Let s Talk 3

Let s Talk 3

Identify the word/s being described in each of the statements below.1. A site providing online courses.2. A website made to let individuals your pictures and thoughts.3.it is a reference material that is not in written form.4.The practice of talking someone's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.​

Daftar Isi

1. Identify the word/s being described in each of the statements below.1. A site providing online courses.2. A website made to let individuals your pictures and thoughts.3.it is a reference material that is not in written form.4.The practice of talking someone's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.​







hope it's help



2. E s T Y R R 3 E B E . s о T B C С A W O O T D Activity 2: Let's Talk Directions: Answer these questions below and share / discuss with your family. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. 1. What are the current health issues and concerns in your community? ​


Hindi ko po Alam


Iba na lang ang magsagot

3. How did you find the test?Were your answers like these?1.R2. M3. R4. M5.Let Us StudyRhea and Arianne talked about TV shows they has was about a house in the woods. The other show wr. Read the paragraphs.​




4. GaugeLet's Answer it!Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for youranswers. Write TRUE if the statement is valid and FALSE if otherwise.If the statement is FALSE, underline the word(s) that make it wrong.1. Most students, as well as adults, lack the importance of makingaccurate claims about their future.2. One path to success is continuing education. If you are feeling sick ofthe loss you've experienced concerning your studies. Find a way to keepyou updated. Finally, it will be worth it.3. Self-talk, self-analysis are productive means to settle the plans by theknot. Before you enter college life make a to-do-list.4. Make sure you speak with your parents about your plans and therewill be misunderstanding.5. Grades does not matter in Senior High School, so do not give your bestand do not strive for higher grades is better.6. Most people experience anxiety when their peers ask them to dosomething that they find awkward.7. Growing up and maturing requires less responsibility8. Be smart enough to make a career decision, since we are no longerplaying on the same ground. We have to face the real world.9. We should be positive and look at the problem as road humps. You willget through everything in life just be optimistic,10. Your task is undoubtedly to evaluate the different factors that willimpact your future career and life plan.​







5. Why Houseplants are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift The Beatles sang “money can’t buy me love” but do you think they’d say the same thing about houseplants and love? If your partner or crush is a lover of all things green and leafy, then we bet they’d be thrilled with getting a houseplant for Valentine’s Day. And even if they’re not a convert yet, now is a good time to get them hooked to the plant gene. It’s early spring for most of us, and this is the perfect time to bring a new houseplant home. Sure, you can always default to red roses for a grand Valentine’s Day gesture, but let us try to change your mind. Here's why houseplants make for much better gifts than cut flowers, plus a few ideas of low-maintenance and romantic houseplants to get you started! 1.Houseplants last longer Ok, this is obvious. But we’re trying to slowly ease into advocating for houseplants. The average life of a bouquet of cut flowers is about a week. Some bouquets come with plant feed that might stretch that to ten days. After that, it’s bye-bye flowers! Houseplants last much longer. Even the blackest of thumbs can’t manage to kill a plant in a week (don’t take that as a challenge though!). Houseplants may last for years as a good reminder for a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift. 2. Houseplants are often cheaper We bet this one is not so obvious, right? You may think of houseplants as an investment. And some of them are (especially rare specimens). But you can easily find houseplants that cost 10 dollars, and we’re not talking about runts. Prices are going down as the popularity of houseplants is going up, so even a trip to your local plant nursery won’t break the bank. 3. Houseplants are more environmentally friendly Most people don’t realize the environmental footprint of the fresh flower industry. That’s because we tend to associate flowers with nature, and nature can do no wrong, right? What I Can Do 21 Well, not until it’s exploited for profit at a massive scale. Most cut flowers are grown year-round in greenhouses and fields heavily laden with pesticides. In the United States, most fresh flowersare imported. And because the flowers are already cut (so pretty much dead), they are shipped long distances in refrigerated containers that take a lot of energy to stay cool. There is also a lot of waste in the flower industry because we all want perfect-looking flowers with zero blemishes. And not to mention the waste caused by the flowers being thrown away en-masse if the supermarket can’t sell them within the short window when they look nice and perky. We’re not saying that houseplants have a zero-carbon footprint. But they are definitely the more responsible choice for eco-conscious Valentines. 4. Houseplants send a message Now that we got the practical reasons out of the way, let’s talk a bit about the sentimental symbolism. When you give someone a houseplant, the underlying message is this: I think you’re a responsible person. I think you can nurture and take care of something. And you can count on me because I’ll be around to help. Maybe in not so many words. But the sentiment is there! If your partner is already someone who loves houseplants, then offering them another plant for their collection shows that you care about their interests and hobbies. And you get extra bonus points for being a good listener if they’ve already hinted that they wouldn’t mind another green friend, and you deliver. Source: https://www.pilea.com/post/why-houseplants-are-the-perfect-valentine-s-day-gift 1. Is there someone in your family who loves planting? What do you think does he/she feels after reading this blog? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Pick out lines that reveal the purpose of the author in writing the blog. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the author make use of literary devices? Mention some. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree/ disagree with the ideas of giving plants as a gift on Valentine’s Day? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Which part of the blog catches your interest and convinces you the most of the blogger’s reflections or ideas? __________________________________________


