Prentice Hall Statistics

Prentice Hall Statistics

1. Who is the author?a Janeth M. Santiagob. Masterpieces of the Worldc. Prentice Halld. Quezon City​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Who is the author?a Janeth M. Santiagob. Masterpieces of the Worldc. Prentice Halld. Quezon City​


Siguro a po


Sana po makatulong




Sana po makatulong:))

2. Reference: Bressler, C.E. (1999). Literary criticism: An introduction to theory and practice. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,​

noong 1999 nag bago ang mundo na 2000

3. write quantitative or qualitative the residence hall of each student in a statistic class​


quantitative, discrete

how many students are in the class


what are the main purpose of the statistics in your class.

panggulo lang

4. how do you think literature from the past has affected the lives of the peo ple at Prentice?​


Literature written specifically for an audience of children began to be published on a wide scale in the seventeenth century. Most of the early books for children were didactic rather than artistic, meant to teach letter sounds and words or to improve the child's moral and spiritual life. In the mid-1700s, however, British publisher John Newbery (1713–1767), influenced by John Locke's ideas that children should enjoy reading, began publishing books for children's amusement. Since that time there has been a gradual transition from the deliberate use of purely didactic literature to inculcate moral, spiritual, and ethical values in children to the provision of literature to entertain and inform.

5. Briefly explain the steps in performing prentice measures​


Policy manual — contains policy guidelines, rules, resolutions, and procedures of a company. It helps the management run the business and make decisions; it regulates the course of development of a company. Organizational manual — describes positions in the company, their responsibilities, duties, functions, relations.thank me later

6. Source: Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition 1 Directions: Rewrite the sentence by changing the voice of the verb from passive to active. Example: The clothes are washed by Nanny. (PASSIVE) Nanny washes the clothes. (ACTIVE) 1. The letter was sent by James, 2. The car is washed by Joe. 3. The doctor was called by someone. was watched by Lana. 5.The job will be done by Christopher. _​plssss answer I need it.


1. The letter was sent by James

Answer: James sent the letter.

2. The car is washed by Joe.

Answer: Joe washed the car.

3. The doctor was called by someone

Answer: Someone called the doctor

4. Movie was watched by Lana.

Answer: Lana watched the movie.

5. The job will be done by Christopher.

Answer: Christopher will finish the job.


I hope you have a good day, God bless promise me good grades!!

7. A rectangular hall has m rows and (36 - m) columns of seats. If the number of seats of the hall exceeds by 320 , find the maximum number of seats in the hall.


A rectangular hall has"m" rows and (36-m) columns of seats. If the number of seats of the hall exceeds 320.

A. Find all the possible values of "m"

B. Find the max. # of seats in the hall

A rectangular hall has"m" rows and (36-m) columns of seats. If the number of seats of the hall exceeds 320.

Find the value for m to equal 320

m(36-m) = 320

-m^2 + 36m - 320 = 0

multiply by -1

m^2 - 36m + 320 = 0

Factors to (m-16)(m-20)

m = 16


m = 20

8. 3/8 of the pupils in an exhibition hall are boys and the rest are girls. what fraction of the people in the hall are girls, if 2/3 of the people in the hall are adults?


24/49 = GIRLS

Step-by-step explanation:

3/8 = BOYS

2/3 = ADULTS


3/8x + 2/3x + x = 1

25/24x + x = 1

49/24x = 1

x = 1 × (24/49)

x = 24/49

9. 1. Who is the author of the book? 2. What is the classification number of this card? 3. What kind of card catalog is this? 4. Who is the publisher of this book? 5. What is the author number? 6.How many pages does the book have? 7.Is the book illustrated? 8. What is the title of the book? 9. When was the book published? 10. What year was the author born? 808.066 C16 1981 Campbell, Laurence Randolph, 1903 How to Report and Write the News Prentice Hall 1981 592 p. illus. (Prentice-Hall Journalism series) Includes bibliography (1. Journalism (2.Reporters And Reporting1. Title​


