a lot of effort into creating a visually stunning film. However, there were times when the dialogue seemed contrived and unnatural.

    Overall, while "All Hail" may not be the most compelling post-apocalyptic movie out there, it still had its moments. If you're looking for an action-packed adventure with impressive visuals, then this movie may be worth a watch. But if you're seeking a more thought-provoking and emotionally-driven storyline, you might want to look elsewhere.

There it is! Have an amazing day :D

10. Choose inside the box the appropriate viewing materials that we widely usedtoday.MoviesTV showsPicturesMagazine1. It is a fantastic educational tool used for live events and news makeanimated conversation for friends, family and colleagues.2. Also knows as "films" that affect many of us powerfully because thecombined impact of images, music, dialogue, lighting, sound and special effects can elicitdeep feelings and help us reflect on our lives.3. It is a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly, usuallyevery week or every month, and which contains articles, stories, photographs, andadvertisements.4. These are representation of anything that can be captured to createan image of a person, object, place or scene.rinto viewing material from the given​

1. TV Shows

2. Movies

3. Magazine

4. Pictures

11. make a reflection about the movie MAID IN MALACAÑANGWrite a Reflection paper guided by the following questions.a. What important learning have you gained from the activity?b. How do you feel about the experiencec. What difficulties have you encountered? How did you solve them?​​​

a. It is dramatized. The Marcoses are reenacting themselves in the movies as a family who has been wronged by history. The issue with that is how the public will react considering that we have been fed the soap-opera narrative of wealthy families being treated unfairly for decades. The Marcoses identify with that family. The Marcoses are familiar with movies; their late father produced a biography to support his presidency, and the daughter, who is referred to as "darling genius of a girl" in the movie, is aware of what cinema is capable of.

b. My feeling was a bit sad about the story line and the happenings about the Marcos family.

c. It is inappropriate to evaluate "Maid in Malacanang" as a doctoral history dissertation because it is only a movie. Our difficulty is distinguishing reality from fiction, history from the director's artistic license or wild speculation. It's ridiculous that Cory Aquino was playing Mahjong with Carmelite nuns when the future of the country was on the line. As I walked out of the cinema, I felt awful for President Marcos Jr. because he had been misrepresented. Who needs enemies when you have an oldest sister like this, the President and his followers might ponder in the wake of this distorted recounting of history.

To learn more about the movie Maid in Malacanang, just click the link below:


12. : Create a reaction paper of a book or a movie that you have recently read/watched that reflects an example of God’s living sacrament.


oh I think it's open to the public


“ possible answer”

pls brainly me and hearts

13. briefly describe your writing experience (phrases, sentences, paragraphs, essays, reflections,movie or book reports, concept paper, etc.) from your early high school years to the present in terms of the ff:what writing experience you remember what you do not want others to know and how you want others to help you improve as a writer​


My writing experience was not bad at all because I still managed to have good knowledge about writing. I still remember when we are given only 10 minutes to write an essay/paragraph that consist 200 words. What I did is that I avoid using apostrophe on my words and I write things again and again in a way that my teacher wouldn't really notice because of the amount of time she had given. I wanted to learn more about writing, to enhance my knowledge about writing because to be honest I have already forgotten some of the lessons we had when I was in highschool. So I'm hoping to learn more and to have more knowledge about writing.

PS: I'm only Highschool!

14. VII. Reflections Read the paragraph carefully and observe the use of simple past tense of the verb in the sentences. My remarkable community quarantine experience It was a couple of months ago when the strictest quarantine was lifted nationwide and the patience of almost every one of us was put into test. Since I had nothing to do, I decided to become productive. I worked a lot of things, specifically my paper works from my full-time job and fixed some of my personal stuff which I was able to enjoy and finish. After those tasks, I spent the rest of my time getting along with my family, we watched numerous movies together which we truly enjoyed. Well, that may be very simple as how it seemned, but for me, it was the most remarkable experience that I had during quarantine because I got an opportunity to become even bonded with my family. Write your own paragraph about your community quarantine experience and tell how the experience became remarkable for you. Criteria in marking the paragraph: Unity - 3 Organization -3 Spelling and Punctuation - 5 Use of Simple Past Tense - 4 Total - 20 (Title) 7​