1.yes, he is happy and amazed amd because he loves to plant he appreciates the plants that are given to him even more.


yan lang po sagot ko eh

6. Hi! Let us first check whether you can identify the character/s in the short paragraphs below. Write your answers on the shape provided before each number. The hare is not only a beautiful little creature but is known for its speed and clevemess. Turtles, on the other hand, are amphibians that are more down to earth and, of course, slower in all aspects of life. "One fine day, the hare bragged and came up with the idea of holding a race with the turtle. The turtle agreed, and the race began. Once, there lived two neighbors who used to grow the same plants in their respective gardens. One neighbor 2 was fussy and took extreme care of her plants. The other neighbor did what was required but left the leaves of the plants alone to grow as they pleased. 3 There were three fish living in a pond. They were friends and practically did everything together. One day, a fisherman came across the pond and was delighted to see the fish. He made plans to cast a net and catch them. Lily is a little girl, who is shy and reserved. But she enjoys playing soccer. Her friends and classmates ridicule Lily for her interest in soccer. Nonetheless, she is determined to pursue her passion and become a successful soccer player. Forte A little boy named John lives in a beautiful home with his parents. One day, his father finds him crying and 5 asks if something is wrong. John says meekly, "I have so many problems in life," and talks about his "problems'. Were you able to identific​


1) The hare and the turtle

2) The 2 neighbors

3) The 3 fishes and the fisherman

4) Lily and her friends and classmates

5) John and his parents


7. ACTIVITY SHEET IN ENGLISH 6 Directions: Pick out the adverbs in the following paragraphs and list them in Column 1. In Column 2, write the word(s) the adverb modifies. In Column 3, indicate if the word modified is a verb, an adjective or another adverb. The seahorse is really a strange creature. The head of this extremely odd animal greatly resembles that of a pony. Its body is almost completely covered by somewhat bony material. The tiny creature moves quite slowly through the water in an upright position. It sometimes clings to apiece of seaweed. The mother seahorse does not carry the eggs after she lays them. The father carefully nurtures them in his pouch. He generously lets the almost invisible baby seahorses remain there in his pouch until they can care for themselves. Adverb Words Modified Kind of Word Underline the adverb in each sentence below then write whether the adverb answers the questions how, when, where, how often and to what extent. 11. My sister dresses smartly. 12. Ken seldom makes mistake in his test. 13. Lydia runs fast. 14. The soup is too hot for me. 15. I can memorize the poem easily. 16. She is somewhat afraid of her boss. 17. I will meet her at the cafeteria. 18. My brother quietly tiptoed toward his room. 19. I talked to him this morning. 20. The cat suddenly appeared.