1.campbell laurance randolph


3.C16 1981

4.campbell laurance




8.prentice hall jourlism series



10. ACTIVITY Directions: Study the given card catalog and answer the questions that follow. W your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 808.066 C16 1981 1. Who is the author of the book? 2. What is the classification number of this card? 3. What kind of card catalog is this? 4. Who is the publisher of this book? 5. What is the author number? 6. How many pages does the book have? 7. Is the book illustrated? 8. What is the title of the book? 9. When was the book published? 10. What year was the author born? Campbell, Laurence Randolph, 1903 How to Report and Write the News Prentice Hall 1981 592 p. illus. (Prentice-Hall Journalism series) Includes bibliography (1. Journalism (2. Reporters and reporting 1. Title Source:​


1. Campbell, Laurence Randolph

2. 808.066

3. C16

4. Campbell Laurence

5. 808.066

6. 592 pgs.

7. YES

8. Prentice Hall Journalism Series

9. 1903

10. 1981


11. hi HALL I want you to answer this HALL​



12. Is the book illustrated? A. YesB. NoHow many pages is the book?A 24B 58 C 76D 313The book's publisher is A. M. ClarkB. Upper Saddle RiverC. N.J.D. Prentice Hall​


Is the book illustrated? A.yes

B. No

How many pages is the book?

A 24


C 76

D 313

The book's publisher is

A. M. Clark

B. Upper Saddle River

C. N.J.

D. Prentice Hall


-yes-B. 58-A.M. Clark



13. Amelia is designing a new theater hall. There will be 860 seats in the theater hall and each section must have the same number of seats. How many sections could the theater hall have?


A. 10

Step-by-step explanation:

860 divided by 10 is 86

14. 10. Which is a female-exclusive facility?A. The Plaridel Hall B. The Del Pilar Hall​


A. The plaridel hall


Sana po makatulong

15. do you agree that the composition of adam de halle halle reflect his personality?Why? or why not?​

I don’t know the answer because I don’t know the story

16. if 10 students can decorate a hall in 3 1/3 hours, how long . same hall?​


100/3=99 1/3 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

So if it is only a student

Hope it helps


17. The perimeter of a school hall was 128 m. The length of the school hall was 38 m longer than the breadth. What was the area of the school hall?


Area = 663 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope that helps

18. Directions: Arrange the following information based on the specified bibliographic format. A. American Psychological Association (APA) (5 Points) 1. Author's Name - Brown, H.D 2. Year of Publication - 1994 3. Title of the Book - Principles of language learning and teaching (3'd ed.) 4. Place of Publication - Englewood Cliffs, NJ 5. Publisher - Prentice Hall Regents Bibliographie Entry:​

Brown, H.D. (1994). Principles of language learning and teaching (3'd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Prentice Hall Regents.

19. the exhibit hall has a length of 12 m and width of 10 m what is the area of the exhibit hall​


22 m

Step-by-step explanation:

sana makatulong mga kacheche

20. The exhibit hall has a length of 12m and width of 10m, what is the area of the exhibit hall?



Step-by-step explanation:




Not sure..

21. Directions: Arrange the following information based on the specified bibliographic format. A. American Psychological Association (APA) 1. Author's Name - Brown, HD 2. Year of Publication 1994 3. Title of the Book – Principles of language learning and reaching (ed.) 4. Place of Publication - Englewood Chitis. N 5. Publisher-Prentice Hall Regents Bibliographic Entry

Brown, HD. (1994). Principles of language learning and reaching (ed.). Englewood Chitis. N: Prentice Hall Regents.

22. Teoryang binuo ni Andrew Prentice Noong 1970


Teoryang Supersonic Turbulence


- Australian mathematician na si Andrew Prentice, ang nagpasabog sa mga kimpal ng gas upang mabuo ang planeta at buwan ay ang tinatawag na Teoryang Supersonic Turbulence.

- Ang teoryang ito ay nabuo noong 1970.