⊰⊹ฺ Community Quarantine has been so hard for me since I cannot go outside the same way I did before. There are curfews and many patrol who are looking out for possible bystanders,but it is remarkable for me since I realized how lucky I am to still have food on my table despite the current covid situation. >⊹ฺ

Yn po sna mkatulong. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

15. So, after reading the story of Mulan in Activity 3 and reading the comparison article about the films, what did you realize? Which for you is more interesting to do in order to know or to learn something new? Will you still go for the traditional print based text reading, or will you go with multimodal texts like listening to audio books (since these types of materials are available on the internet) or go visual like examining still or moving images just like pictures, posters and motion pictures or movies? Which is easier for you? Write your reflection on your paper. For me, it is easier to learn when ___________________________________________________


We’ve learned so many things from Mulan over the years that we thought we’d compile our favorite bits of wisdom for you, because we like you. So be true to your heart and check out these life lessons. Who knows, maybe 98 Degrees will magically appear at the end of this post! (They won’t, but read on anyways because these lessons are both fun and heart warming!)

16. Assessment Posttest 1. Fact or Bluff Directions: Read each statement. Write FACT or BLUFF for each statement depending on what you think or believe to be correct. Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is incorrect. Write your answer on a separate paper. 1. Broadcast media presents digital versions and are available for download through application or website, 2. Print media enriches the soul. It brings you to "worlds" beyond your imagination. 3. Movies are not the exact reflection of life. 4. Media convergence cannot motivate and inspire to be more creative and resourceful for personal and professional needs. 5. Some people have mixed feelings about the television as a form of media. 6. Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection is a print media. 7. Don't Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers in Spotify is a broadcast media. 8. Broadcast media requires internet connection as medium of transmission to reach the target audiences. 9. Print media are media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical. For instance, Manila Times, Sunstar, Bandera and many others. 10. Media personality can have power to direct or challenge society.​











10. FACT













Yan po

17. Additional Ac ivities You have read about how to write reaction papers and read a sample movie review. After doing the activities, review and reflect on what you have leamed. Fill in the blanks of the activity sheet​


plssssssssssddd answerrrrrrrrr

18. Create a reaction paper of a book or a movie that you have recently read/watched that reflects an example of God’s living sacrament.


REACTION PAPER ON THE MOVIE: “Iron Jawed Angels” Administrative Law Joy Ivee O. Ong‚ JD 2 Student Atty. Judiel M. Pareja Professor


19. ______ 1. This is an important rhetorical pattern in Academic writing as they present a balanced view of things.a. Critique b. Reaction paper c. Reviews d. None of the above ______ 2 The following are the three parts of how to do reviews except ________.a. Introduction b. Review c. Recommendation d. Content______ 3. Strengths and ________ should be a part of the critique.a. Informations b. Weaknesses c. Topics d. Orders______ 4. These are the things that you may use in doing your critique except________.a. Movie b. Concept c. Event Address d. Poster Ads______ 5. In writing a critique, insights, overviews and features should be based on what is observable and_____ to the other items of the same class.a. Comparable b. Accepted c. Clear d. All of these______ 6. “How do the images of women in the story reflect patriarchal social forces that have impeded women’s efforts to achieve full equality with men?” What kind of critical approach is used?a. Formalistic b. Feministic c. Historical d. Sociological______ 7. “Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story?” What kind of critical approach is used?a. Formalistic b. Feministic c. Historical d. Sociological______ 8 Do any of the characters correspond to types of government, such as a dictatorship, democracy, communism, socialism, fascism, etc.? What attitudes toward these political structures/systems are expressed in the work?” What kind of critical approach is used?a. Formalistic b. Feministic c. Historical d. Sociological______ 9. “What literary or historical influences helped to shape the form and content of the work?” What kind of critical approach is used?a. Formalistic b. Feministic c. Historical d. Sociological______ 10. “What marital expectations are imposed on the characters? What effect do these expectations have?” What kind of critical approach is used?a. Formalistic b. Feministic c. Historical d. Sociological​



10. a

sna nktulongs HAHA

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