check check lang LAHAT g lag Yan mo Ng check


sana nakatulOng lolong

8. do?Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer..1. Martin and Carlo are planning to visit the library to research about the project given bytheir teacher. What they will you do inside the library?A. They will be discussing inside the library.B. They will be reading books in the library.C. They will be talking inside the library.D. They will be sleeping inside the library.2. Marissa loves to sing rock music in the classroom. If you were the classmate of Marissa what willA. Talk to Marissa politely not to sing loudly.B. Shout to Marissa to stop singing rock music.C. Shout to Marissa not to sing inside the classroom.D. Let her sing if she likes.3. The next road of your house has a building construction. What will you do to avoid the noisefrom the construction?A. I will check the construction site when it will be finished.B. I must use other road away from the building construction.C. I will use the road near the building construction.D. I don't care about the noise.4. My father is a jeepney driver for a long time. What would be the impact to his health condition?A. My father will be sick because he is exposed to the noise of the road.B. My father will be energetic because he is exposed from noise.C. My father will become healthy because he is working every day.D. My father will be happy because he is earning.5. Which of the following is NOT the cause/s of a noisy environment?A. Sleep DisorderB. Cardiovascular DiseasesC. Hearing LostD. Eye Problem6. Jenny went to the Ear Nose Throat (ENT) specialist for the ear check-up. What is the cause ofher hearing problem?A. Dirty EnvironmentB. Noisy PollutionC. Water PollutionD. Air Pollution 77. Motorcycle, ship and airplane produced noise. Which among the causes of noise belongs?A. Construction Site​








9. 3.Friendship is very important to us. We all need friends in our life. We play with them, talk to them and do so many other good things. Friendship makes us happy and strong. When we are sad, God blesses us with friends. They make us feel happy and loved. Without friendship, we will be lonely. It fills the loneliness and makes life worth. Friendship can form between anyone. Sometimes, men and animals are seen to be good friends. They love and care for each other. We should respect our friendship and love our friends. May God let friendship forever in our lives. General statement: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. Text evidence/s: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


General Statement: Friendship is very important to us. We all need friends in our life. We play  with them, talk to them and do so many other good things.

Text Evidence: Friendship makes us  happy and strong.

When we are sad, God blesses us with friends. They make us  feel happy and loved.

We play  with them, talk to them and do so many other good things.


10. Last Monday, I was swinging from my favorite tree branch. I don't mean to brag, but I am an excellent tree swinger. The sky was a magnificent blue and there wasn't a cloud to be such. The air was filled with the wonderful aroma of spring What a perfect day to be outside. And so, there I was, swinging happily from the great oak tree, when suddenly, S-N-A-P! I experienced the sharpest pain I've ever felt. Right then and there, I realized I should have listened to my father's advice. He warned me that the branch couldnt support me. The branch cracked in two. And so did the bone in my arm when I hit the ground. I let out an earsplitting scream and my mother came running. The pain was unbearable! When we arrived at the emergency room, the doctor set my arm and sent us on our way. My arm doesn't hurt anymore, but it itches the cast. Next time, 111 listen to the words of wisdom. Comprehension Check 1. The author wrote this passage because A. she wanted to talk about her cold. B. she wanted to talk about her father. c. she wanted to explain why she missed school. D. she wanted to write about how she broke her arm. 2. Identify two sentences which explain why the author calls the passage Words of wisdom.” 3. What did the author mean when she said, "the branch cracked in two, and so the bone in my arm? 4. Which scason is it in the passage? fall B. spring C. winter Summer 5. When the author describes the scream as earsplitting she means A it was very loud B. it was quiet C. it was like a song. D. no one could hear it​