23. the ratio of the parents to the teachers to the pupils in the hall is 5:2:8. Forty pupils were in the hall. How many people were in the hall

ratio of parents to the teachers to the pupils
= 5:2:8

pupils = 40
parents = 25
teachers = 10

Total nr of people in the hall = 25 + 10 + 40
= 75

24. there is a hall whose lenght is five times the width.the area of the floor is 45m2 find the length and width of the hall​




Problem: Write the next four terms of an arithmetic sequence if the first term is 5 and the common difference is -7.

Solution: The next four terms of the first term in the sequence is a_2,a


, a_3,a


, a_4,a


, and a_5.a


. . Use the given and the formula to find these terms.

a_1 = 5a



d = \text-7d=-7

\begin{gathered} \begin{aligned} & \bold{Formula:} \\ & \boxed{a_n = a_1 + d(n - 1)} \end{aligned} \end{gathered}







» Find the second term (a_2)(a



a_2 = 5 + (\text-7)(2 - 1)a



a_2 = 5 + (\text-7)(1)a



a_2 = 5 - 7a



a_2 = \text-2a



» Find the third term (a_3)(a



a_3 = 5 + (\text-7)(3 - 1)a



a_3 = 5 + (\text-7)(2)a



a_3 = 5 - 14a



a_3 = \text-9a



» Find the fourth term (a_4)(a



a_4 = 5 + (\text-7)(4 - 1)a



a_4 = 5 + (\text-7)(3)a



a_4 = 5 - 21a



a_4 = \text-16a



» Find the fifth term (a_5)(a



a_5 = 5 + (\text-7)(5 - 1)a



a_5 = 5 + (\text-7)(4)a



a_5 = 5 - 28a



a_5 = \text-23a



\therefore∴ The next four terms of the arithmetic sequence are...

\large \underline{\boxed{\tt \purple{\text-2, \, \text-9, \, \text-16, and \, \text-23}}}





25. Mycroft is walking from Quezon Hall to Rizal Hall at a rate of 120 feet per minute. At the same time, Sherlock is walking from Rizal Hall to Quezon Hall at a rate of 180 feet per minute. If the distance between Rizal Hall and Quezon Hall is 13,500 feet, how long will it take for Mycroft to see Sherlock?​


112.5 minutes or 1hour and 52 minutes and 50 seconds

26. ⅜ of the pupils in an exhibition hall are boys and rest are girls.What fraction of the people in the hall are girls, if ⅔ of the people in the hall are adults?​


idont no sorry sorry

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

1 - 2/3 = 1/3

3/3 - 2/3 = 1/3

27. 12. What is the hall surrounding the headquartersof the Metropolitan Police Service in Englandlocated at New Scotland Yard?A. The Side Hall B. The Black HallC. The White Hall D. The Holy Hole​


C. The White Hall


The Metropolitan Police was formed by Robert Peel with the implementation of the Metropolitan Police Act, passed by Parliament in 1829. Peel, with the help of Eugène-François Vidocq, selected the original site on Whitehall Place for the new police headquarters.


lamat \huge\blue{salamat}salamat

28. at the graduation hall​

checkerboard flammability godforsaken diffusivities alpha kappa


The senior Students were wearing there graduation robe and they walk to the stage to get there diploma.


The cycle of school

29. Source: Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition 1 Directions: Rewrite the sentence by changing the voice of the verb from passive to active. Example: The clothes are washed by Nanny. (PASSIVE) Nanny washes the clothes. (ACTIVE) 1. The letter was sent by James, 2. The car is washed by Joe. 3. The doctor was called by someone. was watched by Lana. 5.The job will be done by Christopher. _​ plssss answer I need it.​


In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.

These examples show that the subject is doing the verb's action.

Because the subject does or "acts upon" the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.

Passive voice

One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.

30. Who make the In the hall of mountain king? What make the In the hall of mountain king famous?


Who make the In the hall of mountain king?

Edvard Grieg

What make the In the hall of mountain king famous?

In the Hall of the Mountain King comes from undoubtedly his most famous work - Peer Gynt, which was written in 1875 as background music to a famous play.Grieg took the best bits of his background music and made an orchestral suite which is very well known and made the Peer Gynt character recognisable around the world.



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