yan po answer ko Sana maka tulong

11. Biag ni Lam-ang (Excerpt)Don Juan and his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan, now part of La Union in the northern part of the Philippines. They had a son named Lam-ang. Before Lam-ang was born, Don Juan went to the mountains in order to punish a group of their Igorot enemies. While he was away, his son Lam-ang was bom. It took four people to help Namongan give birth. As soon as the baby boy popped out, he spoke and asked that he be given the name Lam ang. He also chose his godparents and asked where his father was.After nine months of waiting for his father to return, Lam-ang decided he would go look for him. Namongan thought Lam-ang was up to the challenge but she was sad to let him go. During his exhausting journey, he decided to rest for a while. He fell asleep and had a dream about his father's head being stuck on a pole by the Igorot. Lam-ang was furious when he learned what had happened to his father. He rushed to their village and killed them all, except for one whom he let go so that he could tell other people about Lam-ang's greatness.Upon returning to Nalbuan in triumph, he was bathed by women in the Amburayan river. All the fish died because of the dirt and odor from Lam-ang's body.There a young woman named Ines Kannoyan whom Lam-ang wanted to woo. She lived in Calanutian and he brought along his white rooster and gray dog to visit her. On the way, Lam-ang met his enemy Sumarang, another suitor of Ines whom he fought and readily defeated. Lam-ang found the house of Ines surrounded by many suitors all of whom were trying to catch her attention. He had his rooster crow, which caused a nearby house to fall. This made Ines look out. He had his dog bark and in an instant the fallen house rose up again. The girfs parents witnessed as and called for him. The rooster expressed the love of Lam-ang. The parents agreed to s mariage with their daughter if Lam-ang would give them a dowry valund at double their with Lam-ang had no problem fulfilling this condition and he and Ines were manis. It was a tradition to have a newly married man swim in the river for the rarang fsh. Unfortunately, Lam-ang dove straight into the mouth of the water monster Berkakan, thes had Marcos get his bones, which she covered with a piece of cloth His rooster crowed and his dog barked and slowly the bones started to move Back live, Lam-ang and his wife lived happily ever after with his white rooster and gray dog. 1. What unusual characteristics did Lam-ang show at the time of his birth? a. He was able to talk speak after he was bom. b. He asked where his father was. c. He asked to that he be named Lam-ang. d. All of the above. 2. Why did Lam-ang kill all the Igorots except for one? a. He wanted the Inst Igorot to be his slave. b. He wanted the last Igorot to tell where he could find his father. c. He wanted the last Igorot to tell people of Lam-ang's greatness. d. He wanted the last Igorot to escape because he knew him. 3. Why was ines permitted by her parents to marry Lam-ang? a Because Ines parents thought Lam-ang was the most eligible bachelor for their daughter b. Because Lam-ang was able to give Ines parents dowry twice their wealth c. Because Lam-ang could swim d. Because Lam-ang was a great man 4. How did Lam-ang come back to life after his flesh was eaten by the water monster Berkakan? a. His rooster crowed and his dog barked and slowly the bones started to move. b. Ines implored the gods to restore the life of Lam-ang. c. His father's spirit helped him. d. He was brought to the hospital. 5. Did this story happen in real life? a. No b. Yes c. Maybe d. Absolutely yes​


a. He was able to speak after he was bornc. He wanted the last Igorot to tell people of Lam-ang's greatnessb. Because Lam-ang was able to give Ines parents dowry twice their wealtha. His rooster crowed and his dog barked and slowly the bones started to movea. No

Hope it helps.

12. Match the verb in column A with the explanation with columns B A 1) your argument boils down to this. 2)I can't go back on my world 3) please let me in on the secret 4) you'd better talk him out his plan 5)sum of his good luck has rubbed off on me 6)I can't live up to My reputation 7) I've setup in business 8) that ties in nicely with my plan 9)who put you up to this? 10)I don't feel up to this party? 11) this won't make up for the damage 12) you've got to face up to reality 13) the cabots look down on Us 14)we had to fore back on our savings 15) I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her 16) I'll get on to them immediately 17) the bill comes out at € 100 exactly 18)if you're angry you don't have to take it out on me 19) I'm glad they've done away with that 20) I'm looking forward to the holidays B a) use B) allow me to show C) expecting to D) contact E) can be summery F) toto's G) started H) treat unfairry I) benefited J) except with courage K) fits L)fail to honer M) abolished N) maintain the high O) consider us inferior P)compensate for Q) give you this idea R)stay on good terms S) feel well enough for T) persuade not to do


Answer key:






















Pa brainlest po

13. Match the verb in column A with the explanation with columns B A 1) your argument boils down to this. 2)I can't go back on my world 3) please let me in on the secret 4) you'd better talk him out his plan 5)sum of his good luck has rubbed off on me 6)I can't live up to My reputation 7) I've setup in business 8) that ties in nicely with my plan 9)who put you up to this? 10)I don't feel up to this party? 11) this won't make up for the damage 12) you've got to face up to reality 13) the cabots look down on Us 14)we had to fore back on our savings 15) I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her 16) I'll get on to them immediately 17) the bill comes out at € 100 exactly 18)if you're angry you don't have to take it out on me 19) I'm glad they've done away with that 20) I'm looking forward to the holidays B a) use B) allow me to show C) expecting to D) contact E) can be summery F) toto's G) started H) treat unfairry I) benefited J) except with courage K) fits L)fail to honer M) abolished N) maintain the high O) consider us inferior P)compensate for Q) give you this idea R)stay on good terms S) feel well enough for T) persuade not to do


1: H






















14. Let Us Assess Ourselves! Hey buddy! We are not done yet. Please do the activity below. Each of the social skill below is helpful to keep us focused while listening to avoid misunderstanding. Rate yourself with S for each skill that shows your strength or you did it often while listening; O if the skill shows okay or you did it sometimes, or Nif you need to work on it. Are you ready? Good luck! 1. I am observant to the speaker's facial expressions and try to understand him/her as how it connects to the speaker's ideas. 2. I make eye to eye contact every time I talked and listened to anybody. 3. I wait for a pause before I raise my questions for clarification. 4. I am not distracted by anything; I have my full attention to the speaker. 5. I listen with objectives or goals to understand fully the speaker's point of view. 6. I remain open minded while listening. 7. I listen attentively to remember the speaker's important points. 8. I avoid interrupting while listening, 9. I share my thought and exchange ideas to the speaker before ending our talk.​


may pic po ba Hindi ko po Kasi maintindihan e


I can't understand this sorry?

15. Read the sentence below and identify the mood of the following passages.1.The telephone rang. Edna took the call, "Hello? " she said. "whom do you like to talk to? suddenly her face turned deathly pale she let the phone drop from her hand and slum in the nearby bed and fainted.A. shocked B. surprised C.joy2.You're going to be alright. jane added. We'll take you home . Where do you live? The girl began to son . She buried her face in her hands and her little body shook.A. doubtB. angerC. assurance 3.In the meantime , edna 's friends were trying to bring her back to consciousness. They were rubbing the ba ck of neck. Lian put a wet towel on her forehead. In a few seconds, she opened her eyes and looked around , puzzled at the anxious face A. hateB. admirationC. suprise​


1.A shocked

2.C assurance

3.B admititation

16. B Fin the missing personal pronoun1. Look atam swimming2. John is sleeping. Look at3. My sister and I are reading. Listen toA4. Our parents are travelling. Let's phoneS. My dog is black. Look at6. Your books are great! Will you lendto lane?7. Our baby is crying! Listen to8. My father's newspaper is on the table.Bringto9. My sister and you are friends. I likeboth very much.10. Your neigbours are very rude! Don't talkCO11. Jane and I are sisters. Look at12. The horse is injured. We have to killI Don't leaveI13.1 missagain.14. London is the capital of England.is a big city.secolective.com​

hi po thank you Samantha please

17. Activity 2 Directions: Let's talk about our national symbols. Box the describing word/s in each sentence. 1. Carabao is our national animal. It is big and strong. 2. Mango is our national fruit. It is yellow when ripe. 3. Dr. Jose P. Rizal is our national hero. He is intelligent and brave.4. Sampaguita is our national flower. Its color is white. It smells sweet. 5. Narra is our national tree. It is tall. What I Have Learned Describing word or adjective is a word that describes noun. It tells the kind, color, size, weight, distance, texture, number of a noun, etc.​


1. Big and strong

2. yellow

3. intelligent and brave

4. white/ smells sweet

5. tall

18. ENDUSer in thevriteDirection: Identify the different images/ideas. Write P if it's use for propaganda S forstereotype and PV for point of view. Then let them compare their answer and talk about it.Writeyour answer in the blank.KUTISMAYAMANKAHIT SAN MODATINGNANThe best coffeeFor the best YOU.GlutaMAX1.2.The drink everybody knowsakseGo refreshedCoca Cola"SINGSARAPNG SAMilk TeaShop3.4.NESCAFÉSeed CoffeeThis Mother's DayGet Back ToThe jobThat ReyT FIRALLY FOUNDTHE COFRE TARTGOES WELLWITH MY BUSYSCHEDULE!Mr.NISCATEClean6.5.SURR BADLISAMSUNG S8Catara8.A camera built forevery momentIL STRONG BECAFOR HLAU, MENT7.Let's spreadthe love!7.2%al vol249910.39.​


kahit san mo tiqnan kutis mYaman

mas masarap anq milk tea kesa sa coca cola

19. 1. which best describe the meaning of discernment a. an apostolic decision b. an explicit choice c. wild imagination d. fantasy 2. who coined the term discernment as election a. st. Ignatius b. st. Benedict c. st john d. st. Alphonso 3. when we are on the discernment what do we consider the most a. gods will b. parents will c. mothers plan d. NCAE result 4. which is not part of the process of discernment a. always complain in the process b. talk to someone you know c. pray to do gods will let god speak to you 5. which is a part in discernment process a. prayerfully commit b. follow your vices c. give up easily d. be a loner 6. in smart mnemonic the S stands for a. specific b. special c. standard d. strong 7. which is not included in making a life time goal a. romance b. career c. pleasure d. physical 8. which is not part of setting goal a. follow your dreams goal b. set priority c. bet precise d. write down goals 9. what is the next step after you have plot your life time goal a. set smaller goal b. end the process c. set unrealistic goal d. plan to survival 10. which is an example of a life time goal a. to be the leading businessman in the country b. i can finish my modules this Friday c. i can accomplish my performance task this afternoon d. i can save 200 php at the end of this week end plsss po need na po ngayon helppp po


1) C. Wild imagination

2) D, St. Alphonso

3) A. God's will

4) Always complain in the process

5) A. Prayerfully commit

6) A. Specific

7) D.Physical

8) C. Bet precise

9) D. Plan to survival

10) D. I can save 20p php at the end of this weekend



20. Here are some pieces of advice on how to respond when you are struggling with or hopelessness. Read and complete the table below. In the reaction column, write down the effect or impression of the advice to you and in the action column, write down your plan/s in response to the advice.Advice Reaction Action 1. Talk about it to God. He can handle it. He knows what you're thinking anyway and wants to hear from you! 2. Ask God's forgiveness when you've taken your eyes off of Him and forgotten to communicate with Him. 3. Ask for the ability to let go of all the anger and self pity. You cannot get rid of it in your own strength 4. Rest and eat right. It is important that you rest and have proper nourishment. ILO CITY INITIAT 5. Don't quit. No matter how afraid, anxious, depressed you are. Put your hope in God who cares for you DO​


I would definitely do that and I know that God really helps us in our problems more than any people so more than anything put God first.Yes we all have sins and we just ony focus on what we want and to our own dreams and forget God's plans for us that is really the best to all of us. I am going to confess to God of all of my worries ans sins.Anger and self pity emotions are really hard to fight and cannot get rid of my own only. so I'm going to find someone that will help me and give me more hopes to fight.Eating is the main source of our strength so I'll never forget to eat and sleep well and just care about my health so that i will live longer.Yes because quiting to the fights means you're a loser, everything is hard and not so easy so all our need to do is to be strong and keep going in our paths with the help of God.

21. Activity 1. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, FALSE.1. Communicating involves a speaker and a listener.2. Communication is a one-way process.3. Confidence in speaking is achieved with constant practice.4. It is okay to keep talking all the time while communicating.5. Interrupting the speaker while s/he is talking is proper.6. It is important that we know other speakers' signal of their desire to communicate-7. The phrase "I couldn't agree more” is used to disagree with other people's opinion.8. Listening is just hearing the speaker's message while focusing on it at times.9. Body language refers to the tone of voice, gestures, stance, and facial expressions,10. When talking to other people, let them talk when you feel they want to share their thoughts/ feelings.​













based my understanding


22. Let Us Assess Ourselves! Hey buddy! We are not done yet. Please do the activity below. Each of the social skill below is helpful to keep us focused while listening to avoid misunderstanding, Rate yourself with S for each skill that shows your strength or you did it often while listening; O if the skill shows okay or you did it sometimes, or Nif you need to work on it. Are you ready? Good luck! 1. I am observant to the speaker's facial expressions and try to understand him/her as how it connects to the speaker's ideas. 2. I make eye to eye contact every time I talked and listened to anybody. 3. I wait for a pause before I raise my questions for clarification. 4. I am not distracted by anything; I have my full attention to the speaker. 5. I listen with objectives or goals to understand fully the speaker's point of view. 6. I remain open minded while listening. 7. I listen attentively to remember the speaker's important points. 8. I avoid interrupting while listening. 9. I share my thought and exchange ideas to the speaker before ending our talk. 10. I remember what the speaker says and repeating some of it back to them.​


1. O

2. S

3. N

4. S

5. S

6. O

7. N

8. S

9. S

10. O


yn p sgt ko.. um not sure but hope it help☺

23. Write T if the statement is True F is it is false1. Undersiand the risks2. overload workplace stress3. Teke regular breaks4. Always do stooping or twistingS. Use mechanical aids whenever possible6. Protect your back7. Remove any proiective equipment to suit the task8.stay sober9.let any concerns not to be talk10.know your right11.allow nonemployees inside the machine shed12.keys should always be removed from all equipment or machinery to prevent children or unauthorized people from starting them13.exist should be clearly marked14.fuel storage tank should preferably be located above the ground15.fuel cannot be stored in the same structure as machinery or power tools​



24. Let us see how much you have learned today!Two become one!A. Combine the following pairs of sentences or clausesto be one sentence Choose and underline the appropriate cohesive device from the choices given before each item(and, or) 1. Do you want an orange juice,______ a guava juice?(but, so) 2. It was my birthday,______ he didn't send me a card(because, and) 3. We couldn't contact him,______ didn't have his number(for, so that) 4. I talked to the shy girl,_______ the purpose that she would not feel isolated.(on the other side, on the other hand) 5. It is cold andwindy today,______it is not rainingFill the gap!B. Complete the passage below by choosing theappropriate cohesive devices from the list givenbefore the passage[During, And, Despite, Moreover, In addition]"Zamboanga city is known as the Asia s Latin City, 1.______it composed of Ninety-eight (98) barangays withthe different natives who lives in 2._________it has a lot of tourist attractions or spots, 3.______ this city has its unique and colorful festival 4.__________the difterent festivals the zamboangueños got the opportunities toshowcase their talents through different dances with the local songs. 5.__________its cultural diversity people stillhave their unity and respect to each other, which made thecity known and progressive.​


orbut becauseso thaton the other side

despitemoreoveranddespitein addition


paki correct po pag may mali. Di naman po ako perpekto. :)

25. Match the verb in column A with the explanation with columns B A 1) your argument boils down to this. 2)I can't go back on my world 3) please let me in on the secret 4) you'd better talk him out his plan 5)sum of his good luck has rubbed off on me 6)I can't live up to My reputation 7) I've setup in business 8) that ties in nicely with my plan 9)who put you up to this? 10)I don't feel up to this party? 11) this won't make up for the damage 12) you've got to face up to reality 13) the cabots look down on Us 14)we had to fore back on our savings 15) I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her 16) I'll get on to them immediately 17) the bill comes out at € 100 exactly 18)if you're angry you don't have to take it out on me 19) I'm glad they've done away with that 20) I'm looking forward to the holidays B a) use B) allow me to show C) expecting to D) contact E) can be summery F) toto's G) started H) treat unfairry I) benefited J) except with courage K) fits L)fail to honer M) abolished N) maintain the high O) consider us inferior P)compensate for Q) give you this idea R)stay on good terms S) feel well enough for T) persuade not to do






